Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 773 Punish Me

Chapter 773 Punish Me
Chapter 770 Four Punish Me

"Where is my share, even if Brother Situ is in the middle of a breakthrough, he is definitely not someone like Han Long who can take advantage of it."

Qian Fengliu said.

Immediately afterwards, the two walked towards the outside of Tianhe.

And with the end of Lin Chen's breakthrough, the mighty Tianhe also stopped rolling, but if you observe carefully, you will find that the scope of the entire Tianhe has shrunk a little, and the originally abundant energy in it has been reduced. Not as good as before!

It is conceivable how much power Lin Chen absorbed.

At this time, the cold dragon had already fled and disappeared, Lin Chen walked with Qian Fengliu, and soon came to the outside of Tianhe.

There is still the tumbling river behind. Looking into the distance, you can see the holy mountain and the palaces row upon row.

Obviously, what Lin Chen and others saw in this test was only the tip of the iceberg of the entire Heavenly Temple.

"Emperor Cangtian is a great man who once wandered outside the territory. His Heavenly Temple is even more unimaginable. Up to now, even if the power of the entire universe is exhausted, it is impossible to create such a palace."

"Now that we have become the Holy Son, we are naturally qualified to walk around some places in the Heavenly Temple, but at this moment, let's go out first!"

Qian Fengliu said.

Obviously, he couldn't wait to go to the Dongsheng Tower.

Similarly, Lin Chen was also very excited. With his current strength, he was already confident enough to rescue the woman.

Although it has been sealed by Xuanbing, both Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu believed in the heart of that woman, and she must still have life.

So, the two left Tianhe and went straight to the outside of Tiantian Palace. Soon, a majestic East Heaven Gate appeared in front of them.

"East Heaven Gate!"

When Lin Chen saw Dongtianmen again, he still felt an almost unparalleled feeling of shock in his heart. Such a scene can really be called a miracle.

Walking out of the East Heaven Gate together with Qian Fengliu, Lin Chen also saw the people waiting outside the Heavenly Palace.

At the same time, he also saw that behind the old woman, Han Long was staring at him with a gloomy expression on his face.

Sure enough, Hanlong had escaped ahead of time.

"Hmph, Situ Lingfeng, you are above the Tianhe River, stirring up the situation and interfering with others' breakthrough. This kind of behavior is really despicable and should be punished!"

Seeing Lin Chen appearing, the old woman took a step forward and stared at Lin Chen.

"Oh, then you come and punish me."

Lin Chen didn't even look at the old woman, and came directly to Situ Yu's side.

The old woman was ignored, and her complexion turned livid. Taking a step, the aura of the true god realm burst out, wanting to crush Lin Chen.

However, Lin Chen sneered again, and turned around abruptly. Immediately, the surrounding space became distorted, and a powerful aura that also reached the realm of true gods suddenly erupted, causing a violent roar .

Boom boom boom!
In an instant, everyone present was completely shocked.

The aura on Lin Chen's body was incomparably majestic, far beyond that of a warrior in the False God Realm, and even an ordinary True God Realm was inferior to him!
"how can that be?!"

The old woman's eyes widened with anger, and her expression was suddenly horrified to the extreme.

She couldn't imagine that Lin Chen not only broke through to the Real God Realm, but also faintly overwhelmed him in terms of aura.

You know, before entering the Heavenly Temple, Lin Chen was just a kid in the False God Realm!

"True God Realm!"

"It's so majestic, that old woman was actually suppressed!"

"It's a joke now, with this strength, how can you sanction others?!"

The people present made comments one after another, which made the old woman lose her face even more.

She is an old monster who has been cultivating for who knows how long, but she was suppressed by a kid today, how will she mess around in the Great Thousand World in the future?
"To make a fool of yourself!"

Unwilling to give up, the old woman shouted angrily, took a step forward, and stretched out her claws like dead bark, grabbing Lin Chen.


Lin Chen snorted coldly, and raised his hand to stop Situ Yu who was about to make a move. Immediately after he made a move with the palm of his hand, there was an incomparably powerful divine magic that condensed out of the sky, surging a terrifying force that was indescribable. .

The palm fell, and the magical figure also raised his palm at the same time, and slapped the old woman directly, causing the space to burst, causing the old woman's offensive to collapse instantly, and the whole person was also subjected to an extremely powerful impact, spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell down. flew out.

Just one hit!
Just by raising his hand, Lin Chen defeated a true God Realm powerhouse who had been famous for many years!
The audience was deadly silent, Han Long opened his mouth wide, and looked at Lin Chen. He originally thought that asking the seniors in the family to help would be able to suppress Lin Chen, but he didn't expect that it would end like this.

The old woman's face was ashen, her whole body was trembling, staring at the magical image of the Immortal Supreme, her eyes were full of horror.

The others, including Situ Yu, were also dumbfounded.

"What kind of magic is this?"

"My God, what did he get in the scripture hall?"

"It's terrifying, it's terrifying!"

One after another exclamations were heard, and all the people present were prominent figures in the Great Thousand World. It is conceivable that from today onwards, this incident will spread throughout the Great Thousand World with an extremely rapid attitude, making Situ Lingfeng's name , louder.

It can be said that he has broken away from the scope of the younger generation of geniuses, and can truly be regarded as a top-level figure in the great world.

"Okay... good boy, keep it hidden!"

After a while, Situ Yu was amazed, and his voice was a little hoarse.

"Let's go, I want to go to Dongsheng Tower again."

Lin Chen smiled at Situ Yu and said.

Hearing this, Qian Fengliu who was not far away also immediately explained a few words to the family members and followed.

"Brother Qian, let's go."

Lin Chen nodded to Qian Fengliu, and then, together with Situ Yu and Qian Fengliu, he broke through the air and returned to Dongsheng Shenzhou.

"Finally, I can finally see Ayu again!"

Qian Fengliu was extremely excited in his heart, this was an expression that he would never show because he was always indifferent.

"Brother Qian, the journey is far away, please tell me about this matter, after all, that woman looks exactly like my deceased lover, I guess there must be some connection between them."

Lin Chen said to Qian Fengliu.

Hearing this, he nodded, and the joy in Qian Fengliu's eyes turned into deep melancholy again, which made his whole temperament even more dusty.

An ethereal and illusory voice sounded, and Qian Fengliu spoke...

(End of this chapter)

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