Chapter 786
Chapter 780 Slap in the face

"My son suspects that you are spies, please cooperate and go!"

A young man with a gloomy face slowly stood up, stared at Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu and said.

And his gaze especially stayed on the Xuanbing behind Qian Fengliu, and there was still a lewd light in his eyes. It was obvious that what he really cared about was Beihanyu.

Naturally seeing this, Qian Fengliu narrowed his eyes, and murderous intent had already flashed in his eyes.

Beihanyu is the most important person in his life, at this moment a prince appeared out of nowhere, and he actually wants to plot evil, how can he bear it!

"Brother Qian, be safe and don't be impatient!"

Lin Chen stood up and stood in front of Qian Fengliu.

"This may be a misunderstanding. I am Situ Lingfeng from Situ Shenchao. This is Qianjiaqianfengliu. I wonder if your Excellency can help me?" Lin Chen was very polite.

If you can avoid causing trouble, try not to cause trouble.

But if this guy doesn't know what to do, then it's a different matter.


These two names have just made the existence of the Holy Son of the Heavenly Temple. The current enthusiasm for the main story, especially the feat of Situ Shenchao's destruction of Zhoutian Shenchao, has made Lin Chen's name almost known to everyone.

"Young master, it seems that it is indeed the two of them. It is not easy to offend these two people!"

Behind the young man, a dog-legged person stood up and whispered in his ear.

Gritting his teeth, unwillingness flashed in this person's eyes, and he wanted to give up, but firstly he couldn't get off the stage, and secondly, seeing the woman in Xuanbing behind Qianfeng, he felt hot all over his body.

He must get this woman!

Compared with this woman, all his wives and concubines can be given up!

"Hehe, you two have great names. However, in my Great Apocalypse City, everything must be done according to the rules. If you don't accept it, I'm afraid things will not be so easy." He said.

Qian Fengliu was already angry, what kind of person he is, how could he endure being coerced by such a scum?

There was also a cold light in Lin Chen's eyes, he didn't expect this person to be so lustful, he recognized the two of them, and dared to do this.

"Apocalypse Great City, it's great, believe it or not, my Qian Family will send strong men to destroy you immediately!" Qian Fengliu shouted angrily.

"Hmph, what a big tone, come here, detain them for me!"

When did a young man hear such words, from childhood to adulthood, as long as he wants, there is nothing he can't get!
Following his order, someone stepped forward immediately, but they felt the evil spirit on Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu, and they didn't dare to act rashly.

"A bunch of trash, I tell you to take down these two!"

The young man was even more angry. While roaring, many soldiers immediately stepped forward, wanting to arrest Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu.

"Could it be that the person in charge of Tianqi Dacheng is dead, and let such an idiot do his best here?" Lin Chen was so powerful that he spread the voice out, spreading throughout Tianqi Dacheng.

Immediately, everyone was shocked. They didn't expect Lin Chen to be so arrogant.

Behind him, Qian Fengliu was furious, and had already taken out the jade talisman to send a message to the family.

Usually, Qian Fengliu is very cold, but once Beihanyu is involved, he will lose all reason.

If this guy dares to be arrogant today, Qian Fengliu will dare to destroy the entire Tianqi City!

Finally, his complexion changed. The young man looked a little flustered. He felt that things were going to get worse. His original intention was just to get the woman in Xuan Bingnei.

Robbing a woman was commonplace for him.

Lin Chen's voice was like thunder, and soon there were figures flying over from a distance. The leader was actually a beautiful woman in palace attire, whose actual age could not be seen.

"Xu'er, what's going on?"

The beautiful woman in palace attire saw the young man at first sight, stood in front of him, and protected him.

Lin Chen's heart sank, he didn't expect that the person in charge would be this woman who obviously protects the calf, this is troublesome.

"Mother! I suspect that these two people are spies, plotting something wrong!" Zhou Xu immediately pointed at Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu.

The previous panic was gone, as if with a beautiful woman in palace attire, he would be invincible in the world.


The beautiful woman looked at Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu.

"Situ Lingfeng?! And... Qian Fengliu!"

The beautiful woman was shocked, and a terrified expression appeared on her beautiful face.

These two guys, they are the Great City of Apocalypse, they can't afford to offend them!
"How could they be spies?!" Uncharacteristically, the beautiful woman no longer favored Zhou Xu, but stared at him sternly, and shouted angrily.

Zhou Xu's whole body was shocked by the beautiful woman's attitude, and he couldn't figure it out.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, he panicked even more.

"You two..." The beautiful woman looked at Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu with a flattering smile on her face.

Lin Chen was a little surprised. He thought this beautiful woman was protecting the calf, but unexpectedly he also understood some truths, knowing that some people should not be offended.

But Qian Fengliu didn't buy it.

"Needless to say, the powerful members of my family are already on their way, let's see if I am some kind of spy today!" Qian Fengliu's anger was not so easy to dispel.

If it weren't for the fact that this is the Great City of Apocalypse, he would have already shot and killed Zhou Xu.

His woman, other men, even if they have the slightest idea!
In this regard, Qian Fengliu is undoubtedly extremely domineering.

She slapped Zhou Xu with a wave of her hand, and the beautiful woman slapped him dumbfounded.

"You villain, let's see what good deeds you have done. Starting today, you will be punished to kneel here for a year, and you will not be allowed to get up!" The beautiful woman's momentum shook, and she immediately shocked Zhou Xu and knelt on the ground.

Zhou Xu's expression was terrified to the extreme, this was the first time he had been treated like this since he was a child, and he almost couldn't help crying.

"You two, there are a lot of adults. This child is not sensible. Don't worry about it like him. Look, I have punished him too..." The beautiful woman in palace costume pleaded.

She still has self-knowledge. Although the Great Apocalypse City is not weak, it is not enough to be trampled by the iron hooves of thousands of families, not to mention, there is also the Situ Shenchao who has already faintly dominated Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Any one of these two great powers can turn the city of Tianqi upside down.

"I'm fine, it depends on Brother Qian's attitude." Lin Chen smiled and looked at Qian Fengliu.

What he meant was obviously to calm things down, after all, it would be of no benefit to anyone if there was a big trouble.

Qian Fengliu also became a little more rational, but still snorted coldly, disdainful of words.

The beautiful woman in the palace costume is also very tactful, and she greeted her immediately, she was very enthusiastic: "You two are tired from the journey, I have already prepared the banquet, why don't you take a rest before going on the road, so that I can express my apology!"

With that said, he pulled Lin Chen away from the range of the teleportation array.

(End of this chapter)

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