Chapter 251 251 Idols are innocent!

Murong Qing nodded slightly, and quickly cleaned up the trash in the trash can.

You know she never does this at home.

Going back to the examination room, the idol was still asleep.

Sitting in her seat, Murong Qing silently imagined the scene of Shen Qinghuan going to 857 last night.

Ding Siyu originally thought that Murong Qing would go to Shen Qinghuan to reason with him out of impulsiveness, but when he stepped into the examination room, facing such a harmonious scene, he was a little bit astonished.

"Qingqing." Ding Siyu asked in a low voice while the invigilator was sorting out the answer sheets on the podium, "Are you okay?"

"What can I do?" Murong Qing responded disapprovingly.

Ding Siyu recounted the news he had inquired to Shen Qinghuan: "I just heard someone say that Shen Qinghuan didn't study very well, and the high school entrance exam was bought with money..."

"Spending money to buy is also an idol's ability. If you have the ability to envy others, if you don't have the ability to buy it yourself!"

Ding Siyu stared at Murong Qing for a while, then wriggled his chapped lips and said, "What do you call her?"


When Ding Siyu wanted to say something, the invigilators in the examination room had already started to maintain order.

Shen Qinghuan hadn't woken up yet.

Ding Siyu curled his lips at Murong Qing, which means you see, the gossip he just got is not wrong.

One-eighth of Nordic blood flows in Murong Qing's body, and her family has been taught bilingually since she was a child. For her, English is not difficult.

However, due to abnormal performance before the high school entrance examination, she was not admitted to the rocket class.So while others were playing and enjoying the vacation brought by the long senior high school entrance examination, Murong Qing was forced to make up another vacation class.

If she doesn't get into the rocket class this time, I'm afraid she will be torn apart by her face-saving mother when she returns home (;Д`)
Fortunately, my efforts were not in vain.

When Murong Qing received the test paper, her hands were shaking.

She finished the listening comprehension with excitement, and quickly finished answering the questions in the test paper within half an hour before the end of the test.

Murong Qing believed that no matter how badly she did in the exam, she was much better than the senior high school entrance exam.

She looked around and found that Shen Qinghuan was still writing furiously, so she cleared her throat, trying to pass the answer to Shen Qinghuan.

But the other party never raised his head.

The invigilator wearing a mask noticed that Murong Qing was different, and the invigilator sitting in the back hurriedly got up from his seat, went to Murong Qing's seat and asked her if there was any discomfort in her body.

Murong Qing couldn't say that she coughed because she wanted to pass the answer to her idol, so she had to explain that she had a cold and her throat was not feeling well.

The male invigilator at the back also calmed down Murong Qing's emotions, and whispered a few words to another female invigilator as she walked up to the podium, and then the male invigilator walked out of the examination room.

Murong Qing felt a little uneasy in her heart.

The invigilation in A has always been notoriously strict.

Just now
The female invigilator on the podium should be the monitoring room to check her true thoughts, right?
It doesn't matter what she is like, the key idol is innocent!
Murong Qing hurriedly stood up from her seat: "Teacher, I want to hand in the paper."

The female invigilator stepped down from the podium, speaking to comfort Murong Qing's emotions, and when the male invigilator returned to the examination room, Murong Qing was tested for body temperature.

The thermometer on the forehead was still green, but the male invigilator seemed uneasy, and handed the mercury thermometer to Murong Qing.

It was only then that Murong Qing realized that during this sensitive period, her abnormal behavior had attracted the attention of the invigilators.

(End of this chapter)

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