Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 140 Boiling water and scalding bowls cannot wipe out all germs

Chapter 140 Boiling water and scalding bowls cannot wipe out all germs
Now, many people like to scald bowls and chopsticks with boiling water or hot water before meals, thinking that all germs can be wiped out in this way.For tableware, high-temperature boiling is indeed the most common disinfection method, and many germs can be killed by high-temperature disinfection.However, there must be two conditions for high-temperature disinfection to really achieve the effect, one is to reach a certain temperature, and the other is to last for a sufficient time.

There are many types of microorganisms in intestinal-transmitted diseases, and bacteria that often cause acute diarrhea include pathogenic Escherichia coli, Salmonella, and Shigella.Most of these bacteria can die after being heated at 100°C for 1-3 minutes or heated at 80°C for 10 minutes. If the heating temperature is 56°C, these bacteria can still survive after 30 minutes of heating.In addition, some bacteria are more resistant to high fever, such as anthrax spores and cereus spores.

Therefore, scalding the bowl with boiling water before eating, because the temperature is not high enough and the time is not enough, can only kill a very small number of microorganisms, and cannot guarantee the killing of most pathogenic microorganisms.In order to really achieve the effect of disinfection and sterilization, boiling, circulating steam or using infrared ray to sterilize the cupboards are all optional methods. It usually lasts for 15-30 minutes.

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The steam disinfection method requires waiting for the water to boil and continuing to boil for 10 minutes to be effective.When using a dishwasher to disinfect, it should be noted that the water temperature should generally be kept at around 85°C, and the rinse and disinfection time should be 40 seconds, so as to ensure the disinfection effect.

(End of this chapter)

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