Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 103 How to Distinguish True and Fake Milk Powder

Chapter 103 How to Distinguish True and Fake Milk Powder

Faced with various brands of milk powder in shopping malls and supermarkets, we are sometimes at a loss as to how to choose.Because we don't know what kind of milk powder is of high quality, here are a few ways to tell the difference between good and bad milk powder:
1. Look at the color

Good milk powder is naturally milky yellow; and inferior milk powder has crystallization and luster, or bleached white.

2. Taste

Take a little milk powder and taste it in your mouth. Good milk powder is fine and sticky, easy to stick to teeth and tongue, and has no sugary sweetness; low-quality milk powder will dissolve quickly in your mouth, not sticky to teeth, and has a strong sweet taste.

3. Try the feel

For milk powder in bags, rub the packaging bag with your fingers back and forth, good milk powder will make a "squeak" sound; and inferior milk powder has coarse particles due to the mixture of glucose and other ingredients, so it will make a "rustling" flow sound.

4. Look at the dissolution rate
Put the milk powder into the cup, the faster it dissolves, the better.When flushed with hot boiling water, good milk powder forms a suspension and floats up, which will stick to the spoon at the beginning of stirring; low-quality milk powder dissolves quickly.

5. Smell the smell

Open the package, good milk powder has the unique frankincense of milk; inferior milk powder has a light frankincense, or even no frankincense.

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The milk powder is mixed with boiling water, and after standing for a few minutes, if the water and milk separate, it proves that the milk powder has completely deteriorated and cannot be eaten.

(End of this chapter)

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