Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 121 The time for boiling lamb should not be too short

Chapter 121 The time for boiling lamb should not be too short
Lamb mutton can better preserve the active nutrients in mutton, but it should be noted that the fresher the meat slices, the better. It should be sliced ​​thinner. Blanch it in a boiling pot for about 1 minute, and the color of the meat will change from bright red to gray. It can be eaten, and the time should not be too short, otherwise the bacteria and parasite eggs in the meat slices cannot be completely killed.The temperature in the hot pot soup should be high, and it is best to keep it in a boiling state.

In addition, some people think that the soup in the mutton hot pot is rich in nutrients, but in fact it is the opposite. It usually takes more than one hour to eat mutton. A chemical reaction occurred.Relevant studies have proved that the substances produced after these food reactions are not only not beneficial to the human body, but also cause some diseases.

family life made easy

Mutton cannot be eaten with vinegar, because mutton is hot and nourishes qi and nourishes deficiency. Vinegar contains protein, sugar, vitamins, acetic acid and various organic acids.

(End of this chapter)

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