Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 224 It's better to blink 20 times per minute when using a computer

Chapter 224 It's better to blink 20 times per minute when using a computer

People who use computers for a long time generally suffer from dry eye syndrome, that is, easy to dry eyes, red eyes and tiredness.Experts believe that this is closely related to the lack of blinking when using a computer.

When people stare at the fluorescent screen, the number of blinks will be reduced invisibly, from 20 to 25 times per minute to 5 to 10 times, thereby reducing the lubricant in the eye - the secretion of tears, and the eyeballs are exposed to air for a long time In the middle, the water evaporates too quickly, causing dry eyes and discomfort.If this is the case for a long time, it is easy to cause dry eye syndrome, and even damage the cornea in severe cases.

The expert's advice is: blink more and take a break at least once every hour.

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Prolonged exposure to the computer is not good for the health of the eyes. Experts suggest that drinking "four cups of tea" every day can not only reduce radiation, but also help protect the eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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