Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 780 Extraterrestrial Spaceship

Chapter 780 Extraterrestrial Spaceship
Chapter 780 Extraterrestrial Spaceship

"This baby must be taken away!"

Lin Chen looked at this huge ship with fiery eyes.

The last time he was in the Cloud Tomb Heavenly Palace, he was very envious of this ship, but his strength was limited back then, and he couldn't take it away at all. Moreover, that ship was seriously damaged, far worse than the one in front of him.

Now, Lin Chen has grown to the level of a true god, and it is not impossible to take this ship away!

The miniature universe expanded to completely cover this space, and naturally also wrapped this ship in it.

Use the miniature universe to take away this ship!
This was Lin Chen's idea.

You must know that such a huge ship cannot be accommodated by any magic weapon of storage. The only way to take it away is to use its own miniature universe.

As this huge ship was completely wrapped up by Lin Chen's miniature universe, Lin Chen also had a thought, causing the entire miniature universe to slowly shrink. Get smaller!
This scene is like a miracle.

This is something that only the Shinto powerhouses can do. In the miniature universe of the Shinto powerhouses themselves, they are the only gods themselves.


The miniature universe slowly shrank, and finally returned to Lin Chen's body, which also made the space in front of him extremely empty again. Lin Chen took a deep breath, his eyes flickered, he turned around and left here.

And when he returned to the original little ghost cave, he was also surprised to find that perhaps as the source was absorbed by him, that strange suppressing power also dissipated.

As soon as the soles of his feet kicked the ground, Lin Chen quickly flew towards the air, and soon rose above the ground.

Back out of the ghost hole!

Throughout the ages, there have been some lucky people who were able to walk out of the ghost cave, but like Lin Chen, who was able to break out of the ghost cave in a very sober state, it was almost unique.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Chen also felt that as he refined that part of the origin of time and space, his own realm was loosened again, and he was not too far away from the great achievement of the true god realm.

As long as you can get a little chance, you can set foot on the Dacheng of the Real God Realm!
Heartbroken, Lin Chen stood outside the ghost cave, waiting for the others, and soon, a nothingness-like figure rushed out, it was Qian Fengliu.

"Brother Qian!"

"Brother Situ is indeed one step faster!"

The two shouted at the same time and stood together.

"Brother Situ, did you gain something?" Qian Fengliu narrowed his eyes, already aware that Lin Chen seemed to be a little different from before.

"Fortunately, I got a little source." Lin Chen smiled, although he was already very familiar with Qian Fengliu, but he couldn't tell him everything.

"I also got a small piece of original crystal here, which is far inferior to Brother Situ." Qian Fengliu said, throwing a small piece of crystal in his hand.

Lin Chen smiled, and the two continued to wait beside the ghost cave. Soon, more and more people rushed out, all with horrified faces, and they hadn't come out of the shock yet.

Originally sucked under the ghost cave, they all believed that they were doomed, but they didn't expect that the terrible pressure suddenly disappeared and no longer restricted their flight, which allowed them to rush out of the ghost cave.

Situ Yu also flew out, and was relieved to see Lin Chen who was safe and sound.

"It's great that you're okay, let's go, let's get out of this damn ghost hole!"

Situ Yu didn't care about anything, he just wanted to take Lin Chen out of here quickly.

Nodding their heads, Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu followed Situ Yufei and left without caring about the others.

After all, this source of time and space has been taken away by Lin Chen and refined. Presumably this ghost cave will not have any special features in the future.

"This time is really too dangerous. People's exploration of ghost caves is still too far behind. I was desperate this time, but I didn't expect that I could fly again suddenly. I rushed out immediately, and, I don't know if it's my eyesight, but I saw a flash of extreme silver light passing by in the air, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye!"

Situ Yu said to Lin Chen.

Silver light? !
Lin Chen was startled, isn't it the origin of time and space that can emit silver light?
At this time, the source of space and time has been absorbed by oneself, so how can it still exist?

"Maybe I was wrong. I was in a daze at the time." Situ Yu said again.

Shaking his head, Qian Fengliu didn't think much about it, but a bad premonition suddenly rose in Lin Chen's heart.

"Forget about this ghost cave for now. The most urgent thing is to return to Dongsheng Shenzhou quickly. In the Ghost Crying Mountain Range, there are many other dangers besides the ghost cave. This time, you boy, don't be reckless!"

Situ Yu said to Lin Chen.

Indeed, if Lin Chen hadn't fought against the Golden Winged Roc this time, it wouldn't have led to the appearance of the ghost cave.

Lin Chen was in a trance, thinking about Situ Yu's words, he always felt a little uneasy.

Shaking his head, but couldn't think of any clue, Lin Chen quickly flew in the direction of Situ Shenchao.

It was half a month before they returned to Situ Shenchao again. After the long journey, the three of them were very tired.

Back in the Situ God Dynasty, the ancestor summoned Lin Chen immediately, and returned to the small valley again, the ancestor shrank his eyes when he saw Lin Chen.

"Good boy, it seems that all the opportunities in the Heavenly Temple have come to you! Good, good!"

The ancestor looked at Lin Chen and admired it very much, but Lin Chen thought about it and released his own miniature universe, which also made one of the huge ships appear in the valley, making the whole valley shake a bit.

"I obtained this from the ghost cave in the Guiwailing Mountains. It should be able to sail outside the territory!" Lin Chen said.

But the ancestor froze all over, looking at this ship, the surprise in his eyes couldn't be added.

Stretching out his trembling hand and pointing at this ship, the ancestor's voice was a little hoarse: "This, this is an alien spaceship!"

Alien spaceship!

Lin Chen's whole body was shocked, his guess was right, this extraterritorial spaceship can travel in the universe!

"Good guy, the value of this spaceship can be worth more than half of the Situ Dynasty. This is a priceless thing, and it is rare to see in the whole world!"

The ancestor was very excited and reached out to caress the spaceship.

"Old Ancestor, on the spaceship, there is the skeleton of Emperor Cangtian, it should be his spaceship." Lin Chen's words once again made the ancestor's whole body vibrate.

"Emperor Cangtian! The master of the Heavenly Temple, he died here?"

The ancestor hurriedly rushed into the outer spaceship, and immediately saw the skeleton and the words beside the skeleton.

(End of this chapter)

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