Chapter 770

Chapter 770

The ancient and prehistoric aura came through the river, which shocked Lin Chen, and at the same time made the magic tablet in his body tremble violently, as if echoing with that ancient altar, making Lin Chen feel even stronger. Surprised.

The figure approached quickly, and Lin Chen also felt that there seemed to be a friendly wave coming from the altar, which echoed with the magic tablet.

"This place actually has a connection with the magic tablet!"

Lin Chen approached quickly, and also found that the river water could not seep through where the altar was, as if there was an invisible barrier blocking the river water.

However, when Lin Chen stretched out his palm, the magic tablet trembled, and a force came out, making Lin Chen's whole body unstoppable, and he entered the altar very smoothly.

Looking back, seeing the tumbling river, Lin Chen's heart became more serious.

What is the relationship between the Cangtian Temple and the Senluo Demon Tablet?
Without waiting for him to think too much, on the altar, streaks of light wandered around, and at the same time as there was a buzzing sound, a change had already taken place.

Lin Chen looked at it, and saw that above the altar, streaks of light surged, as if turning into an extremely powerful stance, distorting the space, and a mottled and terrifying figure slowly emerged.

The pupils shrank suddenly, and for an instant, Lin Chen felt an extremely terrifying aura above this figure.

This feeling, even when facing the tower guard of the Dongsheng Tower and the ancestor of Situ Shenchao, never appeared, and even surpassed it!
In other words, the true strength of the figure in front of him must at least be above the Beginning God Realm!
Lin Chen deduced that this was most likely a strong man who had reached the level of a god emperor.

And when he looked intently, an unparalleled tremor broke out in his heart.

Because, the appearance of this figure is very strange, full of evil energy, he has seen it before!
Demon Killer!
The appearance of this figure is astonishingly the same as the strong man of the Demon Killing Clan who appeared in Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie back then. Obviously, this is also a strong man of the Demon Killing Clan.

"I didn't expect to see my successor."

The ancient voice full of vicissitudes, as if it sounded through the prehistoric, made Lin Chen's mind stagnate, and he suddenly thought that this Senluo Demon Tablet was obviously owned by this person!

He has always had many speculations about the Senluo Demon Tablet, and now he has finally confirmed the origin!
"That's right, this stele was when I was dying, I engraved my life's inheritance, engraved it together with this altar, and exiled to the universe. I didn't want to, but fell into this world."

"I think this stele is incomplete, so you didn't get my inheritance, but fortunately, another part of the stele is also on your body, but you don't know how to use it."

This voice shocked Lin Chen.

Another part of the stele?
Could it be that the Senluo Demon Tablet is not complete?
So what's the other part?
Just when Lin Chen was wondering, under the action of a mysterious force, the Senluo Demon Tablet on his body flew out of his body, making a buzzing sound, and at the same time, the treasure box of the sky-watching flew out!
Watch the sky treasure box!

No matter what, Lin Chen never thought that the treasure box of Guantian came from the same source as the Senluo Demon Tablet. You must know that there has never been the slightest reaction between the two before!

Even if they are all from outside the territory, Lin Chen can't guess at all what connection there will be between them.

"Hehe, these two treasures are originally one, and they can be separated. They are the most proud works of my life, so you can take care of them."

When the figure of the demon killer waved his hand, a wave of fluctuations filled the air. Lin Chen immediately saw that the treasure box of the sky viewing was directly disassembled and turned into pieces of jade, which were attached to the Senluo Demon Tablet. Then, these pieces of jade seemed to melt and permeate into the Senluo Monument, causing the entire dark Senluo Monument to burst into bright colors.

Lin Chen stared at this scene dumbfounded, and the shock in his heart was beyond words. He never imagined that the treasure box of viewing the sky would be integrated with the Senluo Demon Monument in such a way!

The Senluo Demon Tablet erupted with radiance, and then, as it continued to rotate, Lin Chen felt that the Demon Tablet seemed to be alive.

"You have the aura of many clans outside the territory, including the Motian clan and the Jinlong clan. It's very strange. I can even feel that you once fought with my Demon Killing clan. Could it be that you have been to the outside world?" The murderer said.

Hearing this, Lin Chen's whole body tensed up.

In front of this person, it seems that he has no secrets, and he sees through them all!
"No, it's just a coincidence." Lin Chen replied.

Nodding his head, the Demon Killer said, "That's right, if you don't reach the Beginning God Realm, you won't be able to leave this world,"

"Forget it, seeing the inheritor this time, I feel relieved. This magic tablet contains the essence of my life. After you comprehend it, it will not be a problem to break through the god of origin. If you can set foot outside the territory in the future, remember to help me. What happened to the Demon Killing Clansmen?"

There was also a deep sense of fatigue in this voice. It was obvious that he could hardly wait any longer after staying here for too long.

"The owner of the Heavenly Temple is also my friend. It is fate that you are here. Today I will help you break into the realm of the true god!"

After this person spoke, he made a move with the palm of his hand. Immediately, waves rolled over the entire Tianhe River, with indescribable power, separated from every drop of river water, and rushed towards this place.

In the Tianhe River, Hanlong and Qianfengliu, who had already found the spiritual spring of the sky, were also stunned by such a change. Looking at the tumbling river, they were extremely astonished.

This is something unprecedented since records began!

Could it be Situ Lingfeng?
The two thought of this possibility at the same time, but shook their heads immediately. Situ Lingfeng couldn't have caused such fluctuations!
"Hmph, Situ Lingfeng must have touched some mechanism, he should be dead by now!"

Hanlong snorted coldly, continued to absorb the power of the spiritual spring, merged into the miniature universe, and rushed towards the real god realm.

At the same time, Lin Chen also felt that there was an unimaginable force coming from the Milky Way, pouring into his body crazily.

Immediately releasing the miniature universe, Lin Chen's face flushed red as he tried his best to absorb such power.

He felt that under such infusion, his miniature universe was rapidly growing, from the original perfect size of 81 feet, it began to expand continuously, and it also made his realm move towards the realm of the true god.

"Tsk tsk, I haven't seen the perfect universe of 81 feet for a long time, boy, you are indeed the one who got my inheritance!"

The strong man of the Demon Killing Clan sighed with emotion, and his body began to become unreal.

(End of this chapter)

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