Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 723 Dragon God Halberd

Chapter 723 Dragon God Halberd

Chapter 720 The Fourth Dragon God Halberd

In the silent darkness, there were loud ripping noises from time to time. Lin Chen tore with all his strength, and every time the huge body of the Golden Dragon God Emperor was torn apart, finally revealing the hidden body hidden under the golden flesh and blood. Bright golden keel.

The golden blood splattered, and each drop contained extremely powerful power. Even if a strong man in the holy realm wanted to refine it, he would be exploded to death.

Lin Chen carefully collected all the golden blood.

You know, the Golden Dragon God Emperor is full of treasures, and he is dead now. Since he doesn't mind Lin Chen pulling out the keel, Lin Chen naturally wants to maximize the use of this resource.

Having collected tens of thousands of drops of divine dragon blood, Lin Chen collected the flesh and blood of the Golden Dragon God Emperor, as well as the pieces of golden dragon scales, which are rare treasures that cannot be found.

Finally, after ten full days, only a keel stretching thousands of miles remained of this huge corpse.

Looking at the crystal clear golden keel, Lin Chen was shocked.

This species born from the source of chaos is indeed mysterious. Although its cultivation aptitude is not as good as that of the human race, the strength of this body is really unique.

With a swipe of the palm, streaks of purple-gold divine power surged within Lin Chen's body.

As he broke into the divine way, his power has naturally transformed into divine power.

It's just that, compared with the ordinary divine way, his divine power is undoubtedly much stronger, and it turns into a pure purple-gold color, giving people an unimaginable shock.

Once the Zijin divine power appeared, it turned into a Zijin flame, and under Lin Chen's control, it wrapped the keel.

chi chi...

Lin Chen sat cross-legged in the air, and as time went by, the keel gradually began to melt. From the original brilliant gold, it began to transform into a dull purple gold, and its volume continued to shrink.

During this process, a large amount of ashes appeared, which were carefully collected by Lin Chen.

These things, if he has the opportunity in the future, he must go to the home of the alien species and bury them with his own hands. After all, this is what he promised the Golden Dragon God Emperor.

As Lin Chen forged it slowly, the shape of the keel began to change to that of a giant halberd. Obviously, he wanted to refine a halberd again.

At the same time, during the period of Lin Chen's absence, while everyone in Xiaoqian World was cultivating, a major event finally happened.

At the beginning, in the Yunmu Tiangong, there were many entrances to low-level continents, but later, with the collapse of the Yunmu Tiangong, these entrances did not disappear.

More and more people go to other low-level continents to hunt for treasures, and they have gained a lot. Moreover, on some low-level continents, there are a large number of strong people who have already formed alliances with the small thousand world, making the power of the small thousand world , became stronger and stronger.

It is worth mentioning that, during this period of time, the mining of the continent that was rich in Yuanjing has also come to an end.

The entire continent is riddled with holes, and almost all the crystals have been mined. Deep in the ground, there are countless mines, and there are a large number of miners who are collecting the crystals.

The mining at this time has penetrated into the center of the continent, the deepest part of the ground, and here, an astonishing change has finally occurred.

Suddenly one day, a terrified cry came from the depths of the mine, and then, an extremely evil force surged out, turned into a billowing black air current, rolled out, and swept towards this continent .

All the people who were still on the mainland were instantly eroded by the black air. Black scales grew all over their bodies, their teeth became longer, and they would attack people when they saw them, which was very strange.

Soon, these people came to Xiaoqian World and carried out massacres. Even the strong in the holy realm were attacked and suffered casualties.

Although the Sacred Dragon Alliance has sent strong men to encircle and suppress these guys, but after undergoing a mutation, their combat effectiveness is extremely strong, and their lives are even more tenacious, so it is difficult to kill them completely.

Even the Sacred Dragon Alliance lost a lot of strong people. Finally, this incident aroused the fury of the high-level people. The existences as strong as the devil sheep personally took action and killed many monsters.

Afterwards, the Demon Sheep, the Demon Emperor, Mo Fan, and the King of Alien Species all went out to that low-level continent to see what happened.

However, this time, there is no news!

For a moment, the entire Little Thousand World was panicked, and the monsters that had been suppressed before became even more rampant, turning into a disaster and sweeping across the entire Little Thousand World.

"Damn it, what are these things?!" Zuo Lao looked ugly. In front of him was the corpse of a monster, which was obviously transformed by a human warrior.

And this warrior, who was only the strength of a king before his death, but after being eroded by this evil force, he also beheaded a lot of strong people in the holy realm, causing huge losses to Xiaoqian world.

"This power definitely doesn't belong to this world, it comes from a race in the universe!" Elder Su said.

The alien king could not recognize this thing before, which proves that this power should come from a more distant universe.

"Why hasn't Lin Chen come back? He won't have encountered this kind of monster too!" someone asked.

At this time, in everyone's mind, Lin Chen was an omnipotent god. When encountering such a thing, the first thing that came to mind was Lin Chen.

However, no one knew why Lin Chen hadn't returned. It seemed that it had been almost four years, and Lin Chen couldn't be contacted at all. There were also some rumors in Xiaoqian World that Lin Chen was dead.

"This kind of thing, probably only Lin Chen can do it..."

Everyone was helpless and could only anxiously wait for Lin Chen's return, otherwise, even if the Motian clan didn't come, Xiaoqian World would definitely be destroyed.

Besides, on Lin Chen's side, such forging lasted for nearly a year, and finally came to an end.

Under the purple-golden flame, there is a crystal-clear purple-gold giant halberd, exuding an astonishing aura. Although its appearance is almost the same as that of the Senluo Demon Halberd, Lin Chen understands that if the two weapons collide, the Senluo Demonic Halberd may be very dangerous. The Luo Demon Halberd would shatter in just one encounter.

"Since it is made from the keel of the Golden Dragon God Emperor, this halberd can be called the Dragon God's Halberd!"

Lin Chen held the Dragon God's Halberd, and couldn't put it down.

"Considering the time, it's time to go back. I don't know what's going on in Xiaoqian World." Lin Chen said, holding the Dragon God Halberd, and left here, quickly heading towards Xiaoqian World.

And as he approached, he also suddenly felt that something unexpected happened in Xiaoqian World!

Frowning tightly, Lin Chen speeded up and headed towards Xiaoqian World.

(End of this chapter)

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