Pastoral Pretty Lady

Chapter 67 Lying is not a good boy

Chapter 67 Lying is not a good boy
In the past, Gu Xiaoyu only gave in to Qing He because of the child in her womb, but now, Gu Xiaoyu doesn't want to stay with Qing He anymore!

So, she said to everyone: "Just now, Hao Ren has roughly said what he saw, and I think this is a better evidence. The brothers in the cottage have noticed recently, Qinghe always follows I'm by my side, not me sticking to her. Because she has a big belly, I always avoid everywhere. When she came to the field today, I also told her not to let her go to the field. When she insisted on going to the field, I was with her The children were pulling weeds together, and when I found out, I saw that she had tripped over something and it was coming towards us!"

Hearing this, Xia Tian's face already had a sullen look, and Uncle Bai's face also changed a bit.

Gu Xiaoyu listened for a while, and then said: "The place where she hit was just between me and Xiaopang. I have two choices. First, dodge to the right, so that I can just avoid her, but that way, children under 4 years old Xiaopang will be hit by her, and the consequences can be imagined; the other option is what I did today, jump over to protect Xiaopang, and let the clear river hit me! Xiaopang's location is indeed on the stone By the way, my hand was broken by a stone..."

As she said that, Gu Xiaoyu raised her hand, and the bright red mark was obvious.

"Qinghe fell down in a split second. In order to protect Xiaopang, I couldn't avoid being injured, so what time did I have to kick her? Besides, after Qinghe fell down, both my legs were crushed by her. It's just asking, how can I kick her away?" Gu Xiaoyu's questioning voice decisively shut up the people who were discussing before.

At this time, the group of brats also stood up to prove: "That's right, we were all watching, it was the female fairy who accidentally fell down while walking by herself. If it wasn't for Sister Xiaoyu, Xiaopang would have been crushed to death by her!"

"That woman never played with us before, and never came to the field. She only came here when sister Xiaoyu was around. She must be deliberately playing tricks on sister Xiaoyu!"

"I'm right at sister Xiaoyu's feet, she didn't stretch her feet at all! That woman is lying, and lying is not a good child!"


The words of Gu Xiaoyu and these brats are clear, black and white are already clear.

Before Uncle Bai could say anything, Xia Tian gave an order: "Since the matter has become clear, Xiao Yu, you should quickly treat your wound and go back to your room to rest! As for Miss Qing He, since you have no children now, go down the mountain when you are healthy. Bar!"

"Villager! How could you treat me like this? You guys ransomed me and brought me up the mountain. Now all my sisters know that I married a rich family. Where can I go if you let me go?" Qinghe listened. , and immediately struggled to get up!

She hated that she was planning to frame Gu Xiaoyu, but these men actually believed Gu Xiaoyu's words.The person who was expelled now was actually her!She even lost her child this time, if she still ended up being kicked out, then she would be at a loss!
Seeing her being such a rascal in Xia Tian, ​​her face became serious: "Miss Qing He, I have already shown you extra favors, don't push yourself too far! The reason for redeeming you is because you are pregnant with Wang En's flesh and blood. If we don't go, the old bustard may force you You had an abortion. After you arrived in the cottage, you didn’t have to worry about eating and drinking, and you were not asked to do any work. As a result, you didn’t know how to cherish it, and even used the child in your womb to frame Xiaoyu. How can we tolerate you? Now, you and Wang En You are not yet married, and you are no longer a prostitute, so you can live on your own even when you go down the mountain. For the sake of your usual relationship with Wang En and the fact that you just lost a child, I will let you temporarily live in the cottage to raise your health. If you continue to make noise , then roll down the mountain immediately!"

Xia Tian's words actually calmed down Qing He, not daring to pester him anymore.Suddenly, she thought of Wang En, and shifted her target to him: "Wang En, a husband and wife can be married for a hundred days, not to mention we have a child. Are you just watching your woman be driven down the mountain? "

What she didn't expect was that at this moment, Wang En had no intention of protecting her at all: "Damn you for hurting Xiaoyu; damn it for using my child to hurt Xiaoyu! You don't have to go down the mountain, I don't mind putting you Throw it into the woods and feed it to the wolves!"

Listening to Wang En's words, everyone couldn't help but sigh, this Wang En is really ruthless, at least they want to have a good time.

The attitudes of Xia Tian and Wang En are so obvious, no one really objected.Uncle Bai sighed, turned around and left, let the young people deal with the young people's affairs, he is old!

In the end, Qing He was kicked out of the mountain after ten days.Of course, in order to prevent her from doing anything unfavorable to the cottage, they still blindfolded her when going down the mountain...

A few days after Qing He left the cottage, Sun Danmo gave birth.

(End of this chapter)

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