Chapter 11

After breakfast, seeing that Gu Xiaoyu was exhausted, Xia Tian hurriedly sent her back to her room to rest.Gu Xiaoyu was also really tired. In addition, it should be because of the rain and illness. The joints all over his body felt dull pain when he moved.

This time, the thin monkey took the initiative to boil another bowl of thick ginger soup for her.After drinking ginger soup, Gu Xiaoyu was forced to "sweat" by covering the quilt in Xia Tian.

She just slept for five or six hours, but she is not sleepy now.Just lay there, thinking.

She has only been here for less than a month, and she has experienced ups and downs, from getting married, to being hijacked by bandits, to coming to this mountain... The huge change yesterday was something she did not expect.Not being able to marry An Ran, for her, is actually more fortunate, and it can even be said to be a sigh of relief.Maybe it's because she married An Ran only because of Yuan Shen's last wish, she didn't want to?Or maybe it's because she has already felt from the An's family's attitude towards her that her life will definitely not be easy if she goes to the An's family.

But, what should I do now?Although he was arrogant yesterday, he told Xia Tian that he could go anywhere, but he couldn't go back to Songshan Village. This broken body was so weak that he could barely walk after being exposed to the rain. What should he do in the future?

Forget it, since the original body and Xia Tian are old friends, and some of her cooking skills are still valued, she should stay calm and recover from her illness in the cottage first, train her body to be stronger, and then make plans!

Gu Xiaoyu didn't eat lunch, it was Slender Monkey who prepared it and brought it over.This thin monkey is also smart, just watched Gu Xiaoyu make lean meat porridge, and made it like a gourd painting. Although a little more salt was added, the taste was not as good as Gu Xiaoyu's, but it was barely edible. .Probably because he couldn't learn Gu Xiaoyu's skill of mixing cold dishes, but the thin monkey didn't make cold vegetables.I just dug up some wild vegetables and used them as dishes for dinner.

In Gu Xiaoyu's situation, it is more suitable to eat some light food instead of meat.To her surprise, the wild vegetables the skinny monkey found were dandelions and shepherd's purse!In this early spring season, there are fewer vegetables, so it would be better to eat such clear wild vegetables.

Seeing that Gu Xiaoyu didn't hold the chopsticks, the thin monkey thought she didn't want to eat, so he hurriedly said, "Miss Xiaoyu, have you never seen these vegetables before and dare not eat them? This shepherd's purse is often eaten in our village, you must know it; The other kind is called mother-in-law, which is not found in our village, and we discovered it by accident. But don’t worry, a doctor said that although this is a medicinal herb, it’s good to eat, especially in spring!”

Hearing what he said, Gu Xiaoyu realized that this shepherd's purse was a wild vegetable that was often eaten in this dynasty, and this mother-in-law, that is, dandelion, was discovered not long ago, and it was more used as a medicinal material.

In fact, Gu Xiaoyu came to this era that did not exist in history not long ago. Although the basic necessities of life here, as well as commonly used grains and vegetables, are similar to those in the Tang Dynasty, they are still somewhat different, so Gu Xiaoyu doesn't know much about it yet.I only know that the grains here include rice, millet, wheat, and soybeans. Vegetables have only seen potatoes, cabbage, and radishes.The rest is really unclear.

Coincidentally, I also want to take this opportunity to ask Skinny Monkey, so that whether I am in the cottage or go out on my own, it will be beneficial.

So, she said while eating: "I just don't have much appetite, this 'grandmother' and shepherd's purse are quite tasty. By the way, our village is small, and some dishes have never been seen before. You have a lot of knowledge, so you can give me more." Do you want to talk?"

Seeing Gu Xiaoyu's modesty, the thin monkey felt even more embarrassed about what happened in the morning: "Why are you modest, just look at the hand you showed in the morning, and you still have to ask me, isn't this a shame for me!"

"Brother Skinny Monkey, you look down on me and don't want to talk about it, do you?"

"Well, then I'm not being polite! I'll just talk about some strange things I think I heard. You grew up in the village, you must know rice, millet, big yellow rice, wheat and soybeans. Food, in fact, I also know a kind of food that is cheap and hungry, sorghum. My family is a little further north from here, and there are people growing it there, so it can withstand any bad weather."

Well, Gu Xiaoyu listened, and silently remembered that at this time, there were already rhubarb rice and sorghum, but no corn.

"As for vegetables, there are wild vegetables like shepherd's purse and mother-in-law Ding, as well as Quma, bracken, thorn sprouts, rapeseed, spinach, leek, small root garlic and so on; in summer, there are lentils and celery. , Eggplant, lettuce, watermelon, taro, etc., and cucumbers that just came from the Western Regions a few years ago; in autumn, there are cabbage, radishes, potatoes, and wax gourds."

The thin monkey said, and Gu Xiaoyu silently memorized it in his mind.Fortunately, there are many kinds of dishes that she is more familiar with in modern times.It's just that I haven't seen the kinds of wild vegetables he mentioned, such as Qumacai and small garlic.You can see more later when you have a chance.

"By the way, there is another thing. It was originally used as a spice. Later, some businessmen who came back from the Western Regions also used it for cooking and seasoning. I ate it once. I ate too much and my tongue hurt a bit. My friend gave it back to me. It's a little bit better, take a look!" Saying this, the thin monkey who was a little bit gossip looked elated.

Gu Xiaoyu took the things that the thin monkey handed over, and immediately became excited: "You are talking about chili peppers, that's great!"

You know, in modern times, Gu Xiaoyu is a person who has no spicy food or no joy.What Malatang, old hot pot, cooking by yourself must be accompanied by some chili seasoning.When she came to ancient times, her biggest regret was that she didn't bring chili, and she didn't have much taste in eating all day long.Unexpectedly, it has already been passed on here!

Well, she has been traveling for so long, and finally met a good thing!
Seeing that Gu Xiaoyu liked it so much, the thin monkey scratched his head: "Although this toy is expensive, I don't like to use it for cooking. It's useless to ask for it. If you like it, keep it! Just as your teacher I get paid for cooking."

"Then I won't be polite." Gu Xiaoyu hurriedly agreed, fearing that the thin monkey would go back on his word.You know, what the thin monkey gave her was not chili noodles, but dried chili peppers with chili seeds inside.This means that she can grow her own in the future!
Scratching his head, the skinny monkey was a little dazed, the girl Xiaoyu looked at peppers, how could she look at silver like them?Is this thing that good?

After calming down, Gu Xiaoyu asked again: "Since there are so many kinds of food and vegetables, why don't we order more dishes? The kitchen only has rice and millet, and the other is cabbage?"

Hearing Gu Xiaoyu's question, Skinny Monkey was a little embarrassed: "Miss Xiaoyu, I made you laugh, but we don't really want to..."

(End of this chapter)

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