Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 165 Lesions, as can be seen from the condition of the nails

Chapter 165 Lesions, as can be seen from the condition of the nails
Changes in nutritional status and some diseases are also often reflected in changes on the surface of the nails. Through changes in the nails, it is often possible to find out whether lesions occur inside the human body.Generally, it can be reflected in the following situations:

1. If anemia, nails are often pale and bloodless.

2. Patients with myocardial infarction often have horizontal stripes on their nails before the onset of the disease.

3. Before the onset of cardiovascular disease, the nails often appear bluish purple.

4. If the metabolism is disordered, some or all of the nails will be decolorized.

5. If vitamin A is deficient, vertical stripes will appear on the nails.

6. If there is a problem with the intestinal tract, there will be flocculent white spots or white clouds on the nails.

7. Nails are dull and pale, indicating that the person is weak and cold.

8. If indigestion or malnutrition, the nails will be soft and not firm.

9. The nails of patients with cor pulmonale are sunken, flat or spoon-shaped, fragile and dull.

10. If dehydrated, the nails will be dark brown and the streaks will be obviously disordered.

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Nails need nutrients, including:

1. Protein: This nutrient can be obtained from grains, beans, and egg yolks.

2. Vitamins and minerals: This kind of nutrition can be obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables.

3. Water.

4. Calcium and phosphorus: This kind of nutrition can be obtained from carrots.

(End of this chapter)

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