Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 196 Driving fast is prone to heart disease

Chapter 196 Driving fast is prone to heart disease

On the open road, many people will involuntarily speed up.People who like to drive fast may not know that driving too fast is not only prone to traffic accidents, but also has great harm to the driver's health and can easily induce some diseases.

1. Cardiovascular diseases

A person's normal heart rate is about 60 beats per minute, but when the speed of the vehicle exceeds 80 kilometers per hour, the heart rate increases to 100-110 beats; when the speed of the vehicle exceeds 120 kilometers, the heart rate can exceed 110 beats.Although people usually take part in sports, the heart rate will reach the above value, but after the exercise, the heart rate of healthy people will quickly return to normal in a short time.Driving at high speed, especially for a long time at high speed, keeps the heartbeat at a high frequency, and the heart will appear "fatigue", which can easily lead to heart disease.

In addition, if you drive fast for a long time, because you have to make emergency response at any time, in addition to your arms, your legs must not leave the accelerator and brake at all times, which will also affect blood circulation.

2. Diseases of the skeletal system
If there is an emergency when driving fast, the strong inertia during rapid braking will cause the head and upper body to lean forward suddenly, which can easily injure the neck and back muscles, cervical spine and spine.If the road is uneven, frequent bumps will aggravate the wear of the intervertebral disc and even cause trauma.

3. Mental disorders
Driving fast is, for some, a means of venting restlessness.Conversely, driving fast for a long time can also change people's mood and induce bad emotions such as impatience and irritability.Over time, some people may develop psychological barriers.

Therefore, try to maintain a peaceful mind when driving. Relaxing and slow driving can not only adjust your mood and relieve fatigue, but also a way to protect your health.

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If you feel drowsy while driving, here are a few things to try:
1. Eating and drinking: chewing gum, chocolate, mints, Red Bull, etc. are the first-choice foods.

2. Apply and apply: apply essential oils and cooling oils on the forehead or temples, the chilly feeling will make you refreshed.

3. Listen to and sing: turn on the stereo to listen to music and sing along, listening and singing can quickly drive away drowsiness.

(End of this chapter)

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