Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 775 Moyun Golden Wings

Chapter 775 Moyun Golden Wings
Chapter 770 Six Moyun Golden Wings

Mind sneaked into the magic tablet, Lin Chen immediately noticed that the magic tablet at this time was very different from before.

If the previous magic tablet was just an empty shell, then now, this magic tablet has been filled with many avenues and mysteries, which are exactly what was contained in the sky-watching treasure box before!

It seemed that there was a roar in his ears, and Lin Chen's whole body entered an incomparably mysterious state at this moment.

While the scene in front of him was changing, Lin Chen only felt that he had come to another world. There was darkness above his head, but there were vast light spots around him, like a starry sky.

"This is inside that magic tablet!"

Lin Chen was secretly startled. You must know that his initial cultivation method, the Myriad Visions Senluo Jue, was obtained from the magic tablet, which helped him a lot. Now as he entered, he also felt At this moment, those light spots around him all moved at this moment, accumulating many truths.

"I am a special race in the universe, the demon-killing race. Although I am naturally powerful, I am short on understanding. Here, it is waiting for those who are destined to inherit it to understand."

An ethereal and ancient voice came out, it was the voice of the strong man of the Demon Killing Clan.

Lin Chen's whole body was shocked, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Way of Time!

In this way, it can also explain why the sky-watching treasure box can predict the future, that is the power of time!

Speaking of it, the most suitable for the inheritance of the Senluo Demon Stele is Bei Luo Zetian, Lin Chen's true meaning of the world, although it is all-encompassing, and the perfect meaning of time is also contained in the Three Thousand Ways of the Perfect Emperor, but in the final analysis, it is still not true. It is proficient.

"Time is a very special kind among the three thousand ways. It contains unpredictable energy. The past is immutable, but the future has infinite possibilities. If you cultivate to the point of enlightenment, the future may not be impossible to change!"

These words, like thunder, shocked Lin Chen.

He has experienced infinite disappointment and exhausted all his efforts, but he still couldn't stop the future scene after all, but now, this strong demon killer actually said that the future can be changed!
This was absolutely unimaginable for Lin Chen before.

"Change the future!"

At the same time that Lin Chen's mind was shaking, light spots around him had poured into his body, bringing him an unparalleled inheritance of the Dao.

Immersed in it, Lin Chen forgot the time.

At the same time, the huge Void-breaking Shenzhou was driving in the boundless Ghost Crying Mountain Range, and had passed through a large jungle. The scene below was like a wilderness, which many people could never imagine.

Every step is full of unexplainable murderous intentions!
If you don't have the Sky-breaking Shenzhou, if you want to rely on human power to cross, you have to be in the God Realm. Even if you are a strong person in the Real God Realm, if you are not careful, you will die.

Moreover, even if there is a Breaking Space Shenzhou, it may not be absolutely safe.

Because, above the sky, there are also powerful monsters, which can rival the superpowers of the true gods!
A roar full of violence came out, and above the sky, a huge golden roc shadow covering the sky and covering the sun came flying. Half of the wings were about the size of this piercing divine boat. The gust of wind, like the end of the world, immediately made the Breaking Space Shenzhou a little unstable.

"It's Moyun Golden Winged Roc!"

With an exclamation, the person in charge of the Nagaran Temple saw this giant shadow, and suddenly his liver and gallbladder trembled, his eyes were full of horror.

Immediately, there were cries of fear on the entire Skybreaking Shenzhou. In the huge Guiwailing Mountain Range, there were not many guys who could threaten the Skybreaking Shenzhou, but the big roc in front of him absolutely Be one of them!

Immediately, Lin Chen, who was originally in retreat, slowly opened his eyes, and there seemed to be endless flow of light and shadow in the picture, which made his whole temperament even more mysterious.

This is the great power of time, which also made Lin Chen vicissitudes a lot.

"What happened?"

Walking out of the cabin, Lin Chen saw the huge Peng shadow above the sky for the first time, and he was shocked beyond words.

It is hard to imagine that any creature would grow to such a gigantic extent, compared with which, human beings are simply too small.

"Moyun Golden Winged Roc!"

Situ Yuyi stood beside Lin Chen. No matter what happened or what dangers he encountered, he would definitely escort Lin Chen to Situ Shenchao intact. sinner.

He knew very well that he was nothing in the true god realm, and Lin Chen was Situ's hope for the rise of the gods!
Therefore, no matter what, Lin Chen must be preserved.

Moreover, there is Qian Fengliu on the side. If something happens to Qian Fengliu when he is with him, the powerful Qianjia will definitely not let it go.

In any case, the two geniuses must be protected.

However, he forgot one thing, whether it is Lin Chen who has already broken through to the Real God Realm, or Qian Fengliu who has not yet completed the breakthrough, they will no longer be weaker than him.

These two people are destined to stand at the pinnacle of the great world!
"So strong!"

In Lin Chen's eyes, there was a touch of fire, and he thought of Xiaoyu.

Xiaoyu has evolved step by step from a Condor of the Wind to the current level, but after all, the foundation is there, and it is very limited. If he can get the blood of this roc at this moment, it will undoubtedly make Xiaoyu reborn!

Xiao Yu has always wanted to fight side by side with Lin Chen, and there are many, many brothers, such as Yan Mingyu, but at this moment they have been far away by Lin Chen, and there is no way to catch up.

At this time, Lin Chen was wandering alone in the Great Thousand World, but they could only wait in the base camp of the Small Thousand World.

"You wouldn't be..."

Seeing the fighting spirit in Lin Chen's eyes, even Qian Fengliu was shocked.

The golden-winged roc in front of me must at least have the strength of the Great Perfection of the True God Realm, not to mention that as a monster, the physical body is already blessed, even if it is also a strong person of the True God Realm of Dzogchen, it is difficult to get the benefits .

As for Lin Chen, he just broke into the Real God Realm!

"Are you crazy?!"

Situ Yu immediately stopped Lin Chen. Once Lin Chen got excited and fought this golden-winged roc, it was very likely that if he was not careful, he would die!
Situ Shenchao would absolutely not accept such an end.

"Situ Lingfeng, why are you fighting it?" Qian Fengliu looked at Lin Chen and asked.

"I want its blood!"

Lin Chen stomped on the ground hard, and his figure flew up, jumping towards the golden-winged roc that covered the sky above the sky.

And as if sensing the provocation from a small human below, the ferocious roc, which was already extremely violent, immediately uttered a sharp cry, its wings swirled in a gust of wind, and surrounded Lin Chen from all directions!

(End of this chapter)

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