Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 699 New Power

Chapter 699 New Power
Chapter [-] New Power
Two thousand six hundred floors!
Lin Chen had already set foot on the [-]th floor. At this moment, even if he released two holy dragon spirits, he still felt very difficult.

It is no exaggeration to say that the difficulty of each step now is comparable to the hundreds of steps before!

Therefore, even Lin Chen had to slow down again.

Moreover, it is more and more difficult to absorb the Dao fruit in his hand, because at this moment, both the abundant energy and the perception of the Dao have reached an extreme.

At this moment, Lin Chen could choose to break into the Emperor Realm at any time, but it couldn't be considered so perfect.

What he wants is to completely refine this Dao fruit, and to understand the three thousand great ways, and step into the emperor's realm with an incomparable posture. for a solid foundation.

"Give me a fusion!"

Feeling ruthless in his heart, within Lin Chen's sea of ​​stars, among the star-studded visions spinning, in his body, the power of the stars and the power of the origin began to fuse crazily at this moment!
The power of the stars is a more advanced power than the power of the stars and the power of the stars, and it is also more inclusive. In this way, it can effectively relieve the abundant energy in Lin Chen's body that is about to explode.

At the same time, the divine power formula obtained from the demon sheep was also in operation at this moment, turning a large amount of primordial power into false divine power.

Moreover, the crazy Lin Chen actually began to try to merge the pseudo-divine power and the power of the star again!

In his body, there was an explosion. These two powerful forces obviously cannot coexist. As soon as they came into contact with each other, they collided violently and then exploded, causing Lin Chen to snort. Blood spilled.

But Lin Chen didn't believe in evil, and once again manipulated the fusion of the two powers, he felt that if the two powers could be combined into one, it might not be inferior to the divine power that only the strong in the divine way can possess!
This is enough to make him proud at the level of Emperor Realm!

Bang bang bang!
There was a bang, and Lin Chen's body also burst into bloody holes, and the blood flowed out, making his blue shirt stained with blood, but Lin Chen still didn't stop.

The blood was stained on the steps, which seemed a little shocking, and Bei Luo Zetian below was also very surprised to see this scene.

"Breakthrough to the Emperor Realm? No, what exactly is Lin Chen doing?"

Taking a deep breath, he found that he couldn't see through Lin Chen more and more. As he stepped forward, he stepped forward with difficulty. The strength in his body and the perception of the Dao were also close to saturation.

However, if he stepped into the Emperor Realm, he would definitely lose to Lin Chen, and he was not reconciled.

What's more, Bei Luo Zetian would not be reconciled to such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity if he couldn't take the opportunity to comprehend more Taoism.

Suddenly exerting force, the time and space around him seemed to have stopped at this moment, and the flow of time jumped rapidly, causing the space to twist continuously. This scene was extremely astonishing.

At this moment, Bei Luo Zetian's space-time domain could be turned into a small world at any time, allowing him to step into the emperor realm he had dreamed of, but he suppressed it forcefully and continued to comprehend it!
Following his actions, time and space became chaotic in that field, and the flow rate of thirty times time, which was originally stable, started to jump at an extremely fast speed at this moment, and finally reached fifty times!
"not enough!"

Bei Luo Zetian roared, and between the handprint changes, the space-time domain became even more distorted. It contained many great insights, all of which merged into the way of time and space at this moment, making the flow of time flow once again. changed.

sixty times.

seventy times.

eighty times.

Ninety times.

"Go on for me!"

Accompanied by Bei Luo Zetian's roar, at this moment, the flow of time around him finally skyrocketed, and finally reached a hundred times, which also made the momentum of his whole body reach a peak at this moment .

Taking a step forward, Bei Luo Zetian's speed increased sharply. With the increase of time flow, the speed at which he stepped on the steps also began to increase, and he chased towards Lin Chen.

At this moment, Lin Chen is still trying to fuse the power of the false god and the power of the star, and has already achieved some results. It can be seen that he did not use such brute force, but extracted a trace of the power of the star, combined with a trace of false power. The divine power blended together, slowly entangled and merged, looking for a way.

The two geniuses are using their own ways to strive for a more perfect posture to step into the emperor's realm.

I have to say that this is the real fight between dragons and tigers, and it is really wonderful.

"Tian Zong's talent, I didn't expect that two such geniuses would appear at the same time!" The spirit of Tiangong was also extremely shocked, whether it was Bei Luo Zetian's time and space domain, or Lin Chen's star element pseudo-divine power fusion, they were all shocked. To his complete astonishment.

"The power of the star and the power of the pseudo-divine have been possessed by people since ancient times, but there are only a handful of people who have both at the same time. I have never seen one that can be fused." The spirit of Tiangong murmured, looking Xiang Lin Chen's gaze was full of anticipation.

"Perhaps, he can really succeed..."

Feeling a strange aura slowly flowing from Lin Chen, the breathing of the spirit of the Heavenly Palace also became a little heavy.

"It's done!"

Lin Chen was extremely excited. He discovered that the two originally incompatible forces were slowly coming together at this moment and blending with each other. In the end, they forcibly transformed into a new, more powerful secret. Shen Zijin Power!

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but at this moment, it has already begun, and the next thing will be much smoother.

The power of star energy and pseudo-divine power billowing in Lin Chen's body began to fuse crazily at this moment, causing his whole body's aura to soar again, and the terrifying power nearly cracked the steps under his feet.

And with this fusion, in Lin Chen's body, the power that was already fully saturated once again appeared vacant, allowing him to continue to endure the refinement of Dao Fruit.

Moreover, this brand-new force seemed to contain the truth of heaven and earth, which gave Lin Chen many insights, and also made many Taoisms in his world domain begin to merge at this moment.

The world is all-encompassing!

At this moment, within Lin Chen's world domain, it really began to fill up, and the worldly way was contained in it, which also made this world more complete and transformed towards perfection.

Breaking into the emperor's realm with the true meaning of the world, the world would seem a bit empty, but at this moment, the avenue ladder seemed to be tailor-made for Lin Chen, and many avenues filled his world, making this The world became more and more real.

And when Lin Chen stepped through the steps and realized the Three Thousand Ways, it was when he broke into the Emperor Realm!

(End of this chapter)

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