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Chapter 167 Five organ discomforts transmit the signal of visceral disease

Chapter 167 Discomfort in the five sense organs transmits the signal of visceral disease

The five sense organs are the vital organs of the human body.If the five sense organs feel uncomfortable, then the five internal organs are gradually becoming weakened, resulting in diseases.

1. Sudden frequent blurring of the eyes, dry corners of the eyes, and inability to see clearly, this is a harbinger of weakened liver function.If you press around the liver, you will feel swollen.At this time, in addition to seeking medical treatment in time, you should also pay attention to eye hygiene, and don't make your eyes too tired. Sometimes improper use of eyes will also affect the liver.

2. The ears are always buzzing, and the sound is not clear. This is a signal that the kidney function is gradually declining. Sometimes it is accompanied by symptoms such as foot pain, low back pain, and frequent urination. People who are overworked should pay special attention. It is necessary to achieve a balance between work and rest, avoid excessive fatigue, drink less alcohol, and eat less irritating foods such as ginger and pepper.

3. Poor sense of smell, frequent coughing, and sometimes even difficulty in breathing, which is a sign of gradual weakening of lung function. The patient should first pay attention to diet, quit smoking or control the amount of smoking, and do not stay with people who smoke regularly.Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, strengthen physical exercise, and prevent pulmonary complications.

4. The lips feel numb, the diet decreases, and the body becomes thinner and thinner. This is because the function of the pancreas is gradually weakening. This is mainly due to eating disorders and improper hunger and fullness. Because the pancreas is not good, it will affect the stomach. When damaged, lips become visibly dry, chapped, numb and tasteless.At this time, in addition to adjusting your diet, you should also pay attention not to eat cold and greasy food.

5. The sense of taste is dull, unable to taste the taste, accompanied by symptoms such as palpitations, dreaminess, insomnia, etc., which means that the heart function has been damaged, which is caused by overwork. When the mouth is dry and the tongue coating is thick, it is difficult to taste Be especially vigilant when you smell the food to prevent heart disease.

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For snoring patients, it can vary from person to person according to the condition. First, try not to sleep on your back to prevent the back of the tongue from blocking the airway; Fat deposits in the neck that narrow the upper airways.

(End of this chapter)

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