Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 838 Dragon Blood Ruins

Chapter 838 Dragon Blood Ruins
Chapter 830 IX Dragon Blood Ruins
True God Realm Great Consummation!

At this level, he is only one step away from Shishen.

Lin Chen was excited, and at the same time, he also felt that the divine power in his body had undergone a slight transformation at this moment.

He has reached the level of Primordial God, and he can already feel a trace of chaotic power. Moreover, Lin Chen has the blessing of the divine stele here, which descends the ancient divine power, making his divine power full of vicissitudes of time, as if it is from the ancient times. Handed down in general, thick and mysterious.

Of course, the power of such divine power is also multiplied.

Slowly opening his eyes, feeling the powerful force in his body, Lin Chen was very happy.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a series of extremely powerful auras escaping from all around, and many powerful people from the ancient shrine looked at him with great joy, even happier than himself.

And in this series of auras, the weakest and weakest ones are all god emperor level, and more are domain ancestors!
Lin Chen was taken aback, he didn't expect such a big commotion to attract so many old guys.

Standing up, Lin Chen bowed and saluted many old men, he didn't dare to neglect.

"Lin Chen, right, very good, very good!"

An old man was very pleased, and stepped forward to pat Lin Chen on the shoulder. At the same time, he took out an ancient talisman and stuffed it into Lin Chen's hand.

"You hold this ancient amulet. At critical moments, it can block Yu Zu's blow."

Lin Chen took the ancient amulet and was taken aback.

It can block a blow from Yu Zu!
Such a treasure was actually given to me casually!
Feeling flattered, Lin Chen hastily thanked the old man.

"It's a shame to take out such a thing, boy, this gourd is for you, it contains inexhaustible divine liquid!"

Another old man snorted and threw a brown gourd to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen hurriedly took the gourd, and was shocked again.

Inexhaustible divine liquid!
The divine liquid is more precious than the divine crystal. With the divine liquid, no matter what kind of resource it is, it can be exchanged for it.

"Farts are inexhaustible, there is nothing more than a source of all things in this gourd, just blow it hard!"

Taoist Tianhe laughed.

Suddenly, the old man who threw the gourd lost his face.

"Original Formation of All Things, do you have one?"

Hearing this, Taoist Tianhe directly flipped his hands over, took out an exquisite jade plate, and threw it to Lin Chen.

"This jade plate can give birth to the essence of Shenze, and it is a hundred times more precious than your gourd!"

Lin Chen took the jade plate, feeling a little helpless while feeling excited.

The simple gift of treasures turned out to be a competition among these old fellows, but that's okay, the harder they compete, the more benefits Lin Chen will get.

Putting away these treasures, Lin Chen eagerly waited for them to continue.

However, these old guys also found that something was wrong, and if they kept fighting like this, the treasures they had painstakingly accumulated would be cheaper than Lin Chen.

"Stinky boy, this time it's cheaper for you, but you have to practice hard, don't worry, if you need help with anything in the outside world, just let me know, I'll let Zhang Henshui do it for you!"

Taoist Tianhe waved his hand and said to Lin Chen.

He didn't even want to let Lin Chen go out to do the task. In order to ensure Lin Chen's safety, from now on, the news about Lin Chen must be kept strictly confidential, and he didn't intend to let Lin Chen step out of this ancient palace .

Only in this way can Lin Chen not be harmed.

Otherwise, once the Taitian Temple finds out about Lin Chen's existence, they will definitely do everything possible to eliminate this threat.

After all, like Lin Chen, there are too few existences that can cause the reaction of the divine tablet and bless the ancient divine power. Each of them is the most important thing, and they cannot bear half a loss.

Lin Chen was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately saluted and thanked him.

"To be honest, the younger generation has a few old friends in the Liancheng star field, and one of them worshiped under the sect of an elder of the Ditian League. His name is Yang Xiao. We offended the Motian clan before, and a group of Motian clan is coming now. Prepare to deal with us."

"I want to ask the seniors to take action and wipe out the Motian clan!"

Lin Chen said immediately.

Hearing this, he nodded, and Zhang Henshui said: "Small matter, I have heard of this Motian clan, but it is just a special race, and it seems to be rejected by the universe. It can't even pass through wormhole teleportation, and can only fly in the starry sky. It’s not worth mentioning, the old man can easily destroy it.”

"Then thank you senior, this kindness must be remembered in my heart!"

Lin Chen quickly thanked him.

"Since this is the case, Zhang Henshui will set out soon to intercept those Motian clans and destroy the remaining Motian clans. I told you that the Eternal Shrine can destroy any racial force at will. You can practice here with peace of mind! "

Taoist Tianhe said.

"Then the junior doesn't need to perform the task?" Lin Chen asked.

"I don't worry about you leaving here. Once you encounter an accident, the loss will be great!" Taoist Tianhe said.

"I don't do missions, I'm not even a soldier now, I want to upgrade too!" Lin Chen felt helpless.

Only by becoming a general-level existence can one act at will.

Lin Chen missed his relatives and friends, so how could he rest in peace of mind and meditate.

"Well then, I'll make an exception and give you a general title, so you can practice with peace of mind!" Taoist Tianhe waved his hand in a very angry manner.

"Then I have become a general, can I act freely!" Lin Chen asked immediately.

Hearing this, Taoist Tianhe was speechless.

This is a paradox!

He gave Lin Chen the title of general in order to allow Lin Chen to stay in the Eternal Shrine to practice with peace of mind, but Lin Chen can move freely after getting the title of general. It must be difficult to stay in the Eternal Shrine with peace of mind!
For a while, even Taoist Tianhe had a headache, not knowing what to do.

"By the way, I just got news that there may be ancient dragon essence blood in an ancient ruin. I think it will be of great use to this kid!"

An old man said suddenly.

Essence and blood of ancient dragons?

You know, the reason why Lin Chen's Jielong Wuhun can transform into Tianjiao Molong is because of that drop of Tianjiao Molong's blood.

If he could get similar blood essence again, it would be a huge improvement for Lin Chen.

Moreover, the reason why the alien race group suffered annihilation was because they obtained a drop of blood essence hidden in the tears of chaos, which aroused the coveted eyes of the Motian clan.

"Let me go, it's just as a mission, otherwise, I will feel uneasy as a general. I have been improving in battle all the way. Let me just sit and suffer like this, which will only have the opposite effect. Effect!"

Lin Chen said quickly.

After hearing such words, Taoist Tianhe pondered for a moment, and finally nodded slowly.

"That's right, but I'm standing still. The strong don't come out of the greenhouse. When we old guys were young, we were born and died. Go ahead. There are ancient amulets. There will be too many problems, once you use the ancient talisman, our side will know immediately!"

Taoist Tianhe said.

(End of this chapter)

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