Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 754 Lost Plain

Chapter 754 Lost Plain
Chapter 750 The Fifth Lost Plain

The divine light was so dazzling that people couldn't open their eyes. At the same time, there was also a strong spatial fluctuation, which disrupted all the talented warriors who stepped into the East Heaven Gate at this moment.

The next moment, when Lin Chen opened his eyes, he was already in a boundless wasteland.

As for the others, they had already been lost during the teleportation and were teleported elsewhere.

Flying into the air, Lin Chen scanned the wasteland with his eyes. He found that there were vaguely some people in all directions, who were teleported here. Moreover, on this wasteland, although there was no life, the divine energy between heaven and earth was very strong. Plenty, and there are old dilapidated buildings standing everywhere.

Before entering the Temple of Heaven, Lin Chen knew about it a long time ago, and he immediately confirmed that he was teleported to the Lost Plain in the north of the Temple.

This place is located in a remote area. If you want to get great opportunities, you must step out of the plains and head towards the central area, which is the core.

However, there are also many inheritances left by the strong on this lost plain. Moreover, there are formations in the buildings that can absorb the energy of the world and condense precious pills, which are of great benefit to the cultivation of warriors.

More importantly, since you have been teleported to the Lost Plain, the test has already begun. Only by absorbing enough power of the gods will you be recognized and qualified to enter the core area, otherwise, even if you can walk to the core area alive The core area will also be shut out.

Without hesitation, Lin Chen had already rushed to the nearest building to find the magic pill.

At the same time, all the geniuses who were teleported in all directions also began to desperately look for opportunities in order to become stronger, and even to obtain the qualifications to enter the core area.

Although the Lost Plain is very large, there are only so many buildings, and the magic pills are limited. This means that there will never be too many people who are qualified to step into the core area. There is a chance.

Lin Chen broke into a building directly, and at a glance, he saw a formation in the center of the palace, slowly rotating, absorbing the divine aura free from the heaven and the earth, and condensing it into divine pills.

Looking at it with a glance, there are already ten divine pills condensed in this formation.

According to previous examples, to qualify, at least [-] pills must be obtained, and ten pills are far from enough.

Lin Chen reached out to get these ten pills, but at this moment, the formation spun, and phantoms of armored warriors actually appeared, attacking Lin Chen.

Moreover, every armored warrior has the strength of a small success in the False God Realm, and with the formation, they can unleash a powerful attack.

Lin Chen snorted coldly, but didn't take it to heart.

With his current combat strength, how could Xiaocheng of the False God Realm threaten him? He took out the Dragon God Halberd, waved it at will, and quickly dispersed the phantoms. Lin Chen also successfully obtained the ten divine pills.

Lin Chen wanted to refine it immediately, but in this Lost Plain, once he wanted to refine the divine pill, it would cause a wave of space, even if the real god-level powerhouse came, he might not be able to escape.

Only by refining the alchemy on a specific alchemy platform can they be safe and sound, which will lead to more intense competition. Warriors who get the alchemy and fail to refine it in time may be taken away!
I have to say that the person who arranged such a rule is really thoughtful.

Putting away the ten pills, Lin Chen immediately ran to the next building without delay.

At the same time, on the entire Lost Plain, all the people were busy, scrambling to compete for the divine pill, and some people had already fought violently, resulting in casualties.

On Lin Chen's side, he also met a few unsightly people who wanted to take his magic pill, but Lin Chen snatched it all away.

After half a day, Lin Chen had as many as [-] pills in his hand, but there was still a certain gap between the [-] pills.

At this time, almost all the buildings on the plain have been looted. If you want to get it, you have to go grab it.

Here, most of the people will be eliminated!
Lin Chen returned empty-handed from a building again, and when he came out, he also met a person with a cold face looking at him.

"Sensible, hand over..."

However, before he could finish his words, there was a roar behind Lin Chen, and the powerful aura exploded. The dragon god halberd in his hand swept across, dissolving a vacuum zone, and a divine dragon formed from a purple-gold flame roared, attacking this person in an instant His chest made him vomit blood and fly upside down, his momentum completely slumped.

Lin Chen's face was indifferent, and he got nearly a hundred magic pills from him, so he let this person go.

This kind of scene is staged every moment, some people have a big harvest, and some people are robbed with nothing left.

With Lin Chen's strength, it is not a problem to get enough magic pills, but it is going to be night at this moment, and there will be a large number of undead on this lost plain. Once encountering a group of undead, it is difficult for ordinary False Gods to escape sky.

But at this time, there is no other way to either hide in the building or go to the Altar of Alchemy.

If you hide in the building, you will naturally give up the hope of continuing. If you go to the Altar of Alchemy, you must not only guard against the undead, but also guard against the attacks of other geniuses!
Lin Chen didn't hesitate, and his figure had already shot towards the distance.

The Altar of Alchemy was set up at the edge of the Lost Plain, close to the central core area. It was not a very short distance to rush there. At this moment, the sky was completely dark, and there was a series of faint rustlings under the ground below. The sound spread, and then, one after another skeletons with green will-o'-the-wisps in their eye sockets drilled out of the ground, and when they saw humans, they would launch crazy attacks.

The reason why this place is called the Lost Plain is because it is a completely lost place. The skeletons here are also poor undead abandoned by the world. After death, resentment brews, which can support them to attack.


The sound of piercing the sky spread, and the skeletons roared, flying up and attacking the nearest martial artist. Soon, some people were exhausted, screaming, and being swallowed by these undead, they also turned into dry bones. Join the ranks of the undead!

Seeing this, Lin Chen also felt a little troublesome. Although he was not afraid of these undead, once he was entangled, it would be a big trouble.

Because, as long as you are entangled, a large number of undead will soon come and surround you. If you don't swallow your last trace of flesh and blood, you won't stop!

Soon, a large number of deaths appeared, and Lin Chen also defeated many undead, all the way to the Altar of Alchemy.

(End of this chapter)

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