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Chapter 190 Brown sugar water treats dysmenorrhea, the effect is not great

Chapter 190 Brown sugar water treats dysmenorrhea, the effect is not great
In most cases, dysmenorrhea is caused by increased synthesis of prostaglandins in the endometrium.In addition, gynecological diseases such as poor menstrual blood flow or endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, and pelvic congestion can also cause abdominal pain during menstruation.The method of drinking brown sugar water for relief is often suitable for women recovering after childbirth, and can help them relieve uterine contractions.But for menstrual women, it is not very useful. Sometimes eating too much sweets will increase their anxiety.For dysmenorrhea, diet therapy can play a better role in prevention and treatment.

Within 3-5 days before menstrual cramps, the diet should be mainly light, and it is best to eat some foods that are easy to digest and absorb, and do not overeat.When menstruation has come, be sure to avoid eating raw and cold food and irritating food such as pepper, raw onion, raw garlic, pepper, etc., because it will stimulate the contraction of the uterus and fallopian tubes, thereby inducing or aggravating dysmenorrhea.Eat less cold foods such as bamboo shoots and cabbage, as well as fried and high-calorie foods.Try to eat less sweet or salty "junk food", they are easy to make people gas or sluggish.Dysmenorrhea patients can properly eat sour foods, such as sauerkraut, vinegar, etc., which can relieve pain to a certain extent.If the amount of menstrual blood is not much, you can also drink a little wine in moderation, which can dredge meridians, activate collaterals, dilate blood vessels, and relax smooth muscles, which has a good effect on the prevention and treatment of dysmenorrhea.

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The sugar and calories contained in brown sugar and white sugar are almost the same, but brown sugar contains more glucose and cellulose, releases energy faster, and has a higher absorption rate, so eating brown sugar is more beneficial to health than white sugar.

(End of this chapter)

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