Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 790 News of the Magic Flower

Chapter 790 News of the Magic Flower

Chapter 790 News of the Demon Flower

The figures of the two turned into Changhong, and soon returned to the Great City of Apocalypse.

Seeing Zhou Xu still kneeling on the ground, Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu ignored him and flew straight to the main hall, where they saw the beautiful woman in palace costume waiting.


The beautiful woman in palace costume took a step forward, wanting to meet Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu, but when she saw the corpse they were carrying, she froze in place, as if struck by lightning.

Even though she already knew that her husband was dead, but seeing the dead body at this moment, all her defenses were completely collapsed.

With a sharp cry, she rushed over and hugged the corpse, weeping uncontrollably.

Seeing this, Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu sighed.

This woman is really not easy. She is a woman, supporting the entire city of Tianqi, and her son is still so disappointing.

"This is his suicide note."

Lin Chen handed over the scroll, and the woman cried even more after reading it.

"You friend, why don't you stay well, why do you have to look for such an opportunity!"

She kept crying.

"This opportunity was given by the two of us. If there is any need in Tianqi Dacheng in the future, we will definitely try our best to help!" Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu comforted.

"Now, we still have important things to do, so we won't stay any longer. Please be sorry."

The two said goodbye to the beautiful woman in palace costume.

However, she was still crying bitterly, she didn't care about Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu, and she didn't know if she heard their words.

Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu glanced at each other. They both understood the feeling of losing a lover, and they both sighed immediately before turning and leaving.

Carrying Xuanbing on his back, Qian Fengliu turned into a long rainbow and crossed towards the mountain range. Lin Chen also accelerated his speed. In just two days, the two of them passed through this mountain range and saw a city in the distance .

This time, the teleportation went smoothly without any twists and turns. After the teleportation, the two finally set foot on the Demon Land of the Western Regions.

Just after the teleportation, Lin Chen immediately felt a faint magical aura filling the space between the heaven and the earth.

This place is definitely a paradise for magic cultivators!
Lin Chen suddenly felt that the Senluo Demon Tablet in his body had already vibrated, and it actually absorbed the demon energy here on its own.

"The demonic soil of the Western Regions has finally arrived!"

Qian Feng feels emotional, he can't wait to find the demon flower immediately.

"Let's go, let's inquire first. The Demon Flower is very hard to find. Even if it appears, it will definitely not be easy to get." Lin Chen said.

"No matter what price I pay, I will definitely get the Demon Face Flower!" Qian Fengliu said firmly.

Stepping out of the teleportation array, the two walked forward.

What I saw along the way was all demonic cultivators, and my whole body was filled with demonic energy, which was very terrifying.

And these people were also surprised when they saw Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu. They could feel that these two people were absolutely extraordinary, and the faint aura emanating from their bodies alone made people feel a little terrified.

Moreover, some people seemed to recognize their identities and exclaimed their names.

Indeed, the identity of the Holy Son of the two heavenly temples has already spread throughout the entire world, and there is naturally news in the Demon Land of the Western Regions.

"It's Situ Lingfeng and Qian Fengliu!"

"These two holy sons have actually come to the devil's land!"

"Look, behind Qian Fengliu, there is a large piece of black ice on her back, and the woman inside the black ice...is so beautiful!"

All the demon cultivators stared straight at their eyes, but the evil spirit emanating from Qian Fengliu's body immediately made them calm down a lot.

For Beihanyu, Qian Fengliu has a terrible possessive desire.

His woman, no one can even take a look at her!
"In your land, who is the most well-informed?"

Lin Chen grabbed a random person, threw some divine crystals over, and asked.

This person hastily took Shen Jing, with joy in his eyes, it was obvious that Lin Chen's move was very generous.

"It's Bao inquiring, Bao Ning, he knows a lot of things, he's drinking in the restaurant in front, I'll take you to find him!" The man said, pointing the way, leading Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu forward .

Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu immediately followed this person forward, and soon entered the private seat of a restaurant, saw this person and inquired about it.

I saw that this man was short and fat like a ball, and there were five women serving in brothels beside him. His fat hands wandered around the five women, causing coquettish screams again and again.

Laughing loudly, this bag is full of obscenity, obviously he is an extremely lecherous guy.

"Are you just asking around?"

Lin Chen stood at the door and said.

Immediately, the whole body trembled when Bao asked about it. He had dealt with many people, and at the first glance he saw that Lin Chen was not an ordinary person. When he looked carefully, he suddenly found that this person was actually the holy son who was in the limelight, Situ Lingfeng.

Moreover, beside Lin Chen, there was a cruel man carrying a piece of black ice on his back, wasn't it Qian Fengliu?
Two Holy Sons!

Bao Wenqu broke out in a cold sweat, waved his fat hand, and drove away the five women.

Then, he looked at Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu flatteringly.

"My lords, the younger one is just to ask. If you have any questions, I will know everything!"

Bao inquired and said.

Nodding his head, Lin Chen said, "Our trip to the Demon Land of the Western Regions is to find a demon-faced demon flower. I don't know where to look for it?"

Demon Flower!

Hearing this, Bao Inquired was shocked immediately.

Even in the Demon Land of the Western Regions, this monster-faced demon flower is a priceless item, and there is no trace of it on other lands of China.

What surprised him even more was that the two of them didn't come early or late, but they happened to catch up with the magic flower's appearance this time!

"To tell you the truth, you guys are really at the right place. This time, there happened to be a demon-faced demon flower in the world, in the demonic lake in the demonic soil!" Qian Fengliu's whole body trembled when Bao inquired.

He naturally knew that the Demon Faced Demon Flower was very precious and hard to find, but he didn't expect that there would be news when he came to the Demon Land, so how could he not be excited.

"Don't rush to be happy. The news of the birth of this magic flower is known to the whole magic land. There are countless people who want to get the magic flower. At this moment, the magic lake is surrounded by strong people, just waiting for the magic flower to grow!" Bao inquired and said.

Hearing this, Lin Chen's heart sank.

Many powerhouses in the entire Demon Land are eyeing the Demon Flower. It is conceivable that the chances of these two outsiders are even slimmer.

When the time comes to participate in the competition, the people of Demon Land will definitely join forces to kill the outsiders first, and then continue to fight.

"Hmph, I don't care, I must get the demon face flower, the two of us are not enough, so I will call the strong family to come!" Qian Fengliu said through gritted teeth.

This scene frightened the bag inquiring so that he didn't dare to speak.

These two masters seem to be making a big fuss in the Demon Land of the Western Regions!

(End of this chapter)

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