Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 106 Don't Eat Too Bright Cooked Food

Chapter 106 Don't Eat Too Bright Cooked Food
It is best not to buy cooked food that is particularly bright and attractive.One is that the raw meat of this kind of cooked food is likely to have deteriorated, and the seller added a large amount of artificial pigments to cover up its color. Bacterial food poisoning may occur after eating, vomiting, nausea and visual impairment; second, the color of cooked food is abnormal , most likely because of the addition of an excessive amount of coloring agent - nitrite, because the red color lasts for a long time, but nitrite is a toxic substance, and excessive intake can cause cancer.

family life made easy

Freshly baked bread is still fermenting, so eating it right away is harmful to the body, and it is easy to get stomach problems. It takes at least two hours before eating.

(End of this chapter)

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