Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 834 Overbearing Shrine

Chapter 834 Overbearing Shrine

Chapter 830 The fifth domineering shrine
This turmoil shocked the entire Liancheng Starfield, and Lin Chen's name was completely spread.

The ensuing enthusiasm for recruiting disciples also dropped a lot. The leader of Ditian League had little interest, and finally ended hastily, accepting Ding Zichao, Sui Chaoqi, and that Fang Hao as disciples, and other geniuses, more or less, also worshiped. Under the sect of some elders, I have a belonging.

As for Lin Chen's whereabouts, it became a mystery, except for the leader of the enemy, no one else knew.

Afterwards, the leader of the Ditian Alliance specially summoned many of Lin Chen's friends. No one knew what they discussed, but after this summoning, there was a hidden strong fluctuation. Later, that beautiful woman was I don't know where to go.

Obviously, in order to make friends with Lin Chen, the leader of Ditian has already teleported the Thousand Fantasy Goddess to the Thousand Fantasy Starfield.

The other people, the demon sheep, had already been accepted as disciples by an elder, so they naturally stayed in the Ditian League.

At the same time, they faintly revealed some things about the Motian clan. Of course, they did not reveal the location of the great world.

The leader of the Ditian League immediately stated here that as long as the Motian clan dared to come after a hundred years, he would kill them all.

This made Qian Fengliu and others feel relieved immediately, and practiced on the Enemy Star with peace of mind.

As well as Wen Tai, Gao Si, and their subordinates, they were also well arranged by the leader of the enemy and received good treatment.

On the side of Yunhaimen, people's hearts are in turmoil, and there will be no action in a short time. Next, the leader of Ditian summoned three disciples. I don't know what the arrangement is. The next day, the three disciples left separately. where to go.

This matter came to an end, but for Lin Chen, it was just the beginning.

That day, Lin Chen was sucked in by the black hole in the turbulent flow of space, and then completely lost consciousness and passed out.

I don't know how long it has been and how far he has gone. Lin Chen only feels that his whole body is wrapped in warmth, as if the fetus is in the amniotic fluid of the mother's body, very comfortable.

Slowly opening his eyes, Lin Chen found that he was in a large hall, and his whole body was soaked in a pool of emerald green water. From this pool, exuberant vitality poured into his body continuously. Nourishing his wounds.

The many horrible wounds on the body surface have already recovered, and the wounds in the body are also good. Lin Chen was very surprised.

When Japan thought that it was certain to die, it never expected that it would encounter such an accident. I am afraid that this place is definitely not above the enemy star. When I entered that passage, I must have experienced a long teleportation!
Looking around, Lin Chen saw that the palace was very magnificent, and even the pool he was in was built with top-grade divine crystals, which was extravagant.

Struggling to stand up from the pool, Lin Chen changed into a suit of clothes, walked around the palace, the sound of footsteps echoed, there was no one else in the huge palace except Lin Chen.

Taking a deep breath, he walked outside. This time, Lin Chen could vaguely see a few figures outside the palace.

"This time, who did you recruit?"

"He is a rare genius, and his martial spirit should be Tianjiao Molong!"

"Sky Horned Black Dragon?! How is this possible? This kind of creature has long been extinct in the long river of the universe. How could it be possible that someone's martial spirit would be Tian Horned Black Dragon?"

"I was also surprised, but my perception is not wrong. It is indeed the pure Tianjiao Molong breath. Maybe this little guy has a chance."

"Calculate the time, he should be awake too, let's go and see."

As he said that, there were already two figures walking straight towards the palace. At the same time, Lin Chen could also feel that these two auras were actually the same as that of the leader of the Ditian League, reaching the level of the ancestor of the domain!

"Where is this place, there are two domain ancestors casually?"

In Lin Chen's heart, turbulent waves arose.

But at this moment, the two figures had already walked into the hall and saw Lin Chen who had woken up.

"Hehe, are you awake?"

One of the benevolent old men looked at Lin Chen with a smile.

"Thank you senior for saving me, but I don't know, where is this?"

Lin Chen asked respectfully.

"It's not that I saved you. You fell into turbulence. It was actually my handwriting. Just don't hate me. This is the Eternal Shrine!" The old man waved his hand.

Lin Chen was even more surprised that he could actually manipulate the turbulent currents of the universe. This person's strength is probably already immeasurable.

And this Eternal Shrine, although unheard of, must be a super power.

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't show their expectant expressions after hearing about the Eternal Shrine, the ancestors of the two domains were also a little surprised.

"You don't know about the Eternal Shrine, do you?"

the old man asked.

"The junior is ignorant and ignorant. He has been cultivating in a small place, and he has never heard of it." Lin Chen answered honestly.

Nodding his head, the old man continued: "This kind of situation does exist, let me tell you this, the Eternal Shrine is the strongest force in the universe, and can dominate any force, the survival of the star field."

what? !

Lin Chen's first reaction was that the old man was joking, how could this be possible?
The universe is vast and boundless, no matter how powerful a power is, it will have its limit. Is this old man just boasting?

"Of course, I am referring to the areas that have been discovered so far. Those unknown star fields are naturally not included. However, as long as my Eternal God Palace is willing, I can also open up those star fields."

"As long as you have made a great contribution, it is fine to even name a star field after you. Zhang Henshui next to me has a hate water star field named after him." The old man was very proud , introduced to Lin Chen.

This had a great impact on Lin Chen. If what the old man said was true, then this so-called Eternal Shrine was really too strong!

And himself, could it be that he was chosen by this force?
"You possess the Tianjiao Black Dragon Martial Soul, and your aptitude is unparalleled. Now, on behalf of the Eternal Shrine, I invite you to join." The old man said.

Lin Chen was startled, and secretly thought that it was true, but he didn't really want to join this ancient palace.

The main reason is that he has to protect the Great Thousand World. Who knows if he can go back after joining this Eternal Shrine?
"Joining the Eternal Shrine, can I move around freely? How far is this place from Liancheng Starfield?" Lin Chen asked immediately.

"Only when you grow into a general-level existence can you move freely. Before that, you have to accept arrangements and perform tasks. As for the Liancheng star field, I will teleport you to reach it in an instant. If you do it yourself, no, there is no such possibility, because you refuse to join People who have never been able to get out of here, and almost no one would refuse to join the Eternal Shrine." said the old man.

(End of this chapter)

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