Chapter 733

Chapter 730 Four Divine Elders

Shenjing contains abundant divine power, which is more than a little bit stronger than Yuanjing.

Lin Chen already knew that the cultivation of a strong person in the divine way is a process of constantly improving his own miniature universe.

At this time, the foundation of the Dao has been finalized, and it is difficult to make progress. Therefore, warriors have to consume a lot of resources to improve their own miniature universe. The most common thing is to absorb the power of the god crystal.

Lin Chen's current miniature universe is tens of thousands of feet in size, while the ordinary False God Realm is only a few thousand feet long. Only when he reaches the Great Perfection of the False God Realm, or even the True God Realm, can he break through ten thousand feet. This is a threshold.

Even for Lin Chen at this moment, it is very difficult to break through again.

Continuously refining the divine power in the divine crystal, Lin Chen's miniature universe is also gradually becoming stronger. Lin Chen can feel that after being nourished by divine power, a large number of stars in his miniature universe have become more brilliant. point.

"Three golds, these divine crystals, you take them to practice first."

Lin Chen gave Zhan Sanjin 20 divine crystals, which made Zhan Sanjin flattered.

"Thank you master, thank you master, you are the stars in the sky, the little ones will always look up to your light, and worship your heroic appearance day and night..."

"That's enough, you go down first!" Seeing that Zhan Sanjin was about to slap his beard again, Lin Chen waved his hand to drive him away.

This guy didn't know what he was doing before, he didn't have much combat power, but he was a set of flatterers.

"By the way, master, you killed Xin Youming. I'm afraid the high-level officials of the evil sea people have already known about this matter, and they may come to cause trouble!" Zhan Sanjin suddenly thought.

Hearing this, Lin Chen frowned.

He also thought about this situation, but at this moment they are so close to the Dongsheng Tower, these pirates generally dare not be too rampant.

And even if they come, Lin Chen is not afraid of the False God Realm, and Lin Chen wants to try if he is the opponent!

After all, even Xin Youming, who has achieved great success in the False God Realm, is not a general of Motian Guyin.

Taking a step back, even if Lin Chen couldn't beat him, he could still show off the name of the perfect emperor, Situ Lingfeng. In this way, if he borrowed the other party's courage, he wouldn't dare to do anything to him.

In this way, the pirate ship continued to sail, and the Dongsheng Tower was getting closer and closer.

At the same time, following the death of Xin Youming, there was already perception among the Naihai crowd.

A burly figure smashed the wine glass in his hand to the ground suddenly, his eyes were wide open, and the bronze-colored skin erupted with divine marks, which was extremely dazzling.

"Who the hell killed Xin Youming?!"

With a roar, his figure was about to fly out.

"Brother Hai, wait a moment. Since the old man is here, I will go and have a look with you. Xin Youming has done his best for the gods and shed blood, so I can't just sit idly by." Slowly put down the wine glass in his hand and said.

"This...isn't that good, elder, you are a member of Situ Shenchao. If you are recognized, you may cause trouble." Li Chaohai, the leader of the Niehai crowd, said.

"Hehe, the old man can change his appearance by using some tricks. No one will recognize him. I just watch from the sidelines. I won't make a move unless it is absolutely necessary." The elder said.

"Okay!" Li Chaohai still compromised. This elder of Situ Shenchao is the key to the communication between them and Situ Shenchao. He must make friends.

Nodding their heads, the two flew out together, heading towards the place where Xin Youming died.

Coincidentally, not long after the two of them flew out, they saw a merchant ship driving fast on the distant sea surface. Immediately, Li Chaohai chased after it, releasing the aura of the great perfection of the False God Realm. It made everyone on the merchant ship tremble.

"Tell me everything that happened here just now, otherwise everyone will go to the sea to feed the fish today!" Li Chaohai said fiercely.

Seeing such a posture, how dare these people hide it? The strongest among them is just a newcomer to the False God Realm, so they can't be opponents.

"My lord, we are just here to do business. It seems that a battle broke out here just now. It is the ship of the Nie Haizhong. I saw a strong man in the False God Realm be beheaded by a young man in blue!"

"By the way, that strong man of the Nie Haizhong knelt down and begged for mercy before he died, asking for mercy from Mr. Situ's subordinates, but that Mr. Situ was merciless and killed him!"

The person answered tremblingly, and upon hearing such words, Li Chaohai frowned.

Mr. Situ?

Could it be someone from Situ Shenchao?
Elder Situ Shenchao beside him was also very puzzled.

"That Mr. Situ, what strength is it, how could he kill Xin Youming?" Li Chaohai asked.

"He is a small success in the False God Realm, but his miniature universe has reached ten thousand zhang, and there is also a butterfly of the great way. It seems to be the perfect emperor in the legend!"

"By the way, that Nie Hai Zhong powerhouse said before that that young man is the perfect Emperor Situ Lingfeng!"

The men on the merchant ship told all they knew.

It's just that he didn't know that such words made the elder of the god dynasty feel turbulent waves in his heart.

"Perfect Emperor Situ Lingfeng?!"

"Where did they go?!" the elder burst out.

"East... the direction of Dongsheng Divine Tower!" The people of the merchant ship did not dare to delay in the slightest.

Hearing this, the elder Shenchao didn't delay for a moment, and immediately flew towards the direction of the Dongsheng Tower. Li Chaohai, who was on the side, thought for a while, and also chased after him.

"Perfectly becoming emperor, how is this possible? In the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou, Zhou Yangpengcheng is the only one who is perfectly becoming emperor. This person is definitely not Zhou Yangpengcheng, but it is impossible for him to be Situ Lingfeng!" The elder Shenchao was about to go crazy.

He has a hunch, this is a huge opportunity for him.

I thought, there is no such thing as a perfect Situ Lingfeng in this Situ Shenchao, it's all made up!
Zhou Yangpengcheng of the Zhou Tian Shenchao became the perfect emperor, and he has suppressed Situ Shenchao at one end, and has a tendency to annex it. Situ Shenchao has been very anxious about this, so he thought of a solution that was not a solution.

They made up a character, the genius of the sky, the perfect emperor Situ Lingfeng!
All kinds of rumors boasted that Situ Lingfeng was extremely powerful, but they knew that there was no such person at all, and it was just used to bluff Zhou Tianshen Dynasty.

However, the paper can't contain the fire at all. Over time, this Situ Lingfeng only heard his voice but not his person, which has already made the outside world suspicious, and quarrels often broke out within Situ Shenchao. As the person who echoed this proposal at the beginning, this elder was also rejected His opponent often taunted, and he had already held his breath.

Situ Shenchao did not have any Situ Lingfeng, but he could find a Situ Lingfeng!
(End of this chapter)

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