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Chapter 209 Brushing Teeth Immediately After Meals Is Harmful To Dental Health

Chapter 209 Brushing Teeth Immediately After Meals Is Harmful To Dental Health
People who care about their teeth have become accustomed to brushing their teeth twice a day in the morning and evening, and some people are also used to brushing their teeth immediately after meals.However, research suggests that brushing teeth immediately after a meal is not conducive to dental health.

A large amount of acidic food that people eat when eating will adhere to the teeth and react with the calcium and phosphorus molecules in the tooth enamel layer to separate the calcium and phosphorus. At this time, the teeth will become soft and brittle.If you brush your teeth at this time, part of the enamel will be scratched off, which will damage the health of your teeth.

Brush your teeth half an hour after a meal, and the calcium, phosphorus and other elements that have been released from the tooth enamel have returned to the team, that is, brush your teeth after the tooth’s protective layer is restored, and it will not damage the teeth.Dentists suggest that drinking a small glass of milk after a meal or using milk in close contact with teeth like gargling can speed up the recovery of tooth calcium.

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The best water for brushing your teeth is warm water at 30°C to 36°C, because if the teeth are stimulated by sudden cold or heat for a long time, it will not only easily cause gum bleeding, but also directly affect the normal metabolism of teeth, easily induce dental diseases, and affect the health of teeth. life.

(End of this chapter)

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