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Chapter 217 Don't Have Close Contact With Your Phone

Chapter 217 Don't Have Close Contact With Your Phone
There are more and more people using mobile phones now, and almost everyone has one.While mobile phones bring convenience to people, the radiation it produces also has a serious impact on people's health, such as causing long-term amnesia, damaging testicular cells, and causing women to lose their reproductive capacity.

In order to minimize the harm of mobile phones to the human body, experts suggest that when using mobile phones, you should pay attention to the following points:
1. Do not answer the phone at the moment of dialing.The radiation of the mobile phone is the strongest at the moment of being dialed, so don't answer it when the ringer first rings, and answer it after a few rings; after dialing the phone number, don't rush to put the phone to your ear, It's never too late to speak after seeing the dial-up signal in the display.

2. It is best not to make phone calls in the car.Since the cars are all made of metal, a large number of mobile phone electromagnetic waves are reflected back and forth in the car.The density of these electromagnetic waves greatly exceeds the safety standard and seriously affects everyone's health.

3. Don't listen to the phone when the mobile phone signal is weak.Calling a mobile phone in a weak signal environment will significantly increase the radiation, and the human body's absorption of antenna radiation may also increase. Therefore, try to avoid calling a mobile phone when the mobile phone signal is not good.

4. Don't put it next to the pillow when you sleep.Mobile phone radiation is more harmful to the human head. It can cause functional disorders in the central nervous system, causing symptoms such as headache, dizziness, and dreaminess, and some of them can also stimulate people's faces.

5. Don't use your mobile phone as a chest ornament.Studies have shown that hanging a mobile phone on the chest will have a certain impact on the heart and endocrine system.Even in the standby state with less radiation, the electromagnetic wave radiation around the mobile phone will cause harm to the human body.People with heart failure and arrhythmia should especially avoid hanging their mobile phones on their chests.

6. Putting it in the trouser pocket will kill sperm.Medical experts pointed out that if the mobile phone is often hung on the waist or abdomen of the human body, the electromagnetic waves generated when it sends and receives signals will radiate to the sperm or eggs in the human body, which may affect the reproductive function of the user.

7. Don't be superstitious about mobile phone anti-magnetic stickers.In fact, the radiation source of the mobile phone mainly comes from its antenna part, so the use of mobile phone anti-magnetic stickers cannot block the damage of electromagnetic waves to the human body.

8. Don't ignore the radiation from the charger.It has been proved by research that the radiation produced by the charger may also cause harm to the human body, so it is better to stay away from the charger, and don't forget to unplug the plug after it is fully charged.

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Some people think that after the mobile phone is turned off, it will not cause harm to the body. In fact, it is not the same. Turning off the phone will cause harm to the body just like turning it on.

(End of this chapter)

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