Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 721 Origin

Chapter 721 Origin
Chapter 720 Origin

Lin Chen quietly breathed a sigh of relief, unexpectedly, this time, he really bluffed this person.

If he discovers any clues, it may be difficult for him to get out of this miniature universe today.

But at this moment, the strong Motian tribe obviously regarded Lin Chen as a descendant of the so-called descendant of His Majesty Motian, and wanted to give himself a chance, which was something he hadn't expected.

It seems that today not only made Jielong Wuhun more powerful, but also made his own cultivation a step further through this Motian clan powerhouse.

Lin Chen looked at the miniature universe that was revolving suddenly at this moment, and felt an almost incomprehensible flow of truth, which eventually made the universe more and more dilapidated, and above it, turned into a deep blue ancient seal !

"The ancient seal of Motian is the most powerful supernatural power of our Motian clan. Since you are the descendant of His Majesty Motian, you should have obtained this supernatural power. I believe that the existence who entrusted his martial soul to you must have Deep meaning, even if you are a human being, with the existence of this martial spirit, you have an inseparable connection with our Motian clan."

Such words are very domineering, as if no matter who they are, as long as they have the imprint of the Motian clan, they have become members of the Motian clan.

Although Lin Chen was unhappy, he didn't dare to reveal the slightest clue.

He looked at the ancient seal above the sky, and his face was filled with astonishment.

This imprinting method seems simple, but it contains the truth of the great way. It is a powerful supernatural power that can only be displayed by the strong of the Shinto level.

"The Motian ancient seal, combined with the Motian dragon pattern, can exert [-]% of its power. However, it can only be displayed when it has reached the realm of the divine way. You must keep in mind."

As the voice gradually fell, the miniature universe stopped spinning and began to collapse irreversibly. At the same time, the strong man of the Ferris Clan gradually faded away, and finally disappeared completely.

At the same time, the dark blue ancient seal above the sky slowly landed on Lin Chen's palm, turning into a huge and obscure message, which was accepted by him.


Letting out a long breath, Lin Chen secretly said that it was dangerous, but he still had lingering fears in his heart.

This time, if he hadn't reacted in time, he might have died here already.

Moreover, it was because this Motian clan powerhouse didn't think too much, and he was eager to pass on such power, which made Lin Chen cheaper.

However, immediately after, there was excitement in Lin Chen's eyes.

Although this time was extremely dangerous, it also gained great benefits. Although the ancient seal of Motian could not be used yet, the lines imprinted on his dragon-robbing martial soul made his strength increase by more than several times !
It is conceivable that if Lin Chen fully mobilized these lines, what a terrifying force would erupt.

"As expected of an ethnic group that can destroy alien species, it really is unfathomable!"

Lin Chen took a deep look at the miniature universe that was about to collapse, then turned around, left here, and continued towards the East Pole Continent.

The next journey will be without any surprises.

Lin Chen successfully came to the East Pole Continent. Immediately, this continent also conveyed a very friendly atmosphere. For Lin Chen, who has been recognized by the mainland, this East Pole Continent is his second world. !

When he set foot in the Holy Land with the East Pole Continent as the Holy Land, it was destined that Lin Chen's foundation would be extremely powerful. Even if one day his small world was shattered, he would still be able to rely on this piece of East Pole. The mainland is making a comeback.

Scanning the entire continent with his divine sense, Lin Chen found that the continent hadn't suffered any damage. Obviously, the alien species didn't target these innocent people.

Without delay, Lin Chen immediately headed out of the mainland, and following his own memory, he came to the place where he hunted and killed the original spirit.

From a long distance away, Lin Chen could feel, in the boundless darkness, from an extremely distant place, a powerful aura as vast as the sea faintly came.

Alien race group, the Golden Dragon God Emperor!
This is an existence that can be called the emperor even among the strong in the divine way. In comparison, Lin Chen's emperor status seems too weak.

Regarding the Golden Dragon God Emperor, Lin Chen has always been unable to see clearly whether he is an enemy or a friend. Moreover, the words of the Golden Dragon God Emperor are very watery. Lin Chen came here this time just to ask what happened.

