Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 184 Use warm water to easily deal with chapped hands and feet

Chapter 184 Use warm water to easily deal with chapped hands and feet
In the cold and dry winter, people's exposed hands will have cracks, pain and bleeding, and it is not easy to heal. How to prevent the "skinned and bruised" hands?The following methods are available for reference.

1. Soak the affected area with warm water for 20 minutes to soften the skin cuticles. After drying, apply cod liver oil ointment, tannic acid ointment or urea cream, etc., then wrap the affected area with a small piece of plastic wrap, and use adhesive tape fix.

2. After soaking in warm water, apply the tape directly, and remove it after 24 hours. The time of the tape should not be too long, not more than 48 hours, otherwise it will cause the crack to deepen and even secondary infection.

3. To prevent chapped skin, pay attention to diet and nutrition.Vitamin A can promote epithelial growth and resist hyperkeratosis, and eating more in moderation can help wounds heal.Foods rich in vitamin A include carrots, beans, green leafy vegetables, fish, liver, milk, etc.In addition, you can eat more fatty and sugary foods in moderation to increase the secretion of sebaceous glands and avoid skin cracking.At the same time, pay special attention to keeping your hands warm and cold.

family life made easy

The best way to prevent chapped skin in winter is to take good care of your skin. When washing your hands in winter, try to use as little soap or medicated soap as possible, because excessive washing will only completely wash away the oil normally secreted from the skin surface, resulting in dry and cracked skin. Dry immediately after use, apply vitamin E or petroleum jelly ointment to lock the moisture in the skin in time.

(End of this chapter)

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