Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 765 Holy Son!

Chapter 765 Holy Son!

Chapter 760 The Sixth Son!
Along the way, Lin Chen has experienced too much, but at this moment, he still couldn't help crying.

The person he felt most sorry for in his life was Wu'er.

No matter how much effort he puts in, there is still no way to save Wu'er's life, but he understands that as long as he has one breath, he will never give up on this matter!
At this moment, looking at Wu'er in front of him, he couldn't touch it at all. For Lin Chen, this was an indescribable torture of a different species, and it almost made him collapse.

Standing where he was, tears streaming down his face, this scene shocked everyone.

"What kind of illusion did Situ Lingfeng experience!"

"It stands to reason that a child from a big family who has been obsessed with cultivation will never have any experience!"

"What the hell did he see?!"

There were exclamations of exclamation, and everyone looked at Lin Chen's figure in disbelief.

"Little man, don't cry..."

Wu'er's ethereal voice sounded from nowhere, causing waves to rise in Lin Chen's heart.

At the same time, this phantom stretched out its palm, trying to wipe away Lin Chen's tears, but it couldn't be done at all.

Lin Chen looked at Wu'er's figure, just like when the two met for the first time in the Zhetian Mountain Range, Lin Chen felt infinite sadness in his heart.

If Qian Fengliu could see Lin Chen like this, he would definitely find how similar it was to the deep grief in his eyes!

But at this moment, Lin Chen understood in his heart that all of this was just an illusion. With the appearance of Wu'er, he completely remembered everything in the past.

However, here, he can see Wu'er, so he doesn't want to wake up!

If possible, he even hoped that this illusion could last forever and never stop.

It's a pity that there was a sad and beautiful smile on Wu'er's face, she caressed Lin Chen's face in vain, and she said softly: "Wake up, little man, we will definitely meet again."

As he said that, Lin Chen already felt that the charming heart in his body was shining again, and all the illusions where the light shone, disappeared completely.

"No, don't go!"

Lin Chen yelled, but Wu'er's phantom in front of him still dissipated little by little, and finally, there was nothing left.

Lin Chen raised his head to the sky and roared loudly. At the same time, he also completely broke away from that illusion, causing the entire top of the holy mountain to suddenly burst out with a wave of holy light shining on him.

As the first person to escape from the illusion, he naturally became the Holy Son, but the result made Lin Chen extremely sad.

Everyone was staring at the figure in the green shirt. They really couldn't imagine what happened to Lin Chen.

"Holy light is shining, the Son of God has appeared!"

"It's the Holy Son, who is the Holy Son?"

At the same time, all the people waiting outside the Heavenly Temple exclaimed, staring at that ray of holy light, their hearts were extremely excited.

"It must be Situ Lingfeng!"

Situ Yu, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, shouted, his eyes were extraordinary.

On the other side, the people from Zhou Tianshen Dynasty shouted angrily, staring at Situ Yu with fire in their eyes.

He had already received the news that Zhou Yang Pengcheng had died. This was a great blow to him, and it was even more a disaster for the entire Zhou Tian Dynasty.

"Hahaha, without Zhou Yangpengcheng, you Zhou Tianshen Dynasty will be even more doomed!"

Situ Yu laughed and mocked this person.

"Hmph, what are you proud of? I think this holy son must be our cold dragon!"

said an old woman.

The cold dragon she was talking about was naturally the white-haired boy who failed in his attempt to capture the Thanglongcao.

Lazily talking to the old woman, Situ Yu rolled his eyes and looked at the sky, but his expression suddenly froze at this moment.

Because, in the heavenly temple, accompanied by the ten thousand zhang holy light soaring into the sky, there is also a figure in green clothes, if it is not Lin Chen, who is it?
After being stunned for a while, Situ Yu came back to his senses, laughed triumphantly, and immediately passed the news back to Situ Shenchao.

At the same time, all the major forces quickly spread the news back, and in a short while, the entire world knew that the first holy son this time was called Situ Lingfeng!

From now on, this name will truly resound throughout the entire world!
"Situ Lingfeng became the Holy Son, the first one!"

"Holy Son of Heaven's Temple!"

"Our Situ Shenchao is finally coming out!"

The whole Situ Dynasty was full of laughter and laughter, even Situ Yuxin and the Great Elder were so happy that they forgot the unhappiness with Situ Lingfeng!

Not only must they forget these unhappiness, but when they see Situ Lingfeng in the future, they must also greet them with smiles!
Even the ancestor walked out of the wooden house with a smile on his face.

On the contrary, within the Zhou Tian Dynasty, the clouds were gloomy, and everyone's eyes showed despair.

Not only did Zhou Yangpengcheng die during this trip to the Temple of Heaven, but also a holy son appeared on the side of the rival Situ Shenchao. It is conceivable that their life in the days to come will definitely not be easy for Zhou Tianshenchao.

If Situ Shenchao beats the dog in the water, they Zhou Tianshenchao will be even more dangerous.

As for those forces attached to the Zhoutian Dynasty, they all withdrew from the Zhoutian Dynasty immediately, and never dared to have anything to do with the Zhoutian Dynasty.

On this side, the entire Great Thousand World got the news and was shaken by it. On the other side, in the Temple of Heaven, shortly after Lin Chen finished, there was another flash of holy light that soared into the sky, and then, a ray of nothingness The general figure also soared into the sky, it was Qian Fengliu!
"It's Qian Fengliu!"

"Sure enough, Qian Fengliu must have a place in the position of Holy Son, but I didn't expect that this time someone else took the opportunity, and he was only the second to complete it!"

"This is still very powerful, that Situ Lingfeng is a dark horse, and Qian Fengliu is a veteran genius!"

One after another exclamation sounded again, looking at Qian Fengliu above the sky.

And Qian Fengliu was also surprised, looking at Lin Chen who was wearing a blue shirt, he found that there were still tears flowing on Lin Chen's face, which was exactly the same as his own situation!
"It seems that Brother Situ has also seen the most profound illusion in his heart!"

Qian Feng was very sick with the flu.

At this time, two people had already appeared in the position of the Holy Son, and the last person was still short of being completely elected. Everyone held their breath at this moment, looking forward to the appearance of the third Holy Son.

And while waiting like this, it didn't take long before a ray of holy light lit up in the sky again...

(End of this chapter)

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