Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 200 Walking after dinner may not be suitable for you

Chapter 200 Walking a hundred steps after a meal may not be suitable for you

As the saying goes, "walking a hundred steps after a meal can live 99 years", in fact, this statement is not scientific.From the perspective of digestive physiological function, the stomach is in a state of fullness after a meal, and at this time it is necessary to ensure sufficient blood supply to the gastrointestinal tract for preliminary digestion.Proper rest after meals can ensure more blood supply to the gastrointestinal tract.

If you take a walk immediately after a meal, the blood needs to be transported to other parts of the body, the blood supply to the gastrointestinal tract will be reduced accordingly, and the food will not be fully digested.Besides, the digestive juice in the stomach is produced by the conditioned reflex of eating food. Only when the stomach is full can the gastric juice be secreted vigorously.Such as walking after a meal, the stomach moves rapidly during the activity, pushing the undigested food into the small intestine prematurely, so that the nutrition of the food cannot be fully digested and absorbed.Some people's "fullness" is just that the stomach feels full, but the nutrition is not absorbed into the body, and the body is still in a "starving" state.If you get up and walk in a hurry at this time, some blood will be concentrated in the motor system, which will delay the secretion of digestive juice, disrupt the normal digestion of the stomach, and easily induce functional dyspepsia.

In addition, the temperature in winter is low, and the temperature difference between the indoor and outdoor dining environment is large. When eating, the face is red and sweaty. If you leave the restaurant in a hurry and walk under the stimulation of cold wind, the sweat glands and capillaries in the subcutaneous tissue will suddenly shrink, which is easy to cause wind chill. Headaches also increase the burden of blood supply to the heart.Therefore, it is more appropriate to sit quietly after meals, close your eyes and rest for 30 minutes, and then move around.

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Walking after meals is not good for patients with coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, cerebral arteriosclerosis, diabetes, chronic esophageal disease, and gastric surgery.It may cause angina pectoris, aggravate dizziness, make the upper abdomen full and uncomfortable, cause orthostatic hypotension, premature beats, tachycardia, and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.

(End of this chapter)

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