Chapter 817

Chapter 810 Eight Enemy Alliance
Soon, everyone came to Wentai's spaceship.

On this ship, there were still two thieves staying behind, and naturally they all obediently offered their soul seals.

So far, this gang of interstellar pirates has completely surrendered to Lin Chen.

After feeding the devil sheep and taking the healing elixir, Lin Chen called Wen Tai over after he was settled.

After some inquiries, Lin Chen also had some understanding of the current situation of everyone.

This place is located on the edge of a city-linked star field, it is very desolate, there is not even a living planet.

This interstellar pirate group also had to escape here because they got half of the star core in a previous competition and encountered a strong enemy's sniper.

"You tell me everything about the Thousand Illusory Starfield."

The Thousand Illusion Goddess's complexion was ugly.

Hearing this, Wen Tai didn't dare to neglect, and immediately answered.

"I also heard that there was a big battle before, and the Thousand Illusionary Goddess disappeared. Afterwards, the Thousand Illusionary Star Lord personally searched for it, but was ambushed by the Dark Cloud Star Lord. She was seriously injured and escaped. Defeated, it is about to fall."

Wen Tai said truthfully.

The Thousand Illusion Goddess frowned tightly.

The news may be exaggerated, but it is absolutely true, and she suddenly became very worried in her heart.

"I have already sent a message to the emperor, but there is no reply!"

The Thousand Imaginary Goddess sighed.

When Lin Chen heard this, he also comforted him.

"Don't worry, there will always be a way!"

However, Lin Chen himself didn't know what to do.

This battle involving two huge star fields is probably more intense than the one where the alien species was exterminated.

And such a battle must involve huge interests.

Just like back then, the alien race group suffered annihilation because they got a tear of chaos.

Afterwards, although Lin Chen got the Tears of Chaos, he couldn't use it all the time, so he had to put it on hold. Lin Chen checked it specially just now. Even in the outer starry sky, the Tears of Chaos still didn't respond.

Shaking her head, Goddess Qianhuan smiled wryly.

"I have to rush back as soon as possible. At this time, I can't be absent."

Her voice was decisive.

"With your current strength, you will die if you go back!"

Lin Chen said.

If Goddess Qianhuan died, who would revive Beihanyu and Mei Wuer?

"I don't care, even if I die, I will go back and fight side by side with the people of my Thousand Fantasy Starfield!" said the Thousand Fantasy Goddess.

"However, the Liancheng Starfield is far away from the Thousand Illusionary Starfield. Even if it is transmitted through a wormhole, it will take a year or two. By then..." Wen Tai said cautiously.

Hearing this, the delicate body of the Thousand Illusion Goddess trembled, and despair flashed in her eyes.

One or two years is not too short. Now that the Thousand Illusion Starfield is facing such a desperate situation, it may be overturned at any time, and she is too late.

Tears fell, and the Thousand Fantasy Goddess was extremely anxious.

"Aside from wormholes, is there any other way to go faster?" Lin Chen asked.

He felt that there must be a faster way.

"Yes, a strong person at the level of the ancestors can send people from one star field to another in a single thought, but the price is really too high. Even the strong ancestors of the field, They are not willing to use it lightly." Said the Thousand Illusion Goddess.

"Then we will try our best to find the strong ancestors of the domain to help, there is always a way, isn't it?"

Lin Chen said.

Nodding her head, before she knew it, Goddess Qianhuan had obeyed Lin Chen's words.

Even in such an unfamiliar environment outside the territory, Lin Chen was still able to stay calm in the face of danger, and he was given a great opportunity to save everyone. In the face of crisis, he can always find a way!

With such a temperament, which woman can not be convinced?

"Did you encounter Motian clan during your escape?"

Lin Chen asked.

That's what he really cares about.

"Yes! The Motian clan is a special race in the universe, but it is quite powerful. Before, they came out in full force and wiped out the alien race group, and then launched a hunt!"

"It is said that the alien race escaped here and disappeared. It is very likely that there is a secret realm hidden in this sea of ​​meteorites, and they are hiding in it!"

Wen Tai knows everything.

"We once saw a Motian tribe from afar, but we avoided them. Their physique is very special and they cannot pass through wormholes. Therefore, it may take a lot of time for them to get here."

Hearing what Wen Tai said, Lin Chen was relieved.

Going through a wormhole is very fast, but if there is no wormhole, it will take a lot more time.

Goddess Qianhuan also said that it will take about a hundred years, and with this time, Lin Chen is sure to stop them when the time comes!
After all, Lin Chen now has a total of 36 subordinates in the Beginning God Realm, not counting Wen Tai and the others!

After a hundred years, who knows how far his own strength will develop, perhaps, without waiting for a hundred years, Lin Chen can first look for the group of Skyscrapers and destroy them!

Thinking of this, Lin Chen was finally relieved, and he decided to accompany Goddess Qianhuan to the Thousand Fantasy Starfield first.

Therefore, the most important thing is to get out of here, and find a way to ask the strong people at the domain ancestor level to help!
Having made up his mind, Lin Chen immediately gave the order. Immediately, Wen Tai started the space ship, left the scope of this meteorite sea, and flew away towards the distance.

Space travel is very boring, Lin Chen fell into retreat directly, refining the star core while expanding the miniature universe.

His current cultivation base is not far from the great achievement of the true god realm, and he feels that outside the territory, the improvement of his cultivation base has accelerated a lot, and it may not be long before he can reach the real great achievement.

Along the way, Lin Chen asked Wen Tai a lot more, and he had some understanding of the nearby star field in his heart.

The Liancheng star field where they are located is the most desolate edge area. There are a large number of meteorite seas and dangerous places. Generally, some desperadoes will flee here, and there are also a large number of bandits. In order to resist the enemy, they spontaneously organized, An alliance was reached, called the Ditian League.

And the leader of the Ditian League is a strong man in the ancestral realm. It is said that he once crushed hundreds of living planets in a huge star field, causing a catastrophe, but no one What can I do to get him!
Under the leadership of this lord, the Ditian League can be regarded as a powerful force, and it is at the level of the overlord in this city-linked star field.

Therefore, if you want to find a strong ancestor in the domain to help teleport, the leader of the Ditian League is the fastest choice, otherwise, you will have to go to another star domain.

However, it is not an easy matter to invite such a murderer to take action!

(End of this chapter)

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