Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 701 Nine-Colored Sky Disk

Chapter 701
Chapter [-]: Nine-Colored Sky Plate
Break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly, and step into the realm of the emperor!
At this moment, Lin Chen has finally stepped into the imperial realm he had dreamed of, and he still has such a perfect posture, which will also make his future path to the divine way extremely smooth.

Three thousand avenues, all in one realm!
It can be said that Lin Chen's world at this moment is the real world, no matter if it is a plant, an animal, or a warrior, everyone can live in it!

And this point, even if it is as strong as Shinto, it may not be able to do it.

If a world is to be able to accommodate warriors to survive, then the Tao in it must be perfect, and now, Lin Chen has achieved this step.

At this moment, the powerful aura appeared in a scattered state, spreading out from the center of Shenyuan Castle, making the entire Yuntou Heavenly Palace tremble.

At the same time, with the completion of Lin Chen's comprehension, the steps below also inevitably collapsed at this moment.

Because all the powers of Taoism have been gathered into Lin Chen's world just now, so how can it continue to be maintained?
This kind of inheritance can only be obtained by one person.

At this moment, Lin Chen took the lead to climb to the top, which means that Beiluo Zetian has suffered a complete defeat, and he must end his comprehension at this moment and set foot on the emperor's realm.

"Ah, I'm not reconciled!"

Bei Luo Zetian realized that he could no longer feel the slightest dao, and his whole body was about to go crazy. He knew very well how rare such an opportunity was, even in that vast world, it was probably extremely rare.

But now, this opportunity just passed him by.

Even if he got some benefits, compared with Lin Chen, it can be ignored.

Dao cocoon becomes a butterfly, perfectly breaking into the emperor's realm, this is what Bei Luo Zetian wants!
Boom boom boom!
At this time, no matter how unwilling Bei Luo Zetian was, with the collapse of the avenue steps, he could no longer suppress the strength that had already reached the limit, so he had to choose to break into the emperor's realm at this moment.

The same powerful aura spread, and the emperor realm, which is unreachable in the eyes of ordinary people, was like a stroll in the garden in Beiluo Zetian, and the breakthrough was completed in an instant.

However, his complexion was still ugly, because he understood that even if they were all in the imperial realm, if there was a real fight, it would be a question of how many moves he could take from Lin Chen.

In the early stage of cultivation, the realm is relatively low. To be honest, the gap cannot be widened too much, but later on, according to the strength of one's perception of the Dao, one has already divided it into three, six, and nine grades.

The true meaning of time and space is also a very strong true meaning, but it is difficult to achieve perfection. In terms of inclusiveness, suffocation cannot be compared with the true meaning of the world. This kind of all-encompassing characteristic is what makes Lin Chen break through perfectly the key to.

Looking at Bei Luo Zetian below, Lin Chen also sighed.

This time, after all, he, Lin Chen, was slightly better!

However, Lin Chen didn't feel much joy in his heart, instead he became more worried.

After stepping on the steps, it is time to seize the source of the god of origin.

This also means that the scene in the Sky Watching Treasure Box is getting closer and closer.

Looking at Mei Wuer below, Lin Chen frowned tightly. He saw that Mei Wuer's body surface already had streaks of emerald green brilliance surging out. Buzzing and trembling, a ray of light escaped, faintly communicating with somewhere above the sky.

In the next moment, all the tokens radiated light together, producing nine pillars of light of different colors, which shot up into the sky, and also caused a nine-colored sky disk to break through the clouds and mist while slowly rotating. , appeared in this small thousand world.

"what is that?!"

"My God, what happened in the Yuntou Heavenly Palace?"

"The nine-color brilliance is the nine keepsakes. It seems that Lin Chen should have reached the last step..."

Surprised voices resounded in every corner of this small thousand world. Everyone was staring at the nine-colored sky disk at this moment, their eyes filled with indescribable shock.

Such a scene has never been seen before!

It's hard to imagine what Lin Chen did to cause such a scene.

At this moment in the Yuntou Heavenly Palace, Mei Wuer was surprised to find that the charming heart that had been refined by her had been out of control again at this moment. The force seemed to be endless and could not be suppressed at all. Her body rushed up to the sky, and she actually wanted to go straight to the nine-colored sky at this moment!


Lin Chen was about to burst into tears, how could he allow this scene to happen, he immediately mobilized all his strength, and came to Mei Wuer, the small world enveloped her in it, and tried his best to suppress that charming heart.

"Wu'er, can you take out the heart of charm?"

Lin Chen gritted his teeth and said.

When Mei Wuer heard the words, she shook her head slowly.

"The Charming Heart has long been fused with me and has become one body. Every inch of my flesh and blood, within the martial soul, is the power of the Charming Heart. If you want to take out the Charming Heart, unless... I die."

With a shock all over his body, Lin Chen's body trembled.

But at this moment, in Mei Wuer's body, the charming heart was bursting with light, and at the same time as it was about to rush out, it actually began to absorb Mei Wuer's life force again, making the girl in front of her look like a naked eye. Visible speed, there has been aging.

"Suppress me!"

Lin Chen roared, and the butterfly of the Great Dao in the small world waved its wings, mobilized all its strength, and suppressed that charming heart, and finally eased the violent fluctuation, Mei Wuer His complexion also recovered a little.

"With me here today, no one will touch you!"

Lin Chen waved his hand and took out the Senluo Demon Halberd, and looked at the huge nine-colored disk above the sky.

At this moment, he wasn't too panicked in his heart, because he found that the scene here was not what it was in the picture at all. Moreover, he was holding the magic halberd, and the Dragon Emperor Sword was still at Bei Luo Zetian, no matter what No matter what, the scene where he assassinated Mei Wuer with a sword would never happen.

Moreover, at the moment when he breaks into the Emperor Realm, he feels that he is stronger than ever before. Even the Nine-Colored Heavenly Disk is not necessarily so powerful. If he can't suppress this charming heart today, he will go and kill the Nine-colored Heavenly Disk Pan, even if you don't want the source of the beginning god, you must not let Mei Wuer suffer any harm.

Having made up his mind, Lin Chen felt a sense of killing. In the whole world, with the fluttering of the butterfly's wings, a murderous intent surged up into the sky and enveloped the nine-colored butterfly. The sky is gone.

At this moment, everything is silent between heaven and earth!
(End of this chapter)

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