Chapter 737
Chapter 730 The Eighth Sermon Competition

Situ Lingfeng is here!

When those words came out, there was an unparalleled shocking effect, and everyone's eyes were on the figure in the blue shirt above the sky.

The purple-gold microcosm also reaches ten thousand feet, and a butterfly of the avenue flutters its wings, proving Lin Chen's perfect strength to become an emperor.

"Perfect emperor, Situ Lingfeng!" Zhan Sanjin yelled immediately, and at the same time looked at the dog leg behind Zhou Yangpengcheng, provocation flashed in his eyes.

"Strong enemy!" Seeing this, the dog leg didn't pay attention to Lin Chen, but instead looked at Zhan Sanjin, and his intuition told him that they were the same kind of people!

"Situ Lingfeng!" Zhou Yangpengcheng stood up suddenly, looked at Lin Chen, and was shocked.

The insiders in Situ Shenchao have already reported that this person is absolutely nothing and was fabricated, but now, how can this perfect emperor be faked?
Moreover, the miniature universe with purple-gold flames seems to be stronger than Zhou Yang Pengcheng!

His complexion was not very good-looking, but Zhou Yangpengcheng forcibly suppressed his uneasiness and looked at Lin Chen: "Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. Brother Situ is indeed a genius!"

"Isn't it a beautiful thing for us to preach together today?"

As Zhou Yangpengcheng said, there was a strong sense of provocation in his eyes.

He was challenging Lin Chen in disguise.

And Lin Chen came here to slap his face today, so how could he back down.

"Since Brother Pengcheng has such a good mood, I shall accompany him." After finishing speaking, Lin Chen flew to the side of the divine tower and sat cross-legged in the air, a bit taller than Yang Pengcheng's figure that week.

This immediately made Zhou Yangpengcheng look ugly. He was sitting on the ground, and Lin Chen was sitting in the air. He was obviously a bit lower. This is definitely not his style.

Zhou Yang Pengcheng, the perfect emperor, is the first genius of Dongsheng Shenzhou, how can he be inferior to others?

With a cold snort, his miniature universe erupted with dazzling light, rose into the sky, surpassed the height of Lin Chen's miniature universe in an instant, and suppressed him.

"Okay, the two geniuses are really amazing, especially Zhou Yangpengcheng, who is definitely a dragon and a phoenix among men!" The dog leg clapped his palms and immediately shouted.

As he spoke, he looked at Zhan Sanjin provocatively and sneered.

How could Zhan Sanjin bear it, and immediately said: "Situ Lingfeng sits cross-legged in the air, he is really walking in the air, what in this world can defeat him?"


Dogleg's eyelids twitched, not to be outdone, and continued to speak: "Zhou Yangpengcheng can go to nine heavens to embrace the moon, five seas to catch turtles, go to heaven and earth, and travel across the world. Everyone will benefit a lot from this sermon!"

"Situ Lingfeng's purple gold divine fire can burn the sky. He is the only one in the world. It is difficult for the whole world to accommodate such a genius!" Zhan Sanjin's big move gave the enemy a critical blow.

Gou Zuzi's face turned pale. He has been flattering for many years, but this time he actually met an opponent like Zhan Sanjin.

He said that Zhou Yangpengcheng traversed the Great Thousand World, but Zhan Sanjin said that the Great Thousand World could not accommodate Lin Chen, so he was obviously better.

"Zhou Yangpengcheng is extraordinarily handsome, captivating thousands of girls!"

"Situ Lingfeng is extremely chic, no matter men or women, they are all impressed by his bearing!"

"Zhou Yang Pengcheng has a kind heart, leaving grace everywhere he goes, and is admired and worshiped by countless people!"

"Situ Lingfeng is mysterious and powerful, and the dragon sees the head but does not see the end. Countless people think about it day and night, just want to see him!"

"Zhou Yangpengcheng is dressed in white, spotless, he is like a fairy!"

"Situ Lingfeng's green shirt is hunting, standing proudly like a gun, he is a model of men in the world!"

"Zhou Yang Pengcheng overwhelms an era, and his peers are unmatched!"

"Situ Lingfeng has suppressed the eternity, who in the past and present can be more stunning than him?!"

"Zhou Yang...poof!"

The dog leg wanted to say something, but his face was pale, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. He opened his mouth, but he couldn't speak at all.

He understood that he lost to Zhan Sanjin.

"It's such a powerful way to flatter a horse. May I ask who did you learn from?"

"Hehe, I realized it myself." Zhan Sanjin was extremely proud. Today he defeated a great enemy in his life.

Regardless of the flattery between the two, Lin Chen and Zhou Yangpengcheng have already started a secret contest here.

Between the two equally perfect miniature universes, an invisible aura formed, making the surrounding wind roar and the space distorted.

Zijin's flame collided with Liuli's brilliance across the air, not giving in at all. Both Lin Chen and Zhou Yangpengcheng felt that they had encountered a strong enemy.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Yangpengcheng opened his mouth and talked about the Dao. Immediately, Lunyin surged, and his tongue burst into lotus flowers, which made many people understand and began to practice.

The glazed brilliance penetrated from the miniature universe, covering the crowd below.

Lin Chen snorted coldly, and also began to preach. In his miniature universe, the purple-gold Dao Sanskrit flowed. Once it appeared, it immediately dispersed a lot of the glazed brilliance below, occupying most of the territory.

And everyone's bodies shook, and they immediately felt that it seemed that Lin Chen's side had given them more insights, and they all showed joy, and began to understand the purple gold Sanskrit.

Zhou Yangpengcheng's complexion changed drastically, and at the same time as the handprints changed rapidly, the butterfly of the avenue flapped its wings and flew out in his miniature universe, covering the lower part, causing everyone's complexions to change again.

"The Butterfly of the Great Dao gave us a deeper understanding, I, I'm going to break through!" One person said in surprise, and immediately started to break through, and the momentum on him began to skyrocket.

Seeing this, Zhou Yangpengcheng's eyes flashed with joy, but then, Lin Chen's side actually made a handprint, and the butterfly of the avenue flapped its wings, bursting out with purple-gold flames, flying into the bodies of everyone below. .

Boom boom boom!
This domineering purple-gold flame entered the body, which immediately made those people short of breath. Not only did it contain powerful insights, but it also contained tyrannical and pure power.

In an instant, many people immediately completed the breakthrough, with ecstatic expressions on their faces.

"Ahhh, the realm that has trapped me for three years has finally broken through!"

"The toxins that were left in my body were actually burned away by this flame. I don't have to suffer anymore. Situ Lingfeng is my reborn parent!"

"Situ Lingfeng, Situ Lingfeng!"

All of a sudden, everyone started chanting Situ Lingfeng's name. Zhou Yangpengcheng's face was ashen. He knew that he had lost this time.

"What a Situ Lingfeng!" Zhou Yangpengcheng gritted his teeth, his heart was full of murderous intent, and he was no longer as graceful as before.

"Speaking is great, but it doesn't mean that you are also good at breaking the tower. I'm waiting for you at Dongsheng Tower!" After finishing speaking, Zhou Yangpengcheng turned around and entered Dongsheng Tower.

Seeing this, Lin Chen just smiled, and immediately bowed his hands to everyone present, before entering the tower.

(End of this chapter)

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