Chapter 730

Chapter 730
If you want to do it, you have to do your best.

On the wide sea surface, Lin Chen was full of excitement and flew forward. His high spirits made Zhan Sanjin admire him very much. Along the way, Zhan Sanjin really acted like a cow and a horse, serving Lin Chen obediently.

Immediately, Lin Chen also liked this cheap slave a little bit.

It's cool to be offered by someone as an uncle!

"Master, there is another day's journey ahead, but there are pirates around here, we must be careful." Zhan Sanjin said.


Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, it seems that Dongsheng Shenzhou is not so peaceful.

"What is the strength of a pirate?" Lin Chen asked.

"Returning to the master, there are two groups of pirates here, one group is called Sea God Palace, there is a False God Realm Dzogchen sitting in the town, and there are two False God Realm masters, the other group is called Nie Haizhong, there are also The Great Consummation of the False God Realm, and the Great Achievement of the False God Realm, there are three of them."

Hearing Zhan Sanjin's answer, Lin Chen's heart sank.

This pirate is obviously stronger than the two of them. Even if Lin Chen can deal with one False God Realm master, the two of them can only deal with two False God Realm masters.

Once the False God Realm Dzogchen makes a move, there is no need to fight.

"Generally speaking, if we pay some money, we can pass. Nothing will happen. What's more, as long as the master reveals your identity as Situ Shenchao, no one will dare to make mistakes. Instead... you will be regarded as a Honorable guest!" Speaking of this, Zhan Sanjin's eyes flickered.

Lin Chen immediately understood, it seems that these pirates should also be the forces of Situ Shenchao.

This Situ Shenchao is really good.

Nodding his head, Lin Chen said, "Don't reveal my identity for the time being. If you encounter pirates, give them some money!"

Just kidding, Lin Chen doesn't have any identity.

Being a perfect emperor may be able to scare Zhan Sanjin, but it is nothing to the vicious pirates.

It's not that Lin Chen has never met people who like to obliterate geniuses, and they are not in the minority.

The two continued to move forward. Sure enough, in less than half a day, a huge ship appeared on the sea ahead. On the ship, there was a huge pirate logo. There is no doubt that this It's a pirate ship.

"This is... a member of the Nie Haizhong!"

Zhan Sanjin said.

When Lin Chen heard this, his eyes narrowed. These evil sea people are stronger than the people in the Sea God Palace, but they don't know how powerful the people on this ship are at the moment.

"The people in front, the old rules, one person is [-] Divine Crystals, if it's not enough, use your fingers, one finger is worth [-] Divine Crystals." A lazy voice came from above the ship.

"It's so crazy." Lin Chen snorted coldly, he didn't expect these pirates to be so arrogant.

"Master... there are not many crystals here, only enough for one person, I don't know you..." Zhan Sanjin said with a look of embarrassment.

To cultivate in the Great Thousand World, one does not rely on Yuan Jing, but the Divine Crystal, which contains pure divine power and is the universal currency of the Great Thousand World.

Zhan Sanjin originally had a lot of divine crystals, but after being expelled from Situ Shenchao for so long, his divine crystals have almost been consumed, and now there are only a little over [-] remaining, and it is true that only one person can pass through.

"I didn't bring many divine crystals with me when I went out to practice," Lin Chen said.

It's not that he didn't bring much, he didn't have any at all!

Hearing this, for the first time, doubts appeared in Zhan Sanjin's eyes.

In the realm of the divine way, one cannot practice without the divine crystal. How could this Situ Lingfeng not bring the divine crystal?
This is like a person crossing the desert without water, he couldn't help but wonder.

However, Zhan Sanjin didn't dare to ask anything, just gritted his teeth, took out a ring, and handed it to Lin Chen.

"Master, this is ten thousand divine crystals. Let you pass through here, and the villain will accept the punishment of severed fingers!"

Seeing Zhan Sanjin like this, Lin Chen raised his brows. Unexpectedly, this guy is not bad. He gave him the only god crystal, and he was going to accept the punishment of severed fingers.

Although the current level of cultivation can grow back even if the arm is broken, these pirates will not make you too comfortable. They will chop up the whole finger little by little and torture them slowly.

And those who don't have a single divine crystal will slowly endure the torture of having all ten fingers cut into minced meat!

It has to be said that these pirates are really insane.

Seeing that Lin Chen took the Shenjing without saying anything, Zhan Sanjin put on a bitter face, and was going to go to the pirate ship to be tortured.

However, when Lin Chen saw this, he finally spoke.

"Forget it, since you followed me, how could you suffer such grievances? I want to see today, what kind of abilities do these evil sea people have, and dare to be so rampant." Lin Chen said, his whole body has raised a war meaning.

This was his first battle in the Great Thousand World. If he just surrendered like this, he would be too useless, and it would even affect his future practice.

A long time ago, Lin Chen decided that he wanted to walk an invincible path and cultivate himself, so giving in at this time would have a big impact on him.

Well, there is only war!

Lin Chen walked all the way, what kind of opponent he has never seen before, how can he be frightened by a few little pirates at this time?
With a swipe of the palm of his hand, a dragon god halberd glowing with purple and gold flames was already in his hand. Lin Chen took a step in the air, and he had already arrived in front of the pirate ship. He was enveloped by the aura of a strong man of the divine way, staring at the deck, and walked leisurely. figure.

"Hehe, no one has wanted to break in for a long time. I didn't expect to meet a stunned young man today. Ah Jia, you go and kill him!" The man glanced at Lin Chen, sneered, and waved a strong man behind him. The hunter has already flew out and rushed towards Lin Chen.

Looking at its fluctuations, it is a small success in the False God Realm.

Obviously, this guy underestimated Lin Chen, thinking that a small achievement in the False God Realm was enough to deal with Lin Chen.

However, how could Lin Chen be an ordinary False God Realm Xiaocheng?
"Bold, do you know who my master is?!" Zhan Sanjin immediately stood up and wanted to fight.

If something happened to Lin Chen, he wouldn't have to live anymore. If it wasn't for Lin Chen's warning, he would have planned to expose Situ Lingfeng's name.

However, Lin Chen waved Zhan Sanjin away.

"Sanjin, I will fight this battle by myself." Lin Chen originally said that he was going out to practice. Zhan Sanjin thought about it before retreating. However, he is also ready to fight. If there is any abnormality, he will take action immediately.

"I don't care who you are, you have to be honest in front of my evil sea people!" That Ah Jia is short in stature, with a face that looks like a potato, but the fluctuations in his whole body are very strong, shirtless, There are mysterious patterns flowing all over his body, obviously he is a strong body refiner.

Without any fanfare, he just punched Lin Chen, and the murderous intent in A Jia's eyes skyrocketed.

(End of this chapter)

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