Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 836 The True Origin of the Demon Monument

Chapter 836 The True Origin of the Demon Monument

Chapter 830 The True Origin of the Seventh Demon Tablet
"This is the Eternal God Monument. This monument has survived since ancient times. My Eternal God Palace relies on this Eternal God Monument to stand still!"

The old man said very proudly.

He didn't notice that Lin Chen's expression was a little weird.

At this moment, while the Mori Demon Monument in Lin Chen's body trembled, it seemed to resonate strongly with this ancient divine monument, making his body tremble a little.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Chen glanced at this ancient monument, and also saw that there seemed to be a gap in the center of the monument. Judging from its size, it was just like this Mori Monument!
"Senior, what happened to the gap?"

Lin Chen asked.

"Hmph, that gap was knocked down by the offal from the Taitian Temple in a great battle ten thousand years ago!"

The old man was very angry when he mentioned this matter, blowing his beard and staring.

Taitian Shrine!

This was the second time Lin Chen heard the name of this faction.

Naturally, the first time was because after receiving the inheritance from Daoist Tianxing, he made a blood oath to help Daoist Tianxing deal with Chu Lingxiao from the Taitian Temple.

From the looks of it now, the Eternal Ancient Shrine and the Taitian Shrine should be on opposite sides.

"The ancient divine stele, which still exists from ancient times, will also be cut off?"

Lin Chen was a little surprised.

Judging from the fluctuations on the stele, it should be an extremely powerful treasure, but it can also be broken.

"Hmph, take a closer look. That piece is not something that can be destroyed by manpower, not even the Ancestral Domain. It can be taken down by nature! My Eternal Shrine is not well defended, and it was taken advantage of by the Taitian Shrine. Missing this important piece."

The old man said, gnashing his teeth.

Lin Chen's heart trembled.

Obviously, the Senluo Demon Tablet in his body must be the one that was lost, but for some reason, it was not in the Taitian Temple, but fell into his own hands.

Lin Chen didn't dare to ask more questions.

The old man continued: "This missing piece is the core component of the ancient god monument, and what is contained in it is the supreme ancient avenue. As long as this avenue is completed, you can break through the domain ancestors and reach Unprecedented supreme state, but unfortunately, in the entire universe, no one can achieve it."

"Now, the monument is incomplete, and it is even more difficult to comprehend the ancient avenue."

The old man said very regretfully.

The ancient avenue!

Lin Chen can be sure that this avenue is not among the three thousand avenues at all, because at the beginning, he became an emperor perfectly by merging and penetrating the three thousand avenues!
His heart was beating wildly, and Lin Chen's breathing became a little rough.

Now that the Senluo Demon Tablet is in his hands, does it mean that he has the possibility to realize the legendary ancient way?
And above the ancestors, what is the highest realm?
In Lin Chen's heart, endless reveries arose.

The road of a warrior seems to have no end, but now, he already understands that in the known universe, the strongest is Yuzu, and above the legendary Yuzu, there is a supreme realm waiting for people to explore !
Moreover, this opportunity is in his hands!
Lin Chen thought a lot, even why his miniature universe is more than the perfect ten thousand zhang, maybe it is because he owns the Senluo Demon Tablet!
"Okay, you can comprehend it here. If you can't comprehend anything, don't force it. After all, it is very difficult for anyone to comprehend something from this sacred tablet. Once comprehended, they will at least be generals in the future." existence." said the old man.

"Then dare to ask senior, what level is it?" Lin Chen asked.

Hearing this, a hint of arrogance flashed in the old man's eyes.

"This old man is at the imperial level. As for the higher emperor level, there is no one. You will know the details when you reach my level in the future." After finishing speaking, the old man took a step, and disappeared in the forest with a flash. Dust's eyes.

At the same time, there was a sentence that echoed in Lin Chen's ears.

"I forgot to tell you, the old man's name is Taoist Tianhe!"

Tianhe Taoist!

Lin Chen was stunned. This Tianhe Taoist should be top-notch in the Eternal Shrine. His strength, looking at the level of the ancestors, is probably a rare existence.

After confirming that Taoist Tianhe had left, Lin Chen's heart was burning, and he looked at the ancient monument.

No one knew that the most important part of the ancient monument was in Lin Chen's body!

Before, Lin Chen thought that the Senluo Demon Tablet was left by the strong man of the Demon Killing Clan, but now it seems that the words of that strong man may not be credible. This Demon Tablet is definitely not his handwriting. Dao is his thing, but what is hidden deeper in the magic tablet has never been discovered by anyone.

Lin Chen didn't know before, but now, he finally understands.

In the deepest part of this demon tablet, there is a high possibility that the so-called ancient avenue is hidden!

With a thought, Lin Chen called out the stele spirit.

The former spirit of the stele was Li Funan. Later, after Li Funan died, he changed back into the spirit of the stele and returned to the Senluo Demon Stele, which also gave the demon stele a little more spirituality.

And with the appearance of the stele spirit, Lin Chen suddenly felt that there was a trace of a different breath on the tall ancient divine stele in front of him.

The appearance of Li Funan was just an accident. He was born after the Senluo Demon Tablet was exiled in the Great Thousand World. Therefore, he himself did not know the existence of the Ancient Great Dao.

Among the entire Senluo Demon Tablet, Lin Chen thinks that it is most likely to be an extension of the Eternal Dao, and only the Universe Secret Code is the only one.

Universe Secret Code!

The reason why Lin Chen became an emperor perfectly, his strength improved so quickly, and the miniature universe was so perfect, is largely due to the subtle influence of the secret code of the universe.

This contains the mystery of the universe's early ascension. If there is anything close to the true meaning of the ancient Dao, I am afraid that there is really only the universe secret book.

The ancient avenue is probably hidden in the secret tome of the universe.

If one day, Lin Chen can comprehend the secret code of the universe, understand the beginning of the universe, and the real secret, then he may truly understand the ancient way, break through the ancestors of the domain, and achieve a more advanced state.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, and couldn't help letting out a howl, which echoed on the cliff.

Immediately afterwards, while Lin Chen's mind was moving, using the Senluo Demon Tablet as a link, his thoughts reached out, trying to touch the ancient god's tablet in front of him. Suddenly, the entire ancient god's tablet seemed to hum, and then, It was a strange light that escaped from the gap in the stele, and instantly enveloped Lin Chen's figure.

Surrounded by this divine light, Lin Chen didn't feel any discomfort, and he only felt that his whole body had returned to the amniotic fluid of his mother's body. Immediately afterwards, all kinds of wonderful perceptions and pictures began to emerge in him heart.

At the same time, this wonderful scene immediately attracted the attention of the entire Eternal Shrine!

(End of this chapter)

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