Naturally, he also sensed Lin Chen's arrival. The huge body of the Golden Dragon God Emperor lay in the boundless darkness, and a pair of huge golden dragon eyes also opened at this moment, looking at Lin Chen.

"You came here even faster than I imagined, and it seems that you have undergone a huge change, hehe, I really didn't misread you."

The voice of the Golden Dragon God Emperor resounded in the darkness, making Lin Chen feel as shocked as Hong Zhong Dalu.

Soon, Lin Chen came back to his senses and looked at the Golden Dragon God Emperor.

"What the senior said last time, there was a lot of concealment. I came here this time to ask the truth."

Lin Chen asked straight to the point.

Hearing this, the Golden Dragon God Emperor slowly opened his mouth: "It seems that you already know a lot of things, but the cultivation level of the Emperor Realm is still not enough, anyway, in this world, besides you, I really only find There will be no second person, if I was hesitant last time, then now, I've decided to be you."

Hearing this, Lin Chen was slightly taken aback, wondering what kind of medicine this guy was selling in the gourd.

But then, the Golden Dragon God Emperor continued to speak, and what he said made Lin Chen really understand the whole story.

It also made him once again feel an extremely strong shock from the bottom of his heart.

"The Great Thousand World, as well as the many small Thousand Worlds and low-level continents under the Great Thousand World, are just a speck of dust in the vast universe. The universe is vast and endless, giving birth to countless worlds. The strong, even the divine way, are far from the end of the practice!"

Although Lin Chen knew about these things, but now that the Golden Dragon God Emperor said it again, Lin Chen still took a deep breath.

"And our alien race is a small race in the vast universe, living in a remote star field, the environment is very harsh, but it is close to a source of chaos!"

The source of chaos!

With the improvement of Lin Chen's strength, he also realized more and more deeply that the so-called power of chaos may only be able to control such power when he reaches the level of Shishen.

And just by listening to the name, one can imagine how powerful this source of chaos will be!

How can a group of alien races be mediocre if they can rely on the source of chaos to survive? The words of the Golden Dragon God Emperor are obviously self-effacing.

"One day, a strong member of our family wandered through the source of chaos by chance. In an ancient ruin, he got a tear of chaos!"

Tears of Chaos!

Lin Chen's heart was shocked again, he understood that this tear of chaos was in his hands at this moment.

"Hehe, I can feel that the tears of chaos are on your body. It seems that the people of my clan have finally made up their minds to abandon this thing. Too many people have died to protect it. If we could give up earlier, we would not have the tragic scene of being displaced like today."

There was a strong sense of exhaustion in the voice of the Golden Dragon God Emperor.

Obviously, he regretted why he didn't give up this tear of chaos.

But now, it's too late to say anything.

"This thing is unknown, and for my alien race, there is no way to refine it. Perhaps, our race is not recognized by chaos by nature, so we can't get the power in it."

"Of course, just one tear of chaos is not enough to cause our catastrophe. More importantly, this tear of chaos seems to contain a drop of ancient god and devil essence, which can make the life level of the warrior, There is a leap, which is a major event that can affect a race, and it naturally triggers the all-out struggle of the Skyscrapers!"

"The Motian tribe is already strong and has almost dominated this star field. We don't want to hand over the tears of chaos, so we were killed here directly from the old lair. There are countless casualties. The people of different races who survive today are all from the past. Countless ancestors have exchanged their lives for the continuation!"

Although the words were simple, Lin Chen could still see the cruelty of the fierce battle and the blood-stained starry sky through these few short words.

Cultivation is to fight against people, against the earth, against the sky!
In this process, if there is a slight carelessness, all previous efforts will be wasted, and even death without a whole body.

In order to compete for a treasure, as small as a family, a continent, or as large as a world, a race will become extinct.

The alien species in front of him is a bloody example.

