Chapter 795
Chapter 790 The Arrival of the Six Powers

The lake formed entirely by magic power is terrifyingly large, and it looks more like a vast ocean.

Even if the wind on the top of the mountain is not too weak, it can't make the magic lake have the slightest ripples, like a pool of stagnant water, giving people a feeling of despair.

But in this magic lake, there is an extremely strong wave of magic power, which can make the world's magic cultivators flock to it.

And in the lake, as well as by the lake, there are many natural materials and earthly treasures growing, any of them can be called priceless, and it is of great benefit to the magic cultivator.

As for the demon flower that will be born this time, it can be called the best among these treasures, enough to trigger a frantic fight for the entire Western Region demon land.

At this time, even though the magic flower hadn't appeared yet, there was already a wave of condensed magic energy faintly coming from the center of the lake, causing the magic energy in this piece of heaven and earth to automatically gather there.

While Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu glanced around, they had already discovered many figures, surrounding the entire Demon Lake, staring at them.

"It's Situ Lingfeng and Qian Fengliu!"

"They are here, should we take action!"

"Don't worry, they defeated the violent tiger. I'm afraid we are not opponents. Wait a minute, Yan Beichen, Geng Tianlang, Zhao Mo and Dugu Xin are coming soon. Looking at the entire Demon Land, whoever can defeat the violent tiger There are only a few of them, when they come, these two boys will be finished!"

Many demon cultivators stared at Lin Chen and the two of them and began to discuss.

Lin Chen's heart was serious. He naturally knew the names of these people, and they were all superpowers no less than the violent tiger.

Compared with combat power, the environment of the Demon Land of the Western Regions is harsh and cruel, and the strong people born there are much stronger than other divine lands.

Among them, the demon sword Yan Beichen and the eight-faced demon Geng Tianlang are rumored to have the aptitude to step into the realm of Shishen and can dominate one side.

Any one of them is already extremely difficult to deal with, not to mention there are four more of them. Once they come together, it will definitely be extremely disadvantageous for Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu.

The two exchanged glances, and they both saw the firmness in each other's eyes. They have already come here, and there is absolutely no reason to give up!

"Can you feel anything strange in the lake?" Lin Chen stared at the lake and asked Qian Fengliu.

Qian Fengliu frowned when he heard the words, concentrated for a moment and shook his head.

"The water of Tianmo Lake is completely condensed by magic power, and there is nothing else in it except magic power. Do you feel anything different?" Qian Fengliu asked.

Lin Chen also frowned.

On the surface, there was no abnormality in Tianmo Lake this day, but after stepping on the edge of the lake, Lin Chen felt a violent reaction from the silver compass, and the source was in the lake.

Obviously, there must be something in the lake that is related to the compass.

"Even if you can't get the demon face flower, you must get this thing related to the compass." Lin Chen thought to himself.

This silver compass contains the power of space and time, and it is hidden in the core of a secret place in the imaginary world. It must be a rare treasure, but Lin Chen still doesn't know how to use it.

At this moment, there was an extremely sharp sound of piercing through the air, and then, a figure carrying a huge black sword flew from the distant sky. Before the person arrived, there was already an extremely sharp sword intent. Breaking through the sky, wherever it passes, the space is cut apart.

Demon Sword Yan Beichen!
I saw this person with a stern face, coming through the air, and landed on the lakeside. The fierce sword intent emanating from his whole body had made the water of Tianmo Lake no longer calm, but rippled.

Lin Chen even saw that the rocks around him were slowly turning into dust!

Looking at Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu, Yan Beichen's eyes did not fluctuate, that high indifference, as if looking at two ants.

"It's still too late to leave now."

Just one sentence shows Yan Beichen's absolute confidence!

Because once he started, he didn't guarantee that Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu would still be alive!

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled faintly.

Qian Fengliu also snorted softly, expressing his attitude.

Seeing that the two were still standing in place, Yan Beichen also smiled. Instead of looking at the two, he stared at the center of the lake, waiting for the demon flower to appear.

In his eyes, even if Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu didn't leave now, they would never be able to grab the demon flower when it appeared, because Yan Beichen was here!

This is his absolute self-confidence, and there will never be exceptions.

Another roar spread, and everyone saw that above the sky, a chubby figure flew towards him at a high speed. On his face, there was a mask that looked like a smile but not a smile, exuding an extremely strange breath.

And behind him, there is actually a fluffy gray tail growing, swinging from side to side, it can shatter the space.

Eight-faced devil, Geng Sirius!
According to legend, this person has eight faces, and he was transformed from a powerful demon clan, but no one has ever seen him reveal his true body.

As soon as he appeared, Geng Tianlang saw Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu, and a strong murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"The lives of the two of them are mine!"

Immediately afterwards, looking at Yan Beichen, he yelled loudly.

"what ever."

Yan Beichen remained indifferent.

"Hey, there are still two Holy Sons in the Heavenly Temple. This time, none of the geniuses sent by my demon soil in the Western Regions could win the position of Holy Son. Now killing two Holy Sons is considered a profit!" Geng Tianlang licked. He licked his lips, in his eyes, Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu were already dead.

Qian Fengliu hugged the huge Xuanbing with a sullen expression on his face.

He had never been treated like this before, and before he started fighting, he was being discussed by his opponent who would kill him!

This is a humiliation for any warrior.


At this moment, two figures flew straight towards them again. Judging from their aura, they were not much different from Yan Beichen and Geng Tianlang. Naturally, they were Zhao Mo and Duguxin.

Similarly, these two people also harbored great hostility towards Lin Chen and Qian Fengliu, but when they learned that their lives had been taken by Geng Tianlang, they sighed at the same time.

"Since Geng Sirius wants to take their lives, then we will not intervene."

Geng Tianlang laughed when he heard the words: "It should be so, since the magic flower has not yet appeared, why don't I show my hands to everyone and kill these two boys!"

"it is good!"

As soon as this remark came out, the demon cultivators present cheered together.

Moxiu always likes to kill, and at this time, he can see a master killing a genius. That kind of experience must not be much worse.

(End of this chapter)

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