Pastoral Pretty Lady

Chapter 55 The Reason Why An Ran Hurt Her

Chapter 55 The Reason Why An Ran Hurt Her

When it comes to Qinghe, Sun Danmo's face is a bit complicated, with regret, jealousy, and gloating.Gu Xiaoyu had to admire Sun Danmo's way of expressing several emotions at the same time.

Seemingly struggling, Sun Danmo finally said: "Qing He is also considered a strange woman, after staying in the brothel for 20 years, she can still get out of the mud without being stained. Until yesterday, I was always envious, even a little jealous of her. Although she didn't come from a brothel like me, she bought it when she was ten years old. Because she could read, sing and dance before, the mother of the brothel raised her as a young lady. Find someone to teach her poetry and songs Talent, playing the piano, singing and dancing. It may be that she didn't want to be reduced to the point of prostitution. She has been working hard and being top-notch in everything. When she was 15 years old, she began to be listed, only performing arts and not selling herself. In this way, many people were defeated. Under her pomegranate skirt. There are even wealthy businessmen who spend a lot of money to buy her first night, and some officials even spend thousands of dollars to redeem her body and marry her back as a concubine. If it were me, I would definitely marry happily, but she has a clear heart Gao, it was rejected!"

Speaking of this, Sun Danmo's unconcealable envy and jealousy can also let Gu Xiaoyu know how special this Qing He is in the eyes of many brothel women.

"And then, how could she have anything to do with Wang En?"

It was only when Gu Xiaoyu interrupted her thoughts that Sun Danmo came back to her senses: "Hey, she, although she was born in a brothel, she has read a lot and has a lot of thoughts. She is not looking for opportunities to leave the brothel like us, but wants to find her in the brothel. A talented man who has the same mind as him, wants to find a scholar. I heard that she has a list of those talented scholars in the city, and she even associates with several people at the same time. Through observation of character and family background, some There is nothing to develop in the future, and then continue to interact with the rest."

This is still a scheming woman!The selection of a husband is the same as an interview, and there are rounds of screening, thanks to her thinking!However, it is not difficult to meet different men in this way, observe and test, and finally choose a suitable husband. It is not difficult in modern times, but in such ancient times when there are various restrictions on women, there are opportunities only in places where brothels finally exist.But for a man who often goes in and out of such a place, can he be reassured if he is married?Gu Xiaoyu was suspicious.

Sun Danmo didn't know what Gu Xiaoyu was thinking, and continued to say: "By the way, for a while, she had a good relationship with a scholar from a small businessman's family. That scholar was so obsessed with her that even the marriage his father ordered him I don't want it anymore, but the old lady of that family is determined not to let her in, she is not even allowed to be a concubine, and even forced the scholar to marry the poor woman who was betrothed. When the scholar was about to get married, he still swore He told Qing He that he would take care of all this and that he would only marry Qing He as his daughter-in-law in the future. As a result, Qing He waited for a long time, and what he waited for was indeed the news that the scholar went to meet his wife, but he disappeared on the way..."

"You said that the scholar who was friends with Qing He disappeared on the way to welcome the bride?" Gu Xiaoyu, who was still listening to the story just now, became restless, "Is the scholar you just mentioned named An?"

"Well, yes, how do you know?" Sun Danmo didn't know the situation, which was a bit strange.

How does she know?Because she was the victim of An Ran's liking for Qing He, that poor woman!She couldn't figure it out before, even if An Ran didn't like herself, she wouldn't want to harm herself that much.It turned out that the truth was that she blocked Qing He's way of marrying into An's family!
Although this matter has passed and her fate has changed, but now that she hears the truth, she still feels a little uncomfortable, maybe the original body's unwillingness is at work.

After sorting out her emotions, she replied: "It's okay, I heard about it when I went shopping in the city before, so An Ran and the bride haven't been found yet, right?"

"No, it's nothing more than An Ran, the most pitiful thing is that bride, hey! Fate!" Seeing that Gu Xiaoyu's expression was not good, although she didn't know what was going on, she quickly changed the subject, "That's the one At that time, Qing He met Prince Wang, no, now he should be called the second village master. The second village master is good-looking and full of talent. At that time, he attracted many of our sisters, and Qing He also liked him very much. The village owner also began to pursue Qinghe like everyone else. Although other people are chasing Qinghe, they will not treat him badly at the same time. He will definitely go to a few girls to relieve his desire at night, but this Wang En knows Qinghe. After He, she never went to find any girls, and made Qinghe treat her differently. She secretly checked the details of the second village master, but found nothing, so she thought he was a prince or a nobleman or a son of a big family, so she treated him differently. He was even more determined. I don't know when the two hooked up. I just heard that Qing He had suspended receiving guests a month ago and was only waiting for him to redeem her body! "

a month ago?Gu Xiaoyu had some impressions, it was when Xia Tian formally introduced her to Wang En, at that time Xia Tian mentioned that Wang En had a friend in the brothel, so it should be Qing He.However, as far as she knew, since then, Wang En has never left the cottage to go to the brothel. This Qinghe has been waiting for him, so I am afraid that life will not be easy, right?
"After waiting for a month, how is Qing He's situation now?"

When talking about this, Sun Danmo was a little bit regretful, but also a little gloating: "Now, compared with the previous days, she is like a heaven and an underground!"

(End of this chapter)

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