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Chapter 125 Peanuts are best eaten boiled

Chapter 125 Peanuts are best eaten boiled

Peanuts are rich in nutrients and contain a variety of vitamins, lecithin, amino acids, choline and oleic acid, stearic acid, palmitic acid and so on.The heat production of peanuts is much higher than that of meat, 1 times higher than milk, and 4 times higher than eggs.

There are also various ways to eat peanuts. They can be eaten raw, fried, fried, or boiled. Among the many ways to eat, boiled is the best.Frying, frying or directly stir-frying with fire will greatly damage the vitamins and other nutrients rich in peanuts.In addition, peanuts themselves contain a lot of vegetable oil. When steamed at high heat, the sweet and flat nature of peanuts will become dry and hot. If you eat it for a long time, eat it for a long time, or those who are weak and hyperactive eat it, it is easy to get angry.Boiled peanuts retain the original phytoactive compounds in peanuts, such as phytosterols, saponins, resveratrol, antioxidants, etc., which have a significant effect on preventing malnutrition, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity.Especially β-sitosterol has the effect of preventing colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer and cardiovascular disease.In addition, the resveratrol in it has strong biological activity, which can not only resist cancer, but also inhibit platelet aggregation and prevent myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction.Peanuts integrate nutrition, health care and disease prevention functions, and play an important role in balancing diet and improving the nutrition and health status of Chinese residents.

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The following types of people should not eat peanuts:

1. Patients with hyperlipidemia

Peanuts contain a lot of fat. After patients with hyperlipidemia eat peanuts, the lipid level in the blood will increase.

2. Cholecystectomy

The fat contained in peanuts needs bile to digest, and the function of storing bile is lost after cholecystectomy. If such people eat peanuts, it will cause indigestion.

3. Dyspepsia

Peanuts contain a lot of fat, and people with poor spleen and stomach functions such as enteritis and dysentery will aggravate their conditions after eating them.

(End of this chapter)

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