Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 193 The right sleeping position is the most reasonable

Chapter 193 The right sleeping position is the most reasonable
When choosing a sleeping position, it is generally better to sleep on the side with a slight bend.Because when sleeping on the side, the spine of the human body is slightly bent forward, and the limbs are easily placed in a comfortable position, so that the muscles of the whole body can be more satisfactorily relaxed.Sleeping on the right side has many advantages, because the human heart is on the left side of the chest cavity. If you sleep on the right side, the pressure on the heart will be reduced, which can reduce its burden and facilitate blood drainage.At the same time, the mouths of the stomach leading to the duodenum and the small intestine leading to the large intestine are opened to the right, which is conducive to the smooth operation of the contents of the gastrointestinal tract.The liver is located in the right upper abdomen, and it is in a low position when lying on the right side, so the blood supply to the liver will increase, which is conducive to digesting food and absorbing nutrients, and is conducive to metabolism in the body and detoxification of drugs.

In fact, it is impossible for people to fix a posture during the whole night's sleep. At a certain time, they will turn over or change the position of their limbs by themselves in order to obtain a comfortable posture.Therefore, in the process of sleeping, as long as you can fall asleep quickly and your body will not feel uncomfortable, you can just master a lying position, and you don't have to be too rigid.

family life made easy

It is advisable for pregnant women to lie on the left side, which is not only beneficial to their own future childbirth, but also beneficial to the growth and development of the fetus, but they cannot remain motionless without turning over, and they can change their positions appropriately.

(End of this chapter)

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