Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 783 Attacking Zhou Tian! 【Part 3】

Chapter 783 Attacking Zhou Tian! 【Third update】

Chapter 780 Attacking Zhou Tian!

The self-destruction of the six true gods is definitely a big deal that can shock the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou. It has been a long time since such a major event has happened in the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou.

And Lin Chen, as the holy son of the Heavenly Temple, a genius with unlimited potential, is indeed worth the price to kill.

One must know that out of a thousand or 1 true god-level powerhouses, one may not be able to give birth to a beginning-god-level powerhouse, but Lin Chen is almost certain that he can become a beginning god.

Therefore, it seems insignificant to exchange the life of a future Shishen with just six true gods.

After Zhou Tianshenchao used such means, it seemed that he was at the end of his rope. Lin Chen was guarded by a large number of strong men who came to Situshenchao after hearing the news, and returned to Situshenchao. Follow all the way to avoid accidents.

And as Lin Chen returned to the Situ God Dynasty, the entire Situ God Dynasty immediately activated the highest level of defense measures to protect the seriously injured Lin Chen, and all kinds of natural treasures for healing were continuously sent to stabilize Lin Chen. Immediately after the injury, the entire Situ Dynasty came out in full force!

All the combat powers above the True God Realm are on the go, and there are countless False God Realm and Emperor Realm, making the entire sky dark and dense, making people feel extremely heavy in their hearts.

"Let's go, destroy Zhou Tian!"

The ancestor appeared in person and shouted, immediately igniting the fighting spirit of everyone present.

"Let's go, destroy Zhou Tian!"

"Let's go, destroy Zhou Tian!"

A cry, like thunder, wanted to explode the entire sky, as if to make the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou feel the anger of Situ Shenchao.

Immediately afterwards, the ancestor flew up, heading straight for the direction that Zhou Tianshen was facing.

The sound of piercing through the air was continuous, and the momentum was truly terrifying.

At the same time, in that Zhou Tianshen dynasty, a surge of grief and anger arose in the hearts of everyone.

"Six, a total of six true god realm powerhouses, none of them could kill that little bastard!"

The ancestor of Zhou Tian Shen Dynasty was furious, but at the same time, infinite sorrow was born in his heart.

The Zhoutian Dynasty, which was originally in full swing and stabilized Situ Shenchao, will soon be destroyed because of Situ Lingfeng!
"God is going to kill me Zhou Tian!"

Looking up to the sky with a long sigh, a flash of determination flashed in the eyes of the ancestor Zhou Tian. With a wave of his hand, he sent an order to activate the highest level of defense, ordering all warriors and people of the forces under his command to stand ready and fight against Situ Shenchao. !
"My Zhou Tian Dynasty can be destroyed, but I will definitely not sit still. Everyone obeys orders and kills the people of the Situ Dynasty at all costs!"

Patriarch Zhou Tian gave the order with a ferocious face, and flew up to the sky at the same time, and the troops of Situ Shenchao could be seen from a distance, sweeping in mighty force.

"All the affiliated forces of Situ Shenchao are ordered to follow me to destroy Zhou Tian. After this battle, those who make contributions will be fully supported by Situ Shenchao!"

Situ Patriarch's words shook the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou.

The demise of the Zhoutian Dynasty is the general trend, sooner or later, this time they attacked and killed Situ Lingfeng, they are seeking their own death, and with the promise of Situ Patriarch, there are already a large number of warriors rushing into the camp of the Situ God Dynasty, making That team was even scarier.

It was so dark that it seemed to crush the entire Zhou Tian Dynasty!
In this scene, even Patriarch Zhou Tian felt powerless in his heart.

The tree fell and the monkeys scattered. From the time when Situ Lingfeng became a holy son, there were very few forces attached to his Zhou Tianshen Dynasty, and those who remained at this moment were all loyalists.

However, this force is still far inferior to the army that is suppressing the situation at the moment.


"Our Zhou Tianshenchao would rather die standing up than living on our knees. Killing one will not lose money, killing two will earn one!"

Ancestor Zhou Tian's eyes were red, and a violent power burst out, infinitely close to the realm of Shishen, and his powerful power made everyone feel a little more at ease.

The presence of such a strong person can also make people forget their fear.

"Then you all go to die for me, kill!"

Patriarch Situ shouted angrily in the air, and suddenly pressed his palm, an incomparable huge handprint had been condensed in the sky, and he slapped the guardian formation of that Zhou Tianshen Dynasty with his palm.

The roar exploded, like destroying the world, causing everyone's eardrums to hurt, the big formation also fluctuated, and it was very unstable. The faces of many people who were in charge of blessing the formation were even paler, and a mouthful of blood spurted out , looking horrified.

Compared with Zhou Tian's ancestor, the aura of Zhou Tian's ancestor is even stronger!
"Situ Ao, you old man, I will fight you!"

Patriarch Zhou Tian was about to burst, flew out of the formation, and rushed straight to Patriarch Situ, where the sky fell and the earth shattered.

"Give it to me!"

Patriarch Situ was furious, and he slapped it again, directly breaking the protective formation, and also made the strong man behind him fly away like locusts, rushing into the interior of Zhou Tian Shenchao in an instant!
In an instant, the sound of shouting and killing shocked the sky, and after just a few breaths, blood flew soaring, staining the ground red.


A huge god dynasty that has stood for an unknown period of time is going to be destroyed. I am afraid that hell on earth is not enough to describe such a scene. Anyone who has seen this scene will never forget it for a lifetime.

Above the sky, the two superpowers, who can already be said to represent the highest combat power of the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou, fought together. The scene was like the end of the world, and the entire world would be smashed away.

Down below, the sound of killing was loud, corpses were strewn all over the field, and a disproportionate number of strong men fought in a scuffle.

Patriarch Zhou Tian roared furiously, and his shots were full of killing moves, attacking Patriarch Situ, and Patriarch Situ was also angry, and he didn't hold back. Soon, both of them were left with large and small injuries .

"Ah, Situ Ao, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!"

Patriarch Zhou Tian's heart was desolate, and he roared furiously. A flame that seemed to destroy the world had risen from his body, and he had burned his whole life's cultivation!

"Shishen, this is the power of Shishen, you die for me!"

At the last moment of his life, Patriarch Zhou Tian burned his whole life's cultivation, and finally reached the threshold of the Primordial God Realm. Feeling the powerful power in his body, he attacked Patriarch Situ desperately, and immediately let him Ancestor Situ felt a little overwhelmed.

"Hmph, how long can the power obtained by burning life last, it's just lingering!"

Patriarch Situ no longer attacked, but defended. Outside his body, his miniature guardian of the universe, under his thoughts, turned into the shape of a divine clock, watertight!
ps: Thanks to the book friends, for writing the pen and writing the reward, I specially added a new chapter!
(End of this chapter)

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