Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 756 Combat

Chapter 756 Combat
Chapter 750 Seven Battles

With five points, five opponents must be defeated in a row!
And those who can enter the second round are all geniuses in the entire universe. It is too difficult to win five rounds in a row.

But Lin Chen had no choice, if he wanted to get the Fentian Liulihuo, he had to give it a try.

Thinking of this, without the slightest hesitation, Lin Chen has already made a move, thinking about the attack of the genius on the other side.

The perfect emperor's miniature universe burst out, shocking his opponent's expression. However, Lin Chen didn't give him much time to react, and had already launched a storm-like attack, making it difficult for him to parry.

The dragon god halberd danced, and the purple and gold flames were dazzling. Soon, this genius was defeated and lost the qualification to continue.

It was also because he was unlucky that he met Lin Chen, otherwise, it was still possible to support a pass in the second round.

After defeating this person, a ray of light surged in front of Lin Chen, converging and turning into a token, engraved with the two ancient characters of heaven, vigorous and powerful.

This token represents a point. You can only get one after defeating an opponent. If you fail, it will be deducted. If all deductions are deducted, you will lose the qualification to continue.

After getting the token, Lin Chen was immediately teleported out of here again, and arrived at a new battle arena to face a new opponent.

And when Lin Chen was struggling to grab the token, all the geniuses who had entered the second round were fighting in the entire Heavenly Temple, and there were even deaths and injuries.

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other. On a battlefield, Situ Jian of Situ Shenchao met Zhou Yangpengcheng!

"Hehe, if I remember correctly, you are Situ Jian from the Situ God Dynasty. What a coincidence, you don't have to step down from this battle arena when you meet me." Zhou Yangpengcheng said, behind him there was already A huge miniature universe appeared.

Ever since he fought Lin Chen and fled in embarrassment, he has been practicing hard. Not only has he broken through the Great Perfection of the False God Realm, but he has also cultivated a powerful technique of great supernatural powers. During the trip to the palace, I was ashamed.

And now, unexpectedly meeting someone from Situ Shenchao in the second round, how could Zhou Yangpengcheng let him go?
Situ Jian also entered the second round by luck, but he didn't expect to meet Zhou Yangpengcheng at the beginning. He wanted to admit defeat, but his pride and self-esteem did not allow him to do so.

Therefore, Situ Jian withstood the pressure and also launched his own miniature universe, but compared to Zhou Yangpengcheng's, it was more than a star and a half behind.

"Just because of you, you want to be my enemy? Go to hell!"

Zhou Yangpengcheng shouted angrily, and directly launched his full strength, bombarding Situ Jian. Soon, Situ Jian was defeated by his attack, fell to the ground spurting blood, and the miniature universe was also shattered.

And Zhou Yangpengcheng pursued him closely, and shot directly, blowing Situ Jian's head off, and then he was satisfied.

Holding the token in his hand, he stared darkly into the distance.

"Situ Lingfeng, don't let me meet you again, otherwise, I will let you know the taste of despair!"


At the same time, in the Situ Dynasty, under the gaze of everyone, a jade slip representing Situ Jian was directly shattered, which also meant that Situ Jian had died in the Heavenly Temple.

"Situ Jian is dead."

Situ Yuxin let out a soft cry, but she didn't expect that there would already be casualties.

"This is a normal thing, don't panic." The Great Elder Situ Nan's expression was not good.

Especially Situ Jian's family members have exploded into a ball, crying and angry, and it is difficult to calm down.

"Situ Jian is dead, Situ Hao will be fine!" Situ Yuxin was worried.

"At this time, it should be the second round. They have been separated from the beginning and are not together. Therefore, no one knows what happened to Situ Hao and Situ Lingfeng." Situ Nan explained.

Staring at Situ Hao and Lin Chen's jade slips, they waited anxiously.

On the other side, in the Heavenly Temple at this moment, Lin Chen has already defeated the No.3 opponent. He is a strong man with a soul body. He has obtained the third token. Intense, and at the moment he is also a little tired.

The opponents are all top geniuses in the world, even if Lin Chen is extremely evil, it is extremely difficult to deal with, just like the strong man with soul body just now, ordinary attacks can be regarded as nothing to him, In the end, Lin Chen still used the Sky Fury Dragon Cry and the Zijin Flame to burn slowly, and only then did he defeat him.

If there is the Burning Sky Glazed Fire at this time, Lin Chen can guarantee that it will completely burn this person's soul and body with just one move!

"We must hurry up. Once Zhou Yangpengcheng gets the five tokens first, he will definitely get the Burning Sky Glazed Fire, and it will be very difficult to have another chance at that time!"

Now that he got three tokens, Lin Chen felt that he could already exchange these tokens for some treasures, such as some great supernatural powers, or divine objects, but none of them were what he wanted.

Of course, there is also a genius who wins at this moment, gets the token, chooses to exchange it for a treasure, and leaves here.

The purpose of many people's entry is different. Lin Chen's purpose is to burn the sky glazed fire, some people are for other treasures, and some want to go deeper and explore the secrets of the entire heavenly temple!

After getting the third token, Lin Chen was teleported to the fourth battlefield. Opposite him was a young man with an icy aura, looking at him with hostility.

"It's the person behind the guy who wanted to snatch the Thanglong Grass!"

Lin Chen immediately felt relieved.

If he met that white-haired boy, he would definitely go through a fierce battle, but the opponent at this moment is only the one behind the white-haired boy, so he will definitely not be too strong, Lin Chen is sure to destroy him.

It was still the first time to start the miniature universe. Lin Chen made a violent move and attacked the opponent violently, like a storm, which put great pressure on the opponent and retreated steadily.

At the same time, Zhou Yangpengcheng also encountered a fourth opponent and started a fierce battle. The two sides fought hard.


With another blow, the ice-cold boy opposite Lin Chen spewed blood and flew upside down. His figure flew away from the battle platform. A token was also condensed in front of Lin Chen, and he held the token in his hand. , Lin Chen was directly teleported to the fifth battle platform, and at the same time, he also found that the fifth battle platform was different from the previous ones.

Before, he didn't know the situation of other people at all, but now, around the fifth battle platform, one can already see huge battle platforms standing up, fighting like geniuses.

Lin Chen's pupils shrank, and he saw that Zhou Yangpengcheng defeated his opponent in a flash on a battle platform, and passed the fourth battle at the same time!

(End of this chapter)

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