Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 160 Lips: Barometer of Health

Chapter 160 Lips: Barometer of Health

Chapter 123 Lips: A Barometer of Health

Healthy people's lips are ruddy and shiny, while diseased people's lips can appear in various abnormal colors.

1. The color of the upper lip is burnt or vinegar red: it is a lesion of the large intestine, accompanied by symptoms such as shoulder discomfort, bad breath and mouth rash, throat congestion, and ear and nose obstruction.

2 Pale and blue upper lip: Deficiency and coldness of the large intestine, diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal cramps, shivering, cold and heat and other symptoms appear occasionally.

3. Crimson lower lip: stomach heat, stomach pain, limb stagnation, choking, abdominal distension and other symptoms.

4 Pale lower lip: It is caused by stomach deficiency and cold, and symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, cold stomach, and stomach pains will occur.

5. Yellow inside the lips: There are signs of hepatitis. If it is cloudy, the liver and gallbladder must be poor.

6 Lip color is as red as red: fever, heart fire, and respiratory inflammation.

7 Lip color is dark and turbid: digestive system dysfunction, sometimes constipation, diarrhea, headache, insomnia, loss of appetite, etc.

8. White lip color: It is a characteristic of blood deficiency, weak blood circulation, cold and purple limbs in winter, malnutrition, poor daily life, easy to cause anemia.

9. Lips turn yellow and dry: the secretion of the spleen is hindered, which weakens the resistance of the immune system and assists hematopoietic function, making it easy to be infected.

10 Cyanosis of the lips: Modern medicine calls it "cyanosis", which is a sign of body hypoxia or drug poisoning.It is often accompanied by dark red or light blue complexion, chest tightness or tingling pain from time to time, palpitation and shortness of breath, ecchymosis and ecchymosis on the tongue and other symptoms.

11 Chapped lips: refers to the appearance of fissures or fissures on the lips, which were called "cleft lip swelling" and "dryness and cracking" in ancient times.

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If the newborn's lips appear cyanotic, it is congenital heart disease and should be treated as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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