"Next, our family finally fled to this world, but this world did not accept us and was not suitable for us to survive. Moreover, we were treated as aliens and were attacked. As the only remaining God Emperor level strong Or, I fought fiercely with the Equaling God of War in the Great Thousand World to the outer sky, and both sides suffered losses."

"The next thing, I hope you are mentally prepared..."

Having said that, the Golden Dragon God Emperor stopped and looked deeply at Lin Chen.

And Lin Chen also shuddered all over, with a faint premonition.

Sighing, the Golden Dragon God Emperor continued to speak.

"We fought to the point where we were almost destroyed. At this time, there was a chasing soldier from the Motian clan. We worked together to kill him. Only then did he know the whole story."

"And judging from the powerful aggressiveness of the Motian clan, they discovered the Great Thousand World, and they would definitely not let this place go, but at that time, the wound of the Monkey King was irreparable, and he was doomed to die. As a last resort, he and I An alliance has been reached, and we plan to cultivate a successor who can deal with the successor of the Motian clan."

Obviously, this heir is Lin Chen!

It turns out that my own existence has been arranged in this way from the very beginning, and my martial spirit and visions are all arranged by others!

For a moment, Lin Chen had mixed feelings.

"Your Jielong Wuhun was obtained from a member of the Motian clan. He is a descendant of His Majesty Motian from the Motian clan. He has the strongest bloodline of the Motian clan. We took it out and added my dragon soul." , turned into two dragon souls, which were cultivated in the original land of the East Pole Continent, and later, they became your martial souls."

"What is the origin of the Senluo Demon Tablet, the Heaven-watching Treasure Box, and the Taihao Scripture?" Lin Chen asked.

Hearing the words, the Golden Dragon God Emperor slowly shook his head.

"The Senluo Demon Tablet comes from a more distant world, and the same is true for the Tianguan Treasure Box. I don't know, and the Taihao Jing is a kind of supreme scripture of the Motian Clan. Back then, the people of the Motian Clan were the The Huai Tai Hao Sutra, but the Sanskrit script of the Dao was broken up by us and turned into three, one of which was with Jielong Wuhun, and the other two were lost. It is you who can be gathered today by you. chance."

Lin Chen remained silent for a long time, feeling even more shocked.

"So, why did you lie to me last time?"

"Last time... To be honest, I originally planned to take it from you, so I lied to you, but I found out later that my time is running out, and you still have Jielong on you." The power of the Martial Soul, that is the power of the Motian clan, it is our clan's nemesis, and it is impossible for me to take it away."

"Also, Yunmu Tiangong!"

The Cloud Tomb Heavenly Palace and the giant demon under the Heavenly Palace are undoubtedly a huge mystery.

"Hehe, Tiangong also experienced a long period of time and came to your world from the vast universe. Speaking of which, the Lord of Tiangong has some connections with the Equaling God of War, so he stayed here. Here, inherit the source of the beginning god to protect this world, it seems that you have already obtained the source of the beginning god, as long as the refining is completed, you will definitely be able to break into the divine way."

The Golden Dragon God Emperor looked at Lin Chen, and he seemed to see endless possibilities in this young man.

"In this case, I will help you for a while, help you break into the divine way!"

Speaking of this, the Golden Dragon God Emperor's whole body suddenly burst into golden light, and above each scale, there was a mighty force flowing, turning into a rich golden light, covering Lin Chen's body.

Lin Chen was still digesting the huge message, but in an instant, he felt the incomparably pure golden energy surging into his body, causing his small world to emerge instantly.

The butterfly of the avenue flapped its wings and began to absorb crazily.

At the same time, the source of the primordial god also emerged spontaneously at this moment, and Lin Chen took advantage of the opportunity to start refining, which also made the darkness return to silence again, as if there was no time to flow.

The Golden Dragon God Emperor looked at Lin Chen, once again overdrawn his life, and used his methods, which also caused a huge change in the flow of time here. If Bei Luozetian was here, he would be speechless in surprise.

Because, at this moment, the speed of time here has reached a thousand times.

In other words, Lin Chen has practiced for thousands of years, but here is only one year!

(End of this chapter)

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