Pastoral Pretty Lady

Chapter 61 Too Expensive

Chapter 61 Too Expensive

Sure enough, seeing that Gu Xiaoyu and the others hadn't spoken for a long time, the old bustard lost her temper: "Hey, let me tell you, do you still want to redeem Qinghe? He, there are many people who want to redeem her!"

Gu Xiaoyu listened, and smiled: "Since you said that, forget it, anyway, the Wang family is also a big family with us, it is not difficult to marry ten or eight wives, and have a bunch of children. If she is dissatisfied with her status, it doesn't matter if she doesn't redeem herself!"

As she spoke, she pulled Shouhouer and the others, making a gesture to go back.

"Hey, wait a minute!" Now, the old bustard became anxious, "You don't want Qinghe and the baby in her belly?"

Seeing that the old bustard was in a hurry, Gu Xiaoyu also stopped in her tracks: "It's up to you whether you want it or not! How much money do you want to redeem him? If you are a lion, we will not want me."

After hearing this, the old bustard glanced at Wang En and Xia Tian, ​​wanting to see if they would take care of Gu Xiaoyu, but found that they didn't say anything, just stood aside.Then I understood that today's matter must be decided by Gu Xiaoyu.She was secretly annoyed in her heart, if she knew that Wang En and Wang Meng would not embarrass them when they came alone, and just asked them to pay to bring them along, now, I am afraid there is nothing to gain!

It turned out that she wanted the lion to open her mouth, but when she saw Gu Xiaoyu's attitude, she became honest: "It stands to reason that Qinghe is our top card, why don't I ask for 10 taels of silver, but seeing that you are so sincere, and Qinghe is not a gentleman and will not marry, so take the 2 taels of silver away!"

Gu Xiaoyu rolled her eyes in her heart, when did this old bustard see that she was sincere? 2 taels of silver, even princes and generals would not be taken advantage of like this!
"200 taels, if you can let people go, let them go, if you can't let it go!"

"What?" The old bustard almost fainted after hearing this! 200 taels, the girl who prostitutes herself in their building is more than this money!
After she regained her composure, she put on a smile again: "Girl, this is too little! Why don't I give way here, and you too, how about 1 taels?"

"200 taels!"

Qing He, Qing He, there are so many rich families, and even officials, why did you choose Wang En instead!Although she complained in her heart, the smile on the old bustard's face became even brighter: "Girl, don't be joking. I have raised Qinghe for 20 years, and the annual expenses are more than 200 taels. I also think that she has a good one. Homecoming, in this way, I don’t want more, but the cost of raising her is 200 taels a year, if you give me 4000 taels of silver, I will let her go with you!”

Now, the thin monkey was so happy that he could not wait to agree directly.From 2 taels to 4000 taels, Xiao Yu is simply amazing.

"200 taels!" What the thin monkey didn't expect was that Gu Xiaoyu still didn't let go.The cost of raising Qinghe, this old bustard is really ashamed to say, even if she has invested 4000 taels in Qinghe, given that Qinghe has been listed for five years and has received countless customers, the money she earned back is more than 4 taels Bar?

The old bustard listened, and gritted his teeth: "2000 taels, this is the bottom line, if you can't give it, you can go now! I will ask Qinghe to beat the child when I turn around, and sell her body, how can I earn money in two or three years?" This money! I just look at her young age, I don't want her to go this way, I just want to give their mother and child a way to survive!"

"Deal!" Seeing that the old bustard's bottom line had been reached, Gu Xiaoyu didn't continue.What the old bustard said was also right, if she was in a hurry, it would be too bad if she really didn't let him go.

The brothel girl's deed of sale is in the hands of the prostitute. If someone wants to redeem them, the brothel woman herself has no right to refuse. As long as the prostitute agrees, give the deed of prostitution to the other party, and then go to the government to register together. up.The old bustard had never agreed to those people's request to redeem Qing He's body before. First, it was because she preferred Qing He and wanted to help her find a satisfactory one; second, she didn't want Qing He to get married so early, and wanted to leave her to do more Cash cow for several years.

But this time, the old bustard didn't discuss with Qing He at all, and just handed her over to Gu Xiaoyu and the others.

By the time Qing He knew about it, Gu Xiaoyu's contract of selling herself was already in Gu Xiaoyu's hands, so she had no choice but to go with them.

(End of this chapter)

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