Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 725 Shinto forest dust!

Chapter 725 Shinto forest dust!

Chapter 720 The Sixth Shinto Lin Chen!
Boom boom boom!
The world-destroying fluctuations swept across, and could be felt even outside the Xiaoqian world.

At this moment, Lin Chen, who was flying towards Xiaoqian World, naturally sensed such fluctuations, his heart sank, and he accelerated his speed even more.

Above the sky, the figure of the giant demon couldn't help retreating, and blood spurted out of his mouth, and his aura weakened. On the other hand, the demon who killed the tribe became more and more courageous, and his black arrogance rose into the sky, as if to destroy the world. The gods and demons are general.

"Hahaha, that's great, I ate your flesh and blood today, not only can I fully recover from my injuries, but I can also take a big step forward!"

Looking at the giant's body, the Mosha people's eyes were full of murderous intent and greed, and they even licked their lips. Their appearance was very disgusting.

The giant's heart sank. He didn't expect that this guy hid in a hidden low-level continent to heal his wounds, and he recovered almost. This demon-killing clan is known for its tenacious vitality, and its attacks are also very strange, and it can ignore time and space. The suppression of is an extremely powerful race.

Now, in the face of this Demon Killing Clan, Ju Mo really felt powerless.

If this guy sucks his own flesh and blood again, it will be another catastrophe, not only the small thousand world will be wiped out, even the great thousand world will have a catastrophe.

"Hold your hands and wait for death!"

The Mosha clansman laughed wildly, and he was sure of winning. He attacked the giant mongoose madly, causing the giant mongoose to spray blood all over its body.

And those blood spilled, but he took over directly with the black mist, and drank it in one gulp, causing a dazzling blood to glow all over his body.

And as he absorbed the blood of the giant demon, the momentum of this guy's whole body also increased steadily, becoming stronger.

This scene made everyone feel desperate.

"Where did Lin Chen go?"

"Yeah, at a time like this, Lin Chen should come out and kill this person!"

"Even if Lin Chen appears, he may not be his opponent!"

There was a burst of debate. At this time, even the giant is no match. Everyone can only place their hopes on Lin Chen. Can this guy who has created miracles countless times save everyone again this time?
"Who is Lin Chen? It seems that you are looking forward to his appearance very much!" The Mosha people were also a little surprised, they showed such a strong performance, these humble human races are still looking forward to Lin Chen's appearance.

Then, there is only one explanation, that is, this Lin Chen is very strong, maybe he can rival him.

His heart sank, the Mosha people were always cautious, he didn't want any accidents to happen, so he acted immediately, just to kill the giant demon and refine its flesh and blood to strengthen himself.

And the giant is naturally aware of this person's intentions, so how can he let him do what he wants.

In just one thought, blazing flames had already appeared on the giant's body!

This is the fire of life of the giant demon, and what it burns is exactly his strength and flesh and blood!
Even if it is burned, it cannot be swallowed by this guy!

"You lunatic, in this way, it is impossible for you to be resurrected from the long river of time!" The Mosha clansmen did not expect that the giant man would be so decisive and give up his life.

"It's better than being swallowed by a dirty guy like you!"

While shouting angrily, the giant slammed into the Mosha clansman with the fire of life. Such an attack was inevitable, completely blocking him!

"Crazy, that guy Tianxuan's subordinates are all crazy!"

The Mosha people cursed and wanted to retreat, but there was no way to retreat!

At this moment, he felt a little regretful, he didn't expect this giant to be so ruthless!

You must know that the existence of their level of cultivation can be resurrected from the long river of time by the powerful god emperor. Even if this giant is dead, there is a chance to be resurrected in the future, but now, once he burns All the soul, flesh and blood, even if they have the means to reach the sky, can't be resurrected.

If it were this Demon Killer, he would definitely not be so extreme.

At this moment, the entire Xiaoqian world was riddled with holes, and a huge hole had been split from the center, like an abyss, and the sky was distorted to the extreme, and it was extremely chaotic.

The giant demon's whole body was covered in raging flames, sweeping away, this scene was extremely gorgeous.

This is the blooming that the giant will use the last strength in his life to complete!
This kind of determination is really too rare.

There was a sharp scream from the mouth, and the Demon Killers resisted with all their strength, but they were finally hit by this terrifying blow, their figures flew upside down, shattered in the air, and turned into a puff of black mist. glowing with flames.

The next moment, the mist suddenly condensed together and turned into the body of the Mosha clansman again, but the arrogance was much weaker than before.

"Unfortunately, I couldn't kill you..."

There was regret in the words of the giant, he was too old, even if he burned everything, he could not kill this guy after all.

But at this moment, Ju Ni had no more power left, his figure began to gradually disintegrate and dissipate, and was about to completely disappear in this piece of heaven and earth.

It's just that Ju Mo doesn't regret it, and if he has another chance, he will definitely choose this way again.

"Ahhh, damn it, I spent countless years to restore these powers, and today it was completely destroyed. I want to kill everyone in this small world, everyone!"

The Mosha clansmen roared angrily, the injuries he had recovered from for a long time, after this battle, turned out to be more serious, this is something he absolutely cannot accept.

Such a roar spread throughout the entire Xiaoqian world, making everyone feel desperate at this moment.

Even if the Demon Killer is seriously injured at this moment, it is still not something Wang Shaowei and his like can match. It is conceivable that everyone will die here today.

However, at this moment, above the sky, there seemed to be an extremely powerful aura surging out. Immediately afterwards, a giant halberd burning with glazed purple and gold colored flames fell from the sky, carrying an incomparable With his majesty, he shot straight at the Mosha clansman.

Then, a figure in a green shirt who seemed to be standing upright forever flew towards him at an extremely fast speed. With his appearance, this world seemed to be completely frozen at this moment, and an aura that was completely beyond the realm of the emperor swept across. Come, the whole Little Thousand World trembled at this moment.


This is the power of Shinto!
Pupils shrank suddenly, looking at the flying giant halberd, the Mosha clansman sensed the deadly threat, looking at that powerful and unparalleled figure in the green shirt, his heart sank slowly.

Seeing Xiaoqianshijie suddenly fell silent, and then erupted with countless cheers, this person finally understood that it was Lin Chen who had come.

(End of this chapter)

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