Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 123 Scrambled Eggs Added MSG

Chapter 123 Scrambled Eggs Added MSG

Nowadays, many families (including restaurants) have the habit of adding MSG when cooking, and scrambled eggs are no exception.As everyone knows, this approach is wrong.As we all know, the ingredient of monosodium glutamate is sodium glutamate, and eggs are rich in glutamic acid and sodium chloride. When heated and fried, the glutamic acid and sodium chloride in eggs will undergo chemical changes and become glutamic acid. Sodium acid produces umami.If MSG is added, the natural umami taste of scrambled eggs will be destroyed, and the taste will not be good.

In addition, dishes that should not be added with MSG include:
1. Foods containing alkali or baking soda

MSG cannot be used in foods containing alkali or baking soda, because in alkaline solution, sodium glutamate will produce disodium glutamate with bad smell and lose its flavoring effect.

2. Sour dishes, sweet and sour, vinegar slippery and hot and sour dishes

Sour dishes, sweet and sour, vinegar and hot and sour dishes should not be cooked with MSG.Because monosodium glutamate is not easy to dissolve in acidic solution, and the stronger the acidity, the lower the solubility. Putting monosodium glutamate in sour dishes will not obtain the seasoning effect.

3. Vegetables cooked in broth
It is not advisable to add monosodium glutamate to dishes cooked in broth.Dashi soup already has a kind of umami taste, and the umami taste of MSG is different from the umami taste of dashi soup.If monosodium glutamate is added to the dishes cooked in broth, it will cover up the umami taste of the broth and make the dishes nondescript.

4. Vegetables stewed with chicken or seafood
Chicken or seafood has a strong umami taste, adding MSG is a waste and does not play any role.

5. Coleslaw

Cold dishes should not put monosodium glutamate.Because the temperature of cold dishes is low, monosodium glutamate is not easy to dissolve and cannot play the role of seasoning.

6. Vegetables heated at high temperature
It is not advisable to add more monosodium glutamate to dishes heated at high temperature, so as not to turn the monosodium glutamate into coked sodium glutamate during the heating process.

family life made easy

It is better to stir the meat filling with eggs, which can make the meat filling fat but not greasy, thin but not tight. Generally, 500 grams of meat filling plus two eggs is enough.

(End of this chapter)

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