Chapter 832

Chapter 830 Three Methods of the Enemy Lord
Reaching out lightly, an invisible force erupted from the leader of Ditian League, grabbing Zhang Yichen's arm.

It can be seen that Zhang Yichen is very concerned about this arm, and has exhausted all the treasures of heaven and earth to refine it, so that the strength of this arm has reached a level that is close to the limit.

However, everything is useless in front of the domain ancestor powerhouse.

Zhang Yichen looked crazy, shouting constantly, trying to break free, but this arm seemed to be nailed in the air, no matter how violent his body was, he couldn't move an inch.

Blood was bleeding from every bite of his teeth, Zhang Yichen was miserable.

And not long ago, he was so energetic that he almost forced Lin Chen to death!

I have to say, Feng Shui turns!

"Forgive me, forgive me, I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore!"

Zhang Yichen desperately begged for mercy, but the leader of Ditian League had a stern expression on his face and did not respond at all.

What he made a decision has never changed!
"Master, master, save me, save me!"

At this moment, in the starry sky in the distance, there was a figure galloping towards him. It was the master of Yunhai Sect, who had also reached the level of Yuzu.

However, the master of Yunhai Sect is still young, and in terms of background, he is still inferior to the leader of Ditian League.

In the battle just now, he just didn't pay attention, and was trapped by the plan of the leader of the Ditian League. He just arrived at this moment, and saw the scene where the leader of the Ditian League broke Zhang Yichen's arm.


The master of the Yunhai sect was about to burst into tears.

Zhang Yichen is his right-hand man, who has made great achievements for his Yunhaimen, and all of this is due to his arm that is comparable to a star.

But now, if the Ditianmeng cut off this arm, it would be tantamount to abolishing Zhang Yichen!
The leader of Ditian League sneered when he heard the words, looked at the master of Yunhai Sect in the distance, and then shook his palm lightly in the air.


There was only a crisp sound, Zhang Yichen's arm, which had undergone countless tempering, was cut off shoulder-to-shoulder at this moment, and broke directly.

Zhang Yichen opened his mouth wide, but couldn't make a sound at all, he could only spit out a mouthful of blood, his eyes were dark, and he almost fainted.

"Give it back, give it back to me!"

Zhang Yichen rushed towards the severed arm like crazy.

If you get a broken arm, there may be a way to get it back!

However, how could the leader of Ditian League give him this chance?
With a swipe of the palm, this arm has already entered the hands of the leader of the enemy.

Holding this arm, the leader of Ditian League looked coldly at the leader of Yunhai Sect, and lightly tossed this arm. At the same time, he kicked Zhang Yichen, who was flying towards him, far away, his chest collapsed, he vomited blood, and was powerless. Looking at the enemy leader.

Silent as a cicada.

No one in the audience dared to take a big breath.

Everyone was staring at the enemy leader.

It's been a long time since this villain, who is famous in the star field across the city, has really made a move, and now, seeing his methods again, he is still wandering around like that wantonly!

The leader of Ditian League really deserves the title of villain.

He raised his arm and looked at the master of Yunhai Sect.

"If you want to get this arm back, I'll give you two ways. First, kneel down and kowtow to me as Grandpa, and I'll give it to you. Second, cede half of your Yunhai Sect's resources and come over here."

Hearing this, Zhang Yichen in the distance immediately opened his mouth, but he was already speechless, he just made a babbling sound, and looked at the master of Yunhai Sect full of expectations.

It's just that, how can such a big man like the head of Yunhai Sect be humiliated in public?

As for ceding the territory, it is even more impossible!

The veins on the forehead of the master of Yunhai Sect were swollen, and the killing intent in his eyes could not be suppressed at all.

He let out a roar, and rushed directly to the leader of the enemy sky, bursting out with all his strength, shocking the audience.

Seeing this, Zhang Yichen's eyes were gloomy and he was completely desperate.

Even though the conditions offered by the leader of the Ditian alliance were very harsh, he still held a glimmer of hope and wanted to let the leader of the Yunhai sect fight for him.

But now the performance of the master of the Yunhai Sect didn't take Zhang Yichen into consideration at all, so what did his hard work before mean?
At this moment, Zhang Yichen doesn't hate the leader of Ditian League, but only the leader of Yunhai Sect!
This is human nature. The leader of the Ditian League has already caught him to death. He never wanted to return his arm to Zhang Yichen from the beginning to the end. The reason why he did this was to make Zhang Yichen hate the leader of Yunhai Sect and let everyone see it. Let the master of Yunhai sect be unpopular!

This kind of method is so sophisticated to the extreme, it is really worthy of so many evil things done by the leader of the enemy alliance!
Only such a big villain can do such a thing with every gesture.

With a flick of a finger, the arm that had been tempered countless times in the hands of the leader of Ditian shattered directly, turned into powder, and dissipated in the starry sky, leaving no trace of it anymore. .

And Zhang Yichen in the distance saw this scene, his eyes went dark, he couldn't catch his breath, and he was so angry that he died!
Without any effort, he eliminated a strong man who was close to the combat power of the god emperor, and made the master of Yunhai unpopular. It has to be said that the leader of the Ditian alliance has reached the point of perfection!

The master of Yunhai Sect is not stupid, he finally reacted at this moment, but at this time, no matter what he does, it is already irreparable.

Looking at the leader of Ditian with hatred, he almost went crazy.

So frustrating!

"Against me, you are still far behind!"

The leader of Ditian sneered, brushed off the debris on his sleeve, and looked at the leader of Yunhai Sect with cold eyes.

At this moment, Lin Chen had already fled. If he continued to fight, he would not be the opponent of the leader of the enemy, and it would not have the slightest effect.

In addition, Zhang Yichen is also dead at this moment, and with his hearts scattered, he must find a way to make up for it, so there is no time to care about Lin Chen's life and death.

With a cold snort, the master of the Yunhai sect left directly, and at the same time, a large number of experts of the Yunhai sect in the starry sky also returned in defeat, and left with the master of the Yunhai sect.

Seeing them disappearing in the distance, the leader of Ditian turned around and rushed into the meteorite sea immediately.

"Everyone is dispatched, desperate to find Lin Chen!"

"This kid must not die!"

In just two sentences, it has been seen that the leader of the Ditian alliance attaches great importance to Lin Chen.

When everyone heard the words, how could they dare to be negligent, they immediately set off, rushed into the sea of ​​meteorites, and searched in the direction where Lin Chen left.

But at this moment, Lin Chen's situation was extremely bad.

Fearing that Zhang Yichen would catch up, he ran forward as hard as he could regardless of his injuries, and went deep into the sea of ​​meteorites, not knowing where he was.

There were waves of powerful fluctuations in the distance, and he didn't dare to turn his head back, but continued to run away. In the depths of the meteorite sea, where the turbulent currents were raging and murderous every step of the way, Lin Chen accidentally stepped into the A dead zone completely surrounded by turbulence!
ps: Happy National Day everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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