Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 900 Mysterious Rainforest

Chapter 900 Mysterious Rainforest
Chapter [-]: The Mysterious Rainforest

Taoist Tianhe's move was not aimless.

That side of the world cannot be completely closed. At this moment, that passage has been destroyed, but there must be other unknown passages.

What he has to do is to find other passages, and then enter the Great Thousand World again, and find a way to get the Ancestral Soul Jade.

Obtaining the Ancestral Soul Jade makes it possible to go to a higher realm, which has always been the dream of Taoists in Tianhe.

As for the chaos and evil spirits, he doesn't want to take care of them for the time being. Since the idiots of the Taitian Shrine want to show off, he has to let him go. I'm afraid that when the time comes, the Taitian Shrine will know how bad the situation is this time. severe.

After all, from Lin Chen's mouth, Taoist Tianhe knew that besides the threat of the evil spirit of chaos, there were other threats.

"It's just that Lin Chen, where did he go?"

Whispering in his heart, Taoist Tianhe couldn't understand it.

Because, when Lin Chen left that day, he felt that the aura coming from the other end of that gap was something he had never felt before!

Perhaps, Lin Chen is really no longer in this universe...

At the same time, the Taitian Shrine is committed to integrating many forces to fight against the evil spirits of chaos, but the Eternal Shrine did not respond, it just searched for the passage secretly, and there are many people who are familiar with Lin Chen, they suddenly found that , Lost contact with Lin Chen.

Qian Fengliu and Bei Luo Zetian all went to the tunnel, but found that the tunnel had completely disappeared, and there was no longer any passage to enter the Great Thousand World.

This discovery shocked them greatly.

Although their feelings for the Great Thousand World were not as deep as Lin Chen's, they couldn't accept that they would never be able to return to the reality of the Great Thousand World.

"Could it be that Lin Chen is really dead?"

"Probably not. He is most likely the owner of the ancient god tablet. The ancient god tablet did not hesitate to break through the ancient god formation in order to rescue Lin Chen. Many people saw with their own eyes that day that a figure in a blue shirt and the ancient god tablet Together, they disappeared at the end of the black hole, I think it must be Lin Chen."

Qian Fengliu and Bei Luo Zetian stood in the starry sky, beside them were Demon Sheep, Sui Chaoqi, Goddess Qian Huan, Wang Shaowei and others.

Everyone had their own guesses, but in the end, they couldn't confirm where Lin Chen had gone.

"Lin Chenji has his own aura. He will be fine. I have a hunch that when this kid appears again, the entire universe will tremble!"

On the contrary, the magic sheep is not very worried.

Since Lin Chen was very weak, he had been hiding in the magic stele. It can be said that he has watched Lin Chen step by step to the present level. He believes that Lin Chen has the ability to cope with all harsh environments and create miracles.

"I hope so!"

Everyone was also helpless, and after a long time, they dispersed one after another.

Then, for a long period of time, the evil spirits of chaos did not move, as if they had completely hibernated, but everyone knew that they would definitely make a comeback.

And once they take action, it will definitely be thunder!

Besides, Lin Chen!

Even Lin Chen felt extremely unbelievable about the changes that day.

Under the effect of the divine tablet, the black hole on that side actually shrank, and finally entered his miniature universe.

The planetesimals in the miniature universe are arranged according to the operation of the cosmic secret code, turning into the shape of a black hole, which fits perfectly with the shrinking black hole.

Lin Chen didn't even have time to sense the situation in his miniature universe, so he was engulfed by the power of the divine tablet and entered an exit in front of him, and then the opening was directly closed, which also separated him from this universe. Completely isolated.

Suddenly, what appeared in front of Lin Chen was a boundless rainforest. The smell of rotting leaves was transpiring among the dense trees. It smelled very unique together with the scent of resin and flowers.

And most importantly, Lin Chen felt a strong sense of originality here.

"This is where?"

Surprised, Lin Chen glanced around, his thoughts scattered, but he didn't find anything unusual.

Beside him, the huge ancient god tablet, who did not know when, had shrunk down to the size of a palm, floating by his side, sending out a strange wave.

"What the hell is going on, how did the black hole get into my miniature universe?"

Lin Chen was at a loss.

He had never heard of such a miniature universe.

But he can be sure that there should be no harm in this, but because he has practiced the secret code of the universe.

Submerging his mind, Lin Chen carefully felt his current situation. He found that his injuries had fully recovered, and his body was stronger than before, as if he had been completely baptized by ancient divine power and gained a new life.

Moreover, the divine power in his body has been completely transformed into ancient divine power, and his every move can be filled with ancient divine power!

This is undoubtedly many times stronger than before.

And the ancient dragon power emanating from those two dragon souls is even more irresistible, as if they have transformed into real ancient dragons.

Finally, Lin Chen looked at his miniature universe, and saw that in his miniature universe, the stars that originally represented his cultivation had completely merged with the black hole.

At this moment, in Lin Chen's miniature universe, there is only a black hole, which is very strange.


Just as Lin Chen was meditating, there was a low roaring sound in the rainforest, and at the same time, a very dangerous aura emanated, which made people feel terrified.

Lin Chen's mind moved. It seems that there should be not weak beasts in this rainforest.

With a cold snort, just as he was about to activate his power, Lin Chen heard a coquettish cry again and passed it on.

"There's someone over there, let's go and save him!"

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen saw that in the rainforest in front of him, passing through the dense bushes, there were already several figures rushing towards him.

The leader is a woman with a hot figure, ****, her skin is a healthy wheat color, and her whole body exudes vitality.

"Get out of the way, how did you enter Leibao's territory?"

The woman scolded, and at the same time, a long whip appeared in her hand, and there were sharp thorns on the whip, which were very sharp.

Lin Chen still stood where he was, but behind him, there was already a huge blue leopard, with electric arcs flashing all over its body, it jumped up, and at the same time as it slapped Lin Chen with its two paws, it actually brought There was a terrifying thunder force!

Lin Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he felt that the strength of this so-called Thunder Leopard was at least at the level of Shishen!
Moreover, with such thunder power, he actually felt the aura belonging to the source!
(End of this chapter)

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