Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 150 Feeling Good

Chapter 150 Feeling Good

In general, therapeutic drugs can be discontinued after the condition is stable.But there are some drugs that cannot be stopped suddenly.

1. Antiarrhythmic drugs
When using propranolol, propranolol and other drugs to treat coronary heart disease and angina pectoris, stopping the drug immediately after it is effective may cause more severe angina pectoris and even myocardial infarction.When propranolol needs to be discontinued after the condition is stable, the dose should be reduced 2 weeks in advance to prevent accidents.

2. Antidiabetic drugs

Insulin is one of the most effective commonly used drugs for lowering blood sugar. After diabetics use insulin, if the drug is suddenly interrupted, blood sugar will rise sharply, and even ketoacidosis coma.

3. Antihypertensive drugs
Propranolol, clonidine and other commonly used anti-hypertensive drugs, after long-term use to reduce blood pressure to normal, stop the drug immediately, blood pressure can rise sharply in a short period of time, even exceeding the blood pressure level before treatment, and the patient will experience dizziness and headache , Blurred vision and other dangerous symptoms of high blood pressure, more serious cerebral blood vessel rupture and bleeding may occur.Therefore, the dose should be reduced in advance under the guidance of a doctor.

4. Adrenal corticosteroid drugs

When hormone drugs such as prednisone and dexamethasone are used to treat critically ill patients, if the drug is suddenly stopped, the condition may "rebound", the condition will suddenly aggravate, and even accidental death may occur.

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Some medicines for symptomatic treatment, such as analgesics, antipyretics, sleeping pills, etc., are generally used when symptoms occur, and no further medicine is needed after symptoms disappear.

(End of this chapter)

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