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Chapter 156 Common Ineffective Drugs in Life

Chapter 156 Common Ineffective Drugs in Life
As commonly used drugs enter the family, many people buy their own medicines for common diseases.However, the "key" of some drugs is often unclear, resulting in many ineffective drugs and even drug resistance. Therefore, attention should be paid.If you have the following common ineffective medication situations, you may wish to improve:
1. Antibiotics for flu patients
Influenza is an upper respiratory tract infection caused by influenza virus. At present, it is very common to use antibiotics for influenza patients, not only for personal use, but also for some doctors to treat influenza.However, antibiotics are ineffective in treating influenza, and antibiotics should only be considered when bacterial infections are concurrent.

2. Antibiotics should not be used for functional diarrhea
Diarrhea is generally divided into infectious diarrhea and non-infectious diarrhea. Antibiotics should be used for the former, while antibiotics for the latter are ineffective.Digestive disorders can be caused by improper diet, food allergies (allergies to milk, fish and shrimp, etc.), changes in life patterns, and sudden changes in the external climate. Antibiotics for such diarrhea are ineffective, and diet therapy or some digestive aids should be used.

3. Gamma globulin prevents infectious diseases
Gamma globulin has a preventive effect on some infectious diseases, such as measles, hepatitis A, polio, and rubella.It is also effective to use gamma globulin for those who have contacts with the above patients.However, gamma globulin is ineffective against hepatitis B, influenza, chickenpox, common cold, and mumps.

4. Hormones for dermatitis and pruritus

Because adrenal cortex hormone has anti-allergic effect, it has certain curative effect on some skin diseases and pruritus, but it is useless in most cases.Long-term use or frequent use of this medicine may induce infection, affect growth and development, and even cause ulcers or non-healing.Therefore, patients with skin diseases and pruritus should not choose hormones or topical medicines made of hormones first, and should use such medicines under the guidance of doctors.

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In order to save trouble, some people often open the cap of the medicine bottle and drink the medicine directly, which is both unscientific and unhygienic.The correct method is to pour the liquid medicine into a small spoon or other container according to the doctor's instructions or the dosage indicated on the bottle label, and take it with boiled water.

(End of this chapter)

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