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Chapter 142 Gas stove, don't turn on the fire too low

Chapter 142 Gas stove, don't turn on the fire too low

Gas stoves have gradually become the most common cooking utensils in ordinary people's homes.In winter, the time to open windows at home is reduced, and the safety of household gas stoves should be paid more attention to.

In fact, in life, as long as you pay attention to some details when using the gas stove, you can avoid poisoning caused by natural gas leakage.For example, when stewing or making soup, some people like to open the flame very small, which can easily cause air leakage or incomplete combustion.

Also, note:
1.When cooking soup or boiling water, do not fill the container too full, and do not leave it alone, so as to prevent the fire from being extinguished by the overflowing soup and water and causing air leakage.

2. When using, you should always pay attention to the color of the fire.An orange flame indicates incomplete combustion of the gas. In this case, carbon monoxide will be released. You can adjust the flame by adjusting the damper under the stove, and the blue flame shall prevail.

3. In a low-temperature environment, some gas stoves may have poor combustion efficiency or cannot be used.At this time, do not use candles, lighters and other heat sources to directly heat the gas tank or fire outlet, and use safer methods such as heating rods or windshields.

4. After use, the main valve of the household gas stove should be closed in time.

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The gas stove should be installed in a ventilated place, and should not be installed in a place close to curtains, furniture, gasoline, kerosene and other flammable materials or placed in a place where strong wind blows directly.

(End of this chapter)